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Bush admin is responsible for all this sh*t

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you are obviously an unsecured motherfuc*er. if my post bothers you don't reply. get a life and oh im american unlike you so you get out of my country!

Originally posted by aak911

you are such a scumbag. did you just write this thread to get attention. go back to the hole you crawled out of you scumbag. get the f*ck out my country.

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This is the most ignorant thread I have ever read in my entire life. To even suggest the fact that Bush caused this recession is ridiculous. Recessions develop over time. Have you ever taken an economics class in your life. Secondly, the effects of the prior President and his actions/bills/laws/etc. show up in the next administration. I was not an avid Clinton proponent. He did not do anything spectacular or anything at all for that matter while in office. Bush is doing an outtanding job and I commend him. When you pass a Bill, the effects are not felt the next day...use some logic people. This is nothing but uneducated banter. "ooo the tax cut is hurting the economy..." Lets refer to economics 101. When taxes are placed on goods or services they create a deadweight loss and result in inefficiency. Taxes reduces the number of beneficial transactions inthe market place. When people have higher income, their demand curves shift to the right, meaning they will demand more goods, and thus stimulate the economy by putting money back into the market. Thats what essentially a tax cut does. Secondly, do you even realize how bureacracies work. They are the most efficient organizations out there. They are inefficient because a.) there is a lack of competition b.) consumers or the public have no way of letting the organization know how they feel about certain things (i.e. consumers let corporations know how they feel about certain products or policies through their actions...if consumers do not buy the good, they are sending a message to the producer that their resources can be best utilized elsewhere...also in the reflection of its stock price) c.) gov.'s do not always pass productive or efficient policies. Policies get passed due to logrolling or porkbarreling. That does not mean just becausei t was passed it is efficient. d.) public goods are jointly consumed and often non-excludable, meaning there is no way to differentiate the benefits recieved for the persons who paid and the persons who did not pay. The free-rider principle. e.) They have no incentive to create innovative and cost-efficient improvements because there is no profit incentive in the publci market. Additionally I have heard that producers in the public goods market rarely use their allocated budget, but wait til the end of the period, realize they haven't spent all of their money, and start wasting it so that they can say "o we need a bigger budget next year." As far as Enron goes, the media and all of Bush's political enemies are using this whole debacle as a way of taking down Bush so that they can better themselves in the politcal arena. Its called propaganda. Name-calling, labeling of your enemy. O yea and Bush is also responsible for the Taliban attacking the US on 9/11...As a matter of fact I think he conspiredw/ Bin Laden, and in fact our President is a full fledged member of this rogue organization. I think anyone who read this post by kyoung just got drastically dumber. I'm sorry you had to experience this...and finally GOD BLESS AMERICA...

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I'm not denying what you're saying isn't partially true. But there's another side to it. What, for example, happened during the the Reagan administration? Tax cuts coupled by massive spending increases, especially on defense expenditures. What does that create over time? A government budget deficit. How long did that last? Till the Clinton administration. I guess I'll ask you, have you ever taken a political science class in your life? It took a tax increase to balance that budget under the Clinton administration, something Greenspan recommended to him as the surest way to kick the economy back into recovery (that was documented in a book on Greenspan that was published last year). Coupled with spending cuts that followed under Republican congresses that came thereafter, this tax increase and smart interest rate policy on the part of the fed (all government institutions btw) were the most profound government policies that created an economic environment conducive to the massive private investment expansion and consumer boom that made for the longest expansion in history. One can make a strong case that the Bush tax cut has worsened the recession for the reasons I said in my previous post. Yes I've taken an economics class, and that's something I learned in economics classes, reading business sections in the business media, and in political science classes. Maybe you need to go back to school too.

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Originally posted by kyoung

Bush keeps saying we need to take people responsible for poor performances

or crimes well American people need to take Bush and his team responsible

for all the mess the country has faced since Bush took over. i voted for

bush and i am republican on most issues but the Bush Administration is a

terrible sign for near future. Condo Rice needs to resign because the

national security has been severely threatened ever since she took the job.

That's what you get for voting Republican.... blood.


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