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Nice house CD chk out Altered states v.2


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Originally posted by noira

prog house is not house

tech house is not house, it's just prog house grown up

satoshi is NOT anything resembling house

way out west is NOTHING but trance

I'm not making fun of you for liking crappy music, I'm making fun of you for presuming to call your music house -

and yes, anything with hide you should be used as a coaster or target practice.

I fucking HATE all that GU Board, I know music better than you do, my taste is better yours, tight ass SHIT...

Grow up, honey. :heart:

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Originally posted by bbflux

I fucking HATE all that GU Board, I know music better than you do, my taste is better yours, tight ass SHIT...

Grow up, honey. :heart:

Barbie I couldn't agree with you more. It is insulting to think that some people feel the need to lecture others on the proper application of genre names, which are little more than arbitrary labels created by the record companies to sort their music.

:rolleyes: I'm far from impressed!

*By the way James.......thanks for your original post, that compilation looks like a nice collection of huge club hits from 2001. It's always nice to have a greatest hits collection around to piss off jaded west palm beach "house-heads", who think they received a masters degree from Juliard in the evolution of dance music.

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look, all I was offering was an opinon, based on experience and knowledge. This is an open board, where such opinions are to be expressed, and where people come to learn new things. Some people though, prefer to express on this board just how far up their ass they can shove their heads.

Whatever works for you - still doesn't change the facts - house is house and that cd ain't house - you can call a duck a dog and a cat a horse, a duck's still a duck and a cat's a cat.

If it makes you feel more intelligent and cooler to call that kind of music house, then go for it - I'm sure it's not the first time you've fronted something you don't have :D

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It is insulting to think that some people feel the need to lecture others on the proper application of genre names, which are little more than arbitrary labels created by the record companies to sort their music.

I agree w/ Joey on this... I personally havent even heard the comp. I think Noira's a little too concerned with "labels"... As an artist I prefer to have my music heard not labled... Who cares if someone has a different interpretation of a genre...Does everyone have to see things your way... Every song is different... Just like every opinion...

And i do respect your opinion...I just dont think you or anyone should be saying this is the way it has to be...

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Originally posted by noira

look, all I was offering was an opinon, based on experience and knowledge. This is an open board, where such opinions are to be expressed, and where people come to learn new things. Some people though, prefer to express on this board just how far up their ass they can shove their heads.

Whatever works for you - still doesn't change the facts - house is house and that cd ain't house - you can call a duck a dog and a cat a horse, a duck's still a duck and a cat's a cat.

If it makes you feel more intelligent and cooler to call that kind of music house, then go for it - I'm sure it's not the first time you've fronted something you don't have :D

You illustrate your own point w/ a level of hypocrisy that is rivaled only by your arrogance.

I’m not challenging your right to speak your mind, please feel free to express yourself. However, if you go back and read your posts…..they come off as patronizing and demeaning. We are all friends around here. :)

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Agreed, Joey! Throwing your "knowledge" our way at James' expense was NOT COOL, Miss Noira. We're all friends around here and if you don't have something nice to say.... DON'T SAY IT! I'm not saying don't disagree I just think it would be a good idea to show us all how educated you really are and show some manners.

We all treat each other well around here, unless you're Beyondo, dgat or that other guy (what was his name?). It would be a shame if ClubPlanet were lost to that kind of elitist bullshit in which you had to sweat it every time you posted something for fear of mockery. I don't think anyone around really wants that. :)

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Originally posted by joeygk

I'm not challenging your right to speak your mind, please feel free to express yourself. However, if you go back and read your posts. They come off as patronizing and demeaning. We are all friends around here. :)

Bonnie, It's true that you are knowedgable with electronic music and I did like that previous post about the origin of balearic trance, but the way you slammed James really wasn't cool. Your coming off with a arrogant, condescending, bitchy like attitude that I know your not?

James is my friend just like you are. We are all friends here?.

I don't need to tell you that this, that and every other messageboard is a learning experience. It's a moving mass of motion that twirls and shapes itself from our very lives, thought's and experience's. It should be taught and shared without prejeduce to all people who care and love the music.

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i like the redskins - but they still suck.

I explained my responses, in exhaustive detail, yesterday. I am not responsible for other's choosing to dig in a few late immature comments or responses or judgements.

Again, this is a messageboard - an information source. The fact that people use it for other means doesn't concern me.

And you're right danny, this should be used as a means of learning without prejudice. The problem is that everyone has a very narrow-minded concept of what they're actually willing to learn. It's much easier to stay ignorant.

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Originally posted by joeygk

*By the way James....... It's always nice to have a greatest hits collection around to piss off jaded west palm beach "house-heads", who think they received a masters degree from Juliard in the evolution of dance music.

Now, now Joey... that's a bit below the belt!

This thread's on it's way to the Drama board!

Call it what you will... Everyone should just shut up and dance!!! (and it's not house by the way...had to get it in)

I'll just hang tight & jaded here in Ft. Lauderdale listening to my one "house" cd. :laugh:

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Originally posted by noira


cause that's a lot to type and most people aren't too interested in reading my theories on the progression of dance music through the late 20th century. :D

plus, sometimes, it's just fun to be bitchy.


really your theories? ...umm don't think so considering books like "Last night a DJ saved my life" and such that have analyzed the scene and evolution of "house" music.

even if it's fun to be bitchy, remember this is a local community where most of us know each other, not a global one that you're use to treating like shit.

