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Cia Fears That India And Pakistan Could Wage Nuclear War With Eachother!!!!

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Originally posted by mattyparsons

damn dude, now i really see clearly why i stopped posting on this board. so i guess you subscribe to the camp "usa= always good, moral and correct" while "anyone who dislikes us is wrong"

did you ever think that maybe our country has a reason to be hated? did you ever think that maybe our country doesn't give a shit about anything but profit for the corporations that run it?

and as for reading comprehension classes....

i'm not even gonna touch that one.:rolleyes:

Did I say USA is always moral and correct? Or did I voice my opinion on our current situation with the camel fuckers in rags? You tell me Einstein.

Also, are you actually trying to give support to those terrorists saying that we have a reason to be hated? saying we don't care about anything else except money and corporations? Let me make something clear son........making statements like this revoke your rights to state your opinion anytime, anywhere. If you feel you need to voice your opinion in the near future, direct them towards a brick wall.

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im gonna have to back you up on this one, Jon.

Funny how the people who often play devil's advocate and whine about a "fair" playing field are the people who would hide behind curtains if they were ever called to go to war and fight.

the US takes a lot of shit because we are the most prominent superpower in the world, and we're often held up to more demanding standards than the rest of the world. People often criticize us for a lot, but we never get thanked for any of the good we try to do in the way of relief, political support, military support...

we're always accused of doing the wrong thing but never thanked for doing the right thing.

So now we all face the possibility of a nuclear war on the other side of the world - say what you want, fallout drifts, people.

And we have the off chance that Al Qaida might have obtained chemical/biological and even nuclear weapons.

I see shit brewing.

if people want to get all whiny and pussyfoot around the issue, fine go ahead. go back to your morning coffee, rush hour traffic, office clothing and maybe even spit on a few soldiers if you have free time.

you disgust me.

Terrorists crashed four planes, three into buildings and killed over 3000 people in one morning. 3000 americans.

They dont give a fuck who you are. If you're a citizen you deserve to die.

So with that in mind i dont think it's appropriate to start pointing all the faults out of america. If that makes you mad and gets sand in your pussy, then stop fucking posting on the board and being a whining cuntrag.

oh and if your only view of america is that it's only out for profit and being run by the corporate complex... perhaps you should move to Cuba or China.

Carl Marx and the communists will make sure you have nothing to fear from worker exploitation and the capitalist pigs ever again:rolleyes:

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Getting back to the question at hand....

MSOPRANO13 is right, EVERYBODY in the world will at one time or another in some way feel the secondary effects of a nuclear war.

Case in point a little accident in the former U.S.S.R affectionately known as Chernobyl.

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Here's the problem-

If Pakistan and India start a war with one another, nuclear or conventional, the US is going to have to get involved and take sides with someone. Which one?

The only problem the middle Eastern countries have with us is our support of Israel. When they say in the news that certain countries are our allies it's not necessarily true. YES the government remains on our side so we don't kick the crap out of them but the truth is that almost all of the citizens of these countries do not like the US very much at all. There isn't much they can do because the US AND/OR Israel can defend themselves against ANY/ALL attacks by these countries. They know this so they continue their attacks in the most cowardly of fashions. They all need to seriously chill and learn some tolerance.

SO, India is basically a pacifist country. They don't want a war with any one but they know the way things work with countries such as Pakistan. If they DO give in and let Pakistan claim Kashmir as part of their country, Pakistan will not be happy. Eventually they will want more. They would not see this as an act of kindness but an act of weakness. It's the same with the Israeli's and the Palestinians. If the Israeli's give up the Gaza strip or any other pieces of land, the Palistinians will only eventually want more until they own EVERYTHING.

But Pakistan is supposedly "USA friendly" so who do we support? We're so close to having every middle east county turn against us. This will in turn have them ALL turn on Israel. They may not win but the loss of life on both sides will be catastrophic.

The bottom line is we have to be VERY careful on who we support because we eventually don't want to piss off countries who CAN pose a threat to our national security, mainly China and Russia.

If you hear in the news that Russia and/or China is really pissed off at us, START PRAYING.

