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Anti Drug Add During The Superbowl

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I don't know much about this, but I saw the commercial.

I do think that most cocaine is from South America.

Most X is from Israel.

Weed- not a drug, so it wouldnt count anyway.

Could be a bluff, try to appeal to teenager's conscience to stop buying drugs. Could be absolutely true. But there is one theaory I believe from a movie I saw "Behind veery drug deal, and most illegal action, there is ususaly some rich white guy behind it".

Terrorsim, Iran, Iraq, Afg., others, I dont see the connection.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it

anyone explain to me who you can connect the two?

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I didn't like the commercial - just trying to use a tragedy to promote a different cause!! I believe the Afghanistan (northern alliance) is the largest supplier of poppy seeds, which heroin, opium, and morphine is made out of!! But the government just gave them a lot of money and support to gain control or Afghanistan. Basically we are fighting a war on drugs with one faction of our government while the other support's it. Now I don't even want to bring up the whole Bush Sr. and Noreaga fiasco - CIA is involved in the sales of drugs and weapons all over the world. I heard an excellent speech on C-span a few years back; an ex CIA operative was speaking at Yale (he also wrote a book, I forgot what it was called) explained how the CIA was involved in all this crap. Even the ex-CIA head of the eighties said that their policy was to "try" not to infringe on the rights of Americans within the US, but was outside of the US - it was whatever is in the "best interest" of the country. I find it hypocritical that Bush Jr. started the whole thing a few weeks back by saying that buying drugs supports terrorism. I guess when he bought cocaine that was okay, or that only supported Columbian revolutionaries - so that was okay. The fact that government gave millions to largest supplier of poppy's seed is just ridiculous, considering the commercial. I just think that instead of these scare tactics or association tactics (trying to group drugs with Bin Laden or terrorism) is just misleading and not true. Kids aren't that informed today and most newspapers or political talk shows point out these contradictions (forget what you can find on the internet)!! I think that they should be told the truth about what exactly what drugs do to you. Drugs aren't good for you and explaining what this or that does to whatever vital organs should be good enough - they should start with beer and the liver (lol)!! But these commercials where they say if you smoke weed, you will kill your parents are just stupid and kids don't believe it!!

I just want to add that I don't condone drug use, I just believe putting the truth out will detour kids from using drugs!!

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The Ad was Ridiculous and I was sickened by the over use of September 11th in order to promote U2 and every one else I bet those old bastards come out with a new album soon.... I wish people would treat This tragedy with more reverence

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Originally posted by siceone

The Ad was Ridiculous and I was sickened by the over use of September 11th in order to promote U2 and every one else I bet those old bastards come out with a new album soon.... I wish people would treat This tragedy with more reverence

I kind of agree with you - a lot of politicians from both parties are using this as a platform for their own agenda and it's becoming a bit sickening!! I liked the U2 half time show, but it does make you wonder!! Are these big business execs just sitting there and laughing and thinking about $$ while they scheme up ideas to play to the common folk - I picture a sort of Roman coliseum type picture with the head of Pepsi and football looking down from the sky box!! As the Christians are fed to the lions and the crowd cheering to the violence!! I kind picture that with what is happening with all these ads and commercials to do with products or events and 9/11!! They are not being sincere when they do these tributes, rather just trying to sell something and appease the masses!!

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in the 70's and 80's these countries had created multi-billioniares in the field of ARMS trading...since then many have begun drug tafficing.. they sell to networks out side there countries and re-sell them to dealers worldwide....do u know one of the most popular locations they sell these drugs at....your local newsstand....after sept. 11 when the FBI rounded up suspects in jersey city...most of them owned stores or newstands...many had drugs on them to sell... its been in newspapers for years but we americans chose to ignore it...

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Originally posted by siceone

The Ad was Ridiculous and I was sickened by the over use of September 11th in order to promote U2 and every one else I bet those old bastards come out with a new album soon.... I wish people would treat This tragedy with more reverence

oh please..to promote U2...like they need any more promotion

that sounded so stupid

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Originally posted by roxyscott

after sept. 11 when the FBI rounded up suspects in jersey city...most of them owned stores or newstands...many had drugs on them to sell... its been in newspapers for years but we americans chose to ignore it...

so you mean i could have been getting my weed with my paper every morning this whole time??