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Originally posted by loraine

really your theories? ...umm don't think so considering books like "Last night a DJ saved my life" and such that have analyzed the scene and evolution of "house" music.

Loraine you are 2000% Correct with that statement!!! It is one of the more intelligent statements made(other than Noira's killer mission statement on house!)... We all should know that it all started with house.. or actually disco.

Just like they say we evolved from "apes"!

Apes = Apes

Humans = Humans

one evolved from the other but they are two completely seperate things. Yes they have A LOT in common but are they the same??? Mammals... yes... Music... yes... I mean I still scratch my ass like a monkey... but I'm not one! :laugh:

And to cut through all the "red-tape" of this thread... all of this bickering was due to someone stating that the cd posted was NOT house... no one ever disagreed and said it didn't evolve from house itself.

This is almost as bad as discussing religion!!!! Are there any "Jews For Jesus" on the board. :laugh:

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The bottom line is that the guy at Specs should be canned!!! :blown:

Everyone dancing yet??? It's obvious everyone here is pretty open minded(trendy) because everyone meets up at a myriad of events... AquaBooty Fridays @ rain with the likes of Miguel Migs (that's DEEP house fyi) and at Space for PVD(that is Trance).... soooooo... it is safe to say we all come from apes!!!!!

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Originally posted by loraine

really your theories? ...umm don't think so considering books like "Last night a DJ saved my life" and such that have analyzed the scene and evolution of "house" music.

Loraine----you are so right. That book was such a cool read, both informative and entertaining! :D

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"Last Night..." is quite good but it's got SOOO much information packed in there I kept skipping around.

Channel 4 (UK tv station) did an excellent story on the origins of house from Chicago onwards - really amazing stuff. Its accessible via real player online - if anyone's interested I'll post some links. This explains so well how house came to the UK and turned into trance and progressive - just some really fascinating stories there. A lot of what i wrote earlier comes from what I learned by watching this.

Also, of course, Irvine Welsh's ecstasy is a good read and anything by Jeff Noon - some really tripped out stuff but he's got a pulse on music - especially his last release, "Needle in the Groove."

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"As The Miami Cp Board Turns" Lmao . my friend writes a post to talk; about a cool cd he picked up, when we were chilling on saturday. then the post becomes a series of personal attacks, and narrow interpretations of music genres. to quote my buddy Joe "It is insulting to think that some people feel the need to lecture others on the proper application of genre names, which are little more than arbitrary labels created by the record companies to sort their music." imo just as one should learn without prejudice; on should listen to music ,in that same manner.

the bottom line;its fawking music ,enjoy it for what it is.. listen to it, feel it, and dance your arse off.... :bounce:

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The fact is... James came on here trying to do something nice and let us all know about a CD he thought was cool. He thought some people may want to check it out.

Nice people say: Gee thanks, Soldado.... or .... not my thing, but thanks anyway (if it pleases you).

If you all check back at Noira's original, "educational" responses you'll see that they were slams on James' "knowledge". They were not mere opinions. For example...

that's "house" solado???

Kosheen? Max? Paul Van Dyk?

don't advertise what you don't know

oh and then there was....

. . .I'm making fun of you for presuming to call your music house . . .

Again, that wasn't very nice. I'm not trying to turn this into a 'let's bash Noira' thread. I would, however, feel much better if this kind of shit didn't happen on this forum. As Lor put it " this is a local community where most of us know each other, not a global one where you can just treat people like shit."

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Well since i'm pretty new to the scene, i'm like a HUGE spunge, i'm always asking people what DJ that is what style that is, so on and so forth. So far i haven't learned how to tell the difference between some genres, all i know is that i have 40 GB of music in my HD which is about 80 something days worth non stop and i like it all and i have it cause i like it and i dont' care if anyone else likes it or not, i don't really care much for Genres. I just love the music, and i can't help it think that some people just have to much time on their hands.

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Originally posted by bbflux

I fucking HATE all that GU Board, I know music better than you do, my taste is better yours, tight ass SHIT...

Grow up, honey. :heart:

Wow this is quite a thread! Yeah, everyone on the GU board is what I like to call the Alpha & Omega of dance music knowledge. I think they are the equivalent of the elitist indie-kid hipsters I find at the other music boards I post at. anyway barb, don't you know by now, house in its most "pure" form is by far the most superior form of music known to humanity? Now don't come back here until you have learned your lesson!! ;)


PS - this is supposed to be funny. I may have failed in this endeavor, but please do not skewer me for it. Thank you very much. :tongue:

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Originally posted by bbflux

Again, that wasn't very nice. I'm not trying to turn this into a 'let's bash Noira' thread. I would, however, feel much better if this kind of shit didn't happen on this forum. As Lor put it " this is a local community where most of us know each other, not a global one where you can just treat people like shit."

I completely agree with ya!!! I actually read this thread when it first started and I thought that Noira was being unnecessarily bitchy! James was just simply making a recommendation......no biggie......but then Noira...had to come along and EDUCATE him! I thought it was all nonsense.......all that education.......actually bores me!!!

Come on....Noira....try and be nicer.....there's certain ways of explaining things to others without belittling them.

Feel the love????:D

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