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So what's the bad part about being rich & famous ?

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Just been wonderin ...I know some djs that are very

successful in the business but I knew them BEFORE they

were succesful and it 's kinda strange to me how people treat them differently now ..

- Well gettin alot of females is not a bad thing but I see girls all sweating and puffin (over just a regular dude ) that's kinda funny and weird

- EVERYBODY wants to know ur business. How much money u make, what u're doing, where ur going, who ur banging .

And most of the time in the closely knit club community - EVERYBODY knows how much money you make ...( I think that would be kinda annoying)

Here's the worst part -

PEOPLE ALWAYS want to be around you and hang with you because if you have money = you get new best friendsvery fast !

People want to make money off of you or make money with you .

If you're surrounded by lots of people you don't know what their intentions are ..

Ex.) M.C. Hammer went broke because he had way toom any friends ! HA HA

So what's the bad part about being famous ?

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the only good thing is:

you get to be on shows afterward,s such as:

Behind the Music

Whatever Happened To... and

E! True Hollywood Story

but even then it sucks cause they talk about the BAD shit that happened to you WHILE you were famous, and why you're not famous anymore.

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The exposure you get when being famous is the bad part. It's a lot like being overexposed in a picture. People see you, but they fail to make out the qualities that distinguish you from others. Your "friends" are living for the glory of the moment. Time passes, moments fade away, and being brought back down sucks.

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. . .It's all about working the conventions that we've setup for ourselves . .

. . .Kinda like that DeVito joker . . . my nuts . . .YES my big hairy ballsack . . can put together a more meaningful set than that guy . . . .

Is he a good DJ? . . . money wize, yes . . . Like the song says "Radio plays what they want you to hear . . . " . . . Stupid suburbanite retards like what's going down here in westchester are the CASH cows of pop culture . . . The marketing goes to them for normal mainstream stuff, as well as stuff like The DeVito's New YOrk underground (I have never heard a more blasphemous use of that word . . . ). . .

. . Pop culture is about making money . . . BUT . . . You can keep it real. . . however you have to posess the talent and the knowhow to slog through that faze where the record companies are controlling everything you do , just to BUY your freedom . . . An example that I can think of is say . . . U2 . . Who I think is probably one of the greatest pop acts ever to come out . . . They don't even take themselves seriously all the time . . . Heck, even Bono has said that there's nothing worse than a Rock Star Activist . . . Groups like them have Bought their freedom, creatively from the REcord Companies . . .

. . . I am of course talking about a real band . . . Schlock like the Crackstreet Boys or n'stink will never even come close to becoming a U2 . . . it's impossible . . cause their birth, progression and death is all in the hands on their numerous handlers, which tell them what to sing and how to sing it . . . There's no potential in it . . . It's all a construct of someone elses talent . . .

. . but I'm rambling . . .

. . . Fame is a beast . . . I would bet every dime I have in my possession that if you asked a prominent person in entertainment whether it would be better if they could turn fame on and off when neccessary . . . they'd say yes . . . Being in the spotlight is great . . when one wants to be in it . . . all other times it's just plain hell . . . Why do you think so many of these people get involved with drugs and the like . . and then go on shows like Behind the Music and tell the same fucking story over and over? . . . Cause that's all there is to do . . . Being the Rock Star is great . . . but there's also something intimately special about say . . walking to the store and shooting the shit with the clerk . . . or sitting in a park and talking to random people . . . when you're on a pedistal . . everyone's view of you is colored by the spin that your handlers are pumping out . . . You can never get true Honesty from the reality in which you exist . . . . Even the people who knew you before the rollercoaster ride will be tainted by the creation that they've made you into. . .

. . oh well . . .

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