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Bush admin is responsible for all this sh*t

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Bush keeps saying we need to take people responsible for poor performances

or crimes well American people need to take Bush and his team responsible

for all the mess the country has faced since Bush took over. i voted for

bush and i am republican on most issues but the Bush Administration is a

terrible sign for near future. Condo Rice needs to resign because the

national security has been severely threatened ever since she took the job.

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Originally posted by kyoung

Bush keeps saying we need to take people responsible for poor performances

or crimes well American people need to take Bush and his team responsible

for all the mess the country has faced since Bush took over. i voted for

bush and i am republican on most issues but the Bush Administration is a

terrible sign for near future. Condo Rice needs to resign because the

national security has been severely threatened ever since she took the job.

You have to be kidding me.

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what the fuck are you talking about?????

you are blaming on all thats happened on the bush admin? 9/11, the recession? you are kidding right? he is doing a good job, we defeated the taliban without major losses in a few months. our security is beefed up to the max right now. what could you be dissatisfied with?? the enron scandal? frankly enron did nothing for me except disgusted me with what CEOs could do. but what does bush have to do with it?

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Well...the tax cut certainly isn't helping the federal budget, I'll give you that. And from a security standpoint, you have a point too. While the Republicans were so focused on NMD, they seemed to put fighting terrorism as the primary threat to national security on the backburner. Though Clinton had been doing the same thing, to a lesser extent toward the end of his administration. As much of a shock as 9/11 was, if you followed the news about security threats to the US, you'd know that the largest number of security analysts have been saying for years that the greatest threat to America was terrorism, not a missile from say North Korea or Iraq. So it's basically true to say that the experts knew this was gonna happen, and frankly didn't do enough to prepare for it. Sure, it's easy to say that with hindsight, but I believed that before the attacks. 9/11 therefore just proved what I'd believed all along. It was still shocking, but not as unexpected to me as it may've been for other people. Not trying to be arrogant, just honest.

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Originally posted by kyoung

Bush keeps saying we need to take people responsible for poor performances

or crimes well American people need to take Bush and his team responsible

for all the mess the country has faced since Bush took over. i voted for

bush and i am republican on most issues but the Bush Administration is a

terrible sign for near future. Condo Rice needs to resign because the

national security has been severely threatened ever since she took the job.

STFU. You make absolutely no sense. :rolleyes:

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get some education and learn to read fucking lowclass federally-funded scumbag. i never said the US will bomb korea next wek.

Originally posted by mjr203

this is the same moron who thinks the US is gonna be bombing N Korea by next week.


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i think unless your on the very forefront of the government meetings, there's no way anyone can really know the real scoop. any information or knowledge we have on issues is provided by the media, and any information given to the media is done so by government officials. and b/c of "national security" theres no way, the media is let in on everything, b/c theres just too much out there that the gov't sees fit in hiding or keeping quiet about. so anything the media is in the dark about, the american people are in the dark about, so rarely will we ever be able to uncover the truth. and even if something is true, we wouldn't know b/c we can never tell if there's some underlying evidence that's being left out. and same goes if we happen to believe something is false, there's no way we can prove its entirely false, b/c again we're not told everything. heck, what i have just written might not be all true neither as the gov't might tell us the truth at all times, my analysis could be all just speculation :::think about that one:::so therefore, what we're left with is, speculations on speculations on speculations. or are they really speculations? what is real? what is false? whats the truth? where are the lies? read everything, believe nothing. or read nothing, and believe everything. either way, we're fuc*ed

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Valid my ass.

A tool is a tool is a tool.


Originally posted by sassa

He has a valid opinion...why is it that everytime someone writes something in here that few don't agree with, the whole discussion changes to insults and bullshit?

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Originally posted by sassa

He has a valid opinion...why is it that everytime someone writes something in here that few don't agree with, the whole discussion changes to insults and bullshit?

A valid opinion is backed up by FACTS. Condy Rice should resign because the national security is threatened? HELLO, we've been attacked and threatened by terrorists!!! Condy Rice have anything to do with that? Ever hear of Kohbar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole etc.? Is Clinton responsible for that? Oh and Bush is responsible for the "mess" we're in? The recession started in Clinton's admionistration, is he responsible? I think not, the economy oscillates in cycles, it's Macroeconomics 101. Is Bush responsible for dummies investing in companies like Pets.com that had no profits, and that have now lost everything? I think not. And who was responsible for the high interest rates that triggered this recession, um , I think that was Greenspan. Let me guess, Bush is also responsible for Enron's collapse too huh? Guess what? The legislation that allowed Enron to engage in "fancy bookkeeping was passed in a Democratic Congress (1993).

