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Just WHO is DaVe anyway?

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Originally posted by gmccookny

You get to have Sticky threads on the top of the messageboards, get to have your name in lights, and can toss away a disgraceful thead at the blink of an eye...

}PLEASE EXPLAIN{ to us wondering cyberholics:confused:

He's the owner of this site.

-Juice :afro:

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CCD is absolutely correct about the wardrobe... that orange velvet jacket... frikkin awesome!

Dave kicks ass, especially because if he wasn't there when I was highly intoxicated at GLOW, no one would have caught me when I fell off my 4-inch shoes :D I'm soooo smooth :rolleyes: Thanks Dave! hehehehe

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Guest gabo

I met dave at fubar(my first meetup) and he was cool as hell, we even went to a diner together with another board member after jade terrace... for 5 points who was that board member dave? tic... toc

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Dave is one of the kindest and most legit

"REAL" people that I've ever met in the scene.

He's taken a lot of beatings this year

and he's still on top of shit and works

his ass off to keep CP on top of shit.

He's a true inspiration for us mugwumps..

(I think he comes from a planet near "mugwumpia"

at least he dresses like THEY do on that planet.)

Thanks for everything you've done for me DAVE.

And thanks for not burning out during hard times.

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