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As far as I know, the terrorist factions out there are involved in the trade of Opium and Heroin. Personally, I know noone who uses these drugs nor do I think I would want to. I do agree that it is a pretty weak attempt by the government to associate the use of drugs with support of terrorism. However, if they were to provide more proof of the linkage and the details of it I would be more supportive.

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Originally posted by smokesum

oh please..to promote U2...like they need any more promotion

that sounded so stupid

Who the fuck are you to call me stupid? What do you think U2 an "Irish band" was doing playing those names on thata screen?

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Originally posted by snoboardr2

I don't know much about this, but I saw the commercial.

I do think that most cocaine is from South America.

Most X is from Israel.

Weed- not a drug, so it wouldnt count anyway.

Could be a bluff, try to appeal to teenager's conscience to stop buying drugs. Could be absolutely true. But there is one theaory I believe from a movie I saw "Behind veery drug deal, and most illegal action, there is ususaly some rich white guy behind it".

Terrorsim, Iran, Iraq, Afg., others, I dont see the connection.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it

anyone explain to me who you can connect the two?

Some agreements and corrections:

Most Coke is from South America

The majority of E comes from factories in Former Eastern European/Soviet Bloc countries, or undergound labs from that area . . .

Weed : Is a drug and can be just as destructive as smoking, booze and crack . . . don't discount its danger . . . trust me . . .

I did not personally see this Public Service Announcement last night , but I will say that the connection is bunk . . for the most part . . . Drugs are a cash cow, plain and simple . . I don't care how close you are with the family doctor, you're still getting taken for a ride . . .

. . . The drug trade getting into bed with terrorists simply doesn't make sound business sense, and trust me, at the level where you're moving 20 keys plus, it is a business no matter how scummy the carriers may be . . . The people who push this stuff en-masse do not want a skittish consumer base . . . stuff like what happened on september 11th is just as BAD for drugs as it is for any other sector of the economy . . . When people get spooked, they don't spend their money . . . plain and simple . . .

The ONE exception that I can see on this is the Opium trade . . . Opium comes from that part of the world (and other places like China) through the use of the poppy plant . . . Heroin can also be tied into this . . . I CAN see how drug money from that could be used to fund terrorism, but one must keep in mind that Opium in this country is a niche market . . . The usage of E and Yay are much more prevalent . . .

. . . On the subject of Herion . . the answer is simple. . . DON'T DO IT . . 'Cause, trust me, you don't want the fallout from that drug . . .

. . In closing . . . if there indeed is any correlation between drug trafficking and terrorism, it's probably in the Opium and Herion trades . . so don't do either, and you won't be directly or indirectly funding any products that could possibly come from so called "terror states" . . . As far as the overall message that ALL drug usage funds terrorism . . . well. . . that's just a front for the government to attack with a message that cannot be refuted in the public spoghtlight without the decrying voice being completely discredited in the public forum . . . 'Cause think about it for a second . . if you speak against that message, all those who disagree with you can claim that you're advocating drug use . . .

. . . and how politically sound would that label be? . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

The ONE exception that I can see on this is the Opium trade . . . Opium comes from that part of the world (and other places like China) through the use of the poppy plant . . . Heroin can also be tied into this . . . I CAN see how drug money from that could be used to fund terrorism, but one must keep in mind that Opium in this country is a niche market . . . The usage of E and Yay are much more prevalent . . .

The statement that e and coke are prevelant drugs....and opium/herion beng a niche market are compleately off base. The fact is that many people in the drug sub-culture hang out with people who do the same drugs that they do. The club scene that I assume you are part of is rife with drug use, the drugs of choice just happen to be e, coke, k ,etc. The market for herion and opium in this country and across the world is ENOURMOUS. The same size, if not larger, than that of esctacy. Pre-Taliban, 95% percent of the herion in America came from poppy grown in Afganastan, and for anyone to think that the Taliban banned the public growth of poppy for any other reason than to be able to set the market themselves is being naive. Drugs have/are/will fund terrorist activities in that part of the world, just maybe not the drugs you are doing. The fact that the government chooses to blame the adddict/consumer of drugs that THEY (the Govt) let get sumggled into this country is just another poor example of people using the horriable events of 9-11 to draw attention to their cause and message. Evereyone has an agenda...always have, always will.

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