The point is, if you're gonna speak your mind, back it up with facts or else people will and should attack your obvious lack of logic.

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1) you used scumbag 2x

2) why weaken your point by using a "*"

other than that, well played.


Originally posted by aak911

you are such a scumbag. did you just write this thread to get attention. go back to the hole you crawled out of you scumbag. get the f*ck out my country.

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i think this thread should be deleted immediately. i have never seen so many pointless posts one after another. not one of you said anything meaningful. you guys sound like kids trying to talk about something you just heard your teacher mention in class.

bombing korea? rice resigning? whoa, how bout we get at least within vicinity of reality

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

not one of you said anything meaningful. you guys sound like kids trying to talk about something you just heard your teacher mention in class.

bombing korea? rice resigning? whoa, how bout we get at least within vicinity of reality

I'm afraid that some of these people have corks on their forks. If you know what I'm saying...



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Originally posted by asianvixen

A valid opinion is backed up by FACTS. Condy Rice should resign because the national security is threatened? HELLO, we've been attacked and threatened by terrorists!!! Condy Rice have anything to do with that? Ever hear of Kohbar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole etc.? Is Clinton responsible for that? Oh and Bush is responsible for the "mess" we're in? The recession started in Clinton's admionistration, is he responsible? I think not, the economy oscillates in cycles, it's Macroeconomics 101. Is Bush responsible for dummies investing in companies like Pets.com that had no profits, and that have now lost everything? I think not. And who was responsible for the high interest rates that triggered this recession, um , I think that was Greenspan. Let me guess, Bush is also responsible for Enron's collapse too huh? Guess what? The legislation that allowed Enron to engage in "fancy bookkeeping was passed in a Democratic Congress (1993).

The point is, if you're gonna speak your mind, back it up with facts or else people will and should attack your obvious lack of logic.

Are you asking me?:confused:

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so many presidential debates...well i dont think bush has done anything spectacular that any other president wouldnt have been able to do...i have already a debate on the DC board called as our president would say is the name of the forum..thats what i have to say about him and his policies...




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This is a technical point, but the recession started last year, under Bush. Not under Clinton. And on the effect the tax cut has had in exacerbating it, the opinion among economists is mixed on that one. People who tend to lean toward the opinion Democrats have say that higher budget deficits (created by increases in govt spending and tax cuts, both Bush policies @ the moment, as they were under Reagan), have an inflationary impact on the economy, thereby forcing up interest rates, which sux money out economy to pay those higher rates to holders of government debt. More laiser faire oriented economists (many of whom support Republican economic policies like tax cuts) say tax cuts have no clear long term relationship to higher interest rates, and also stimulate business investment, which leads to greater job creation. I tend to side more with the former view myself (though I think there's some truth to the latter as well), which leads me to question the viability of Bush's economic program. I think some of you are excusing the administration a little too quickly on the whole Enron thing anyway...there appears to've been some conflict of interest in that issue, possibly on a number of fronts. The problem is, Bush may be covered by "executive priviledge" from releasing the documents related to his energy council taskforce meetings to the public.

And on the national security front, I would say the Clinton administration was as lax in many ways as Bush was on recognizing the fact that terrorism was and is the greatest threat to American national security. Maybe that's changing now, I think it's too early to tell personally. But Clinton, for example, had the chance to nab Bin Laden when he was in Sudan back in 96, when their government notified ours of his presence there, but the US did nothing about it. I think the problem most Americans have is they just don't know or don't see the connection between terrorism and the social, economic, and political conditions that foster it in the countries where it's rooted. Bin Laden (and others) succeeded in developing these massive networks b/c he's rich, he has support from many Saudi elites, he promotes violence as a solution to very real problems like authoritarianism, poverty, secularization (in conservative societies where that can be a dirty word), and the Palestinian cause to many people who see no alternative. Alot of people (especially outside the US) will tell you that if you wanna fight terrorism, the West (and others) need to do more to fight these root causes of the problem as much as they do to spend more on guns. At the moment, I'm not sure that message has sunk in yet, at least not in Washington and middle America.

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Originally posted by breaksny

This is a technical point, but the recession started last year, under Bush. Not under Clinton.

This is a technical point, but recessions don't just fall out of the sky. The downward spiral into the recession began around June of 2000. That's when the market tumbled and that's when the sh*t hit the fan. I'm not saying Clinton was responsible. Governmental influence is not the most important determinant of what happens in the business cycle.

-Juice :afro:

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