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Originally posted by cintron

im gonna have to back you up on this one, Jon.

Funny how the people who often play devil's advocate and whine about a "fair" playing field are the people who would hide behind curtains if they were ever called to go to war and fight.

the US takes a lot of shit because we are the most prominent superpower in the world, and we're often held up to more demanding standards than the rest of the world. People often criticize us for a lot, but we never get thanked for any of the good we try to do in the way of relief, political support, military support...

we're always accused of doing the wrong thing but never thanked for doing the right thing.

So now we all face the possibility of a nuclear war on the other side of the world - say what you want, fallout drifts, people.

And we have the off chance that Al Qaida might have obtained chemical/biological and even nuclear weapons.

I see shit brewing.

if people want to get all whiny and pussyfoot around the issue, fine go ahead. go back to your morning coffee, rush hour traffic, office clothing and maybe even spit on a few soldiers if you have free time.

you disgust me.

Terrorists crashed four planes, three into buildings and killed over 3000 people in one morning. 3000 americans.

They dont give a fuck who you are. If you're a citizen you deserve to die.

So with that in mind i dont think it's appropriate to start pointing all the faults out of america. If that makes you mad and gets sand in your pussy, then stop fucking posting on the board and being a whining cuntrag.

oh and if your only view of america is that it's only out for profit and being run by the corporate complex... perhaps you should move to Cuba or China.

Carl Marx and the communists will make sure you have nothing to fear from worker exploitation and the capitalist pigs ever again:rolleyes:

So true........

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Originally posted by cintron

im gonna have to back you up on this one, Jon.

Funny how the people who often play devil's advocate and whine about a "fair" playing field are the people who would hide behind curtains if they were ever called to go to war and fight.

the US takes a lot of shit because we are the most prominent superpower in the world, and we're often held up to more demanding standards than the rest of the world. People often criticize us for a lot, but we never get thanked for any of the good we try to do in the way of relief, political support, military support...

we're always accused of doing the wrong thing but never thanked for doing the right thing.

So now we all face the possibility of a nuclear war on the other side of the world - say what you want, fallout drifts, people.

And we have the off chance that Al Qaida might have obtained chemical/biological and even nuclear weapons.

I see shit brewing.

if people want to get all whiny and pussyfoot around the issue, fine go ahead. go back to your morning coffee, rush hour traffic, office clothing and maybe even spit on a few soldiers if you have free time.

you disgust me.

Terrorists crashed four planes, three into buildings and killed over 3000 people in one morning. 3000 americans.

They dont give a fuck who you are. If you're a citizen you deserve to die.

So with that in mind i dont think it's appropriate to start pointing all the faults out of america. If that makes you mad and gets sand in your pussy, then stop fucking posting on the board and being a whining cuntrag.

oh and if your only view of america is that it's only out for profit and being run by the corporate complex... perhaps you should move to Cuba or China.

Carl Marx and the communists will make sure you have nothing to fear from worker exploitation and the capitalist pigs ever again:rolleyes:

Amen to that......

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ive heard these arguments so many times before, that we have to ask ourselves why we were attacked, and what we have to do to change our ways so it wont happen again. do you know what we have to do? we have to have the regional influence of Tanzania, a GDP of Mongolia and military power of Laos, in order to be left alone by fucknuts such as al qada. the fact is, its not what we do, its what we are, that is why we were attacked.

i dont care if we upset countries in our support of israel, corporate economy and every thing else that they this is so wrong to do. fuck them. i really mean it. fuck them. we will do what we have to do to. if we were to appease everybody, we would have as much power as Kuwait. cut the shit, they hate us because they have their own agendas, self interests and power hungers. we are just in the way. fuck them. al qada is cancer, and if you let it grow, the whole body will die. we have to eradicate the cancer before it spreads.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

The bottom line is we have to be VERY careful on who we support because we eventually don't want to piss off countries who CAN pose a threat to our national security, mainly China and Russia.

If you hear in the news that Russia and/or China is really pissed off at us, START PRAYING.

Its funny you say this becaue i was looking in the paper the other day and there was an article that the pres of russia was angry at bush for not being specific on what a terrorist is...the "freedom fighters" are terrorists according to russia and the usa doesnt want to recognie them as terrorists...thats what they were arguing about.....

who knows right.....i just say live life for the moment

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The only way there will be a "nuclear" war between Pakistan and India is if the fundamentalists topple Musharaff (the general-become-president of Pakistan - in case the inbred, racist, West Virginian rednecks on this board didn't know) and attack India. Like someone said, the nuclear status of both countries is supposed to be a deterrant (just as in the Cold War, waged between the USA and Russia).

Pop Quiz: Which is the only country in the world to have used NUCLEAR weapons against innocent civilians?

Djohnstephan, Cintron

Christ, though, you fucks are so ignorant and racist...guess all those drugs you've been taking, snorting, shooting up have finally converted your gray matter to grey shit!

If ppl like you are supposed to be the "new generaton", fuck, this country is FUCKED!

kinda make Bush seem as smart as Einstein!


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there is absolutely no way that china and russia would support Islamic states in this so called east vs west war. both of these countries are battling islamic fundamentalism within their borders, in the chinese outer provinces and the russian caucus and eastern tajik regions. both of these countries despise islamic insurgents, and have no love for the religion itself. adding to that, russia is christian orthodox, not muslim, and is much more western in its thinking than any islamic states.

this whole idea of east vs west war is bullshit. its not going to happen because there simply is no catalyst or reason for it to happen. if bin laden says it will happen, it doesnt mean it will. there are countries like yemen and jordan that are very moderate and are working to modernize their countries for the next century, and they have friendly relations with US. only a complete idiot would utter the phrase 'nuke em all' i agree we should topple and replace cancerous govts like iran, iraq and sudan, but not every state in that region is completely faulted.

btw, its amazing your boy musharaff is still alive. i gave him 2 weeks after he aligned with US. strange wildcard factors???

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I can't believe most of the racist, ignorant shit written in this thread....I won't single those people out, but you need to realize that there are other people in this world besides you and everyone is entitled to live however they wish. You cannot generalize all races to follow the actions of one insane individual. If that were the case, then the Germans would be shite because of Hitler...the US would be shite because of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer...Columbians would suck because of Escobar...come on.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Djohnstephan, Cintron

Christ, though, you fucks are so ignorant and racist...guess all those drugs you've been taking, snorting, shooting up have finally converted your gray matter to grey shit!

If ppl like you are supposed to be the "new generaton", fuck, this country is FUCKED!

kinda make Bush seem as smart as Einstein!


uh huh.

drugs eh? Well i'm sorry i'm not flowery and happy la-dee-fucking-da everything is fair and sunny in the land of joy.

i'm entitiled to my own opinion just as we all are.

call me racist all you want. i'm not a political man.

in fact if i had my way the middle east would be a considerably large parking lot.

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Originally posted by tribal


there is absolutely no way that china and russia would support Islamic states in this so called east vs west war. both of these countries are battling islamic fundamentalism within their borders, in the chinese outer provinces and the russian caucus and eastern tajik regions. both of these countries despise islamic insurgents, and have no love for the religion itself. adding to that, russia is christian orthodox, not muslim, and is much more western in its thinking than any islamic states.

this whole idea of east vs west war is bullshit. its not going to happen because there simply is no catalyst or reason for it to happen. if bin laden says it will happen, it doesnt mean it will. there are countries like yemen and jordan that are very moderate and are working to modernize their countries for the next century, and they have friendly relations with US. only a complete idiot would utter the phrase 'nuke em all' i agree we should topple and replace cancerous govts like iran, iraq and sudan, but not every state in that region is completely faulted.

btw, its amazing your boy musharaff is still alive. i gave him 2 weeks after he aligned with US. strange wildcard factors???

Do you even know how powerful musharaf is .. and its not easy to get him killed ... and after 2 days you will see himnext to bush in whitehouse .. and hewill be there for 2 days and then he will be in boston for 2 days more to chill with his SON ..

Dude get ur facts right .. u simply dont know shit .. what u are saying ...

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ugh- First off, saying that Russia is Easter Orthodox is ridiculous. No one in the world except people who have lived there AND NOT EVEN THEY really know what's going on throughout all of Russia. Do you have any idea how large Russia is? They have a HUGE amount of muslims and jews as well as Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. I wasn't saying that China and Russia would support Islamic radicals. BUT they WOULD side against the US if a lot of the world decided to wage war against us. They HATE us. BADLY. Most countries do! You know why? Two reasons- one, like I said before- our involvement with the creation/support of Israel. Two- THEY ARE JEALOUS of us. Do you really believe that some of the countries who are supposedly our allies in Europe wouldn't change sides if shit went down? Are you kidding me? They are so much closer to some of the countries we'd have a problem with that I think they'd rather not. We're fortunately in the position where opposing forces can't lob missiles on our land from their land. The would all turn quick, two time.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Pop Quiz: Which is the only country in the world to have used NUCLEAR weapons against innocent civilians?

Djohnstephan, Cintron

Christ, though, you fucks are so ignorant and racist...guess all those drugs you've been taking, snorting, shooting up have finally converted your gray matter to grey shit!

If ppl like you are supposed to be the "new generaton", fuck, this country is FUCKED!

kinda make Bush seem as smart as Einstein!


Hey genious.....read the entire thread before you decide to embarass yourself again. If you would have taken a couple of minutes you would have seen that I mentioned that we were the only ones to drop the bomb, and this is the reason why the cold war never turned to nuclear war......because we, as well as our foe, saw just how serious the destructive power was.

If you want to call me ignorant because I hate terrorists, fine. But listen little one, I personally don't give a shit. Those buttfucks decided to crash two planes into the WTC, as well as one into the Pentagon. I'm not going to get into gory details, but while you were playing with your Legos and GI Joe's.......people lost considerably. You want me to feel for these pieces of goat shit????? FUCK THEM......FUCK THEIR MOTHERS.....FUCK THEIR FATHERS......AND FUCK THEIR CHILDREN. They don't give a shit about us. I don't give a shit about them.

Go ahead and give unconditional support to these assholes, I can't tell you what to do. Personally I could care less if that country as well as other supportive countries is turned to rubble.

I could see that you must be a hippie. Sorry to tell you man, there is no peace here now. So before you run around with sunflowers and acoustic guitars let me notify you that they do not give a shit about you either and if you were in the way, you would have been history as well.

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sonic fusion, you know they thought that Sharif was powerful too. dont over estimate any one in that region, they are all replaceable in minutes. the extremest islamic element is very powerful in pakistan.

crackorn, before you yap about something you have no understanding of, read a few books on history and culture of the countries you mentioned. i lived in russia half of my life, and never, not once have i encountered anyone who has hated america. maybe the mid east countries do, but not russians. just because you saw too many american-made rambo movies, doestn mean russians are american hating, vodka drinking, MiG flying enemies. and yes i know how large russia is, ive been in many parts. the vast majority of russians are eastern orthodox christians and would never align themselves with muslim states. got that? same goes for EU, who need american money to retain their own power. i dont know what you base your opinions on.

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WOW, you must be an exceptional personality to have scoured 17 million square miles and asked everyone's opinion AND religious beliefs. Listen- I'm not trying to argue with anyone. My convictions on this subject will remain as they are and certainly won't be swayed by you! Political correctness goes so far but when it comes to life or death there has to be a time where we say "fuck this" HERE'S the truth. I know there are people on this board who can't wait to jump down someones throat to call them a racist or ignorant. I've been here a long time. I myself would never expose those types of traits in my posts since I am certainly not a racist. I'm not ignorant either!I've traveled all over the world and know how a lot of people feel about our great country!

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yo, did i call you a racist? wtf are u talking about? the truth? what you said was not truth, it was your opinion based on your observations, which are faulted. no i havent scoured every km of russia, but i think i would know whats the major religion of my country is. you get your information out of your ass, because you have obviously never been in the region and have no objectional or substantial argument to make. im telling you again, S L O W L Y, russians dont hate america, they dont like muslim extremists, thats why theres a bloody war in chechnya right now. maybe youve heard, but russia has aligned itself with US to fight global terrorism??? or maybe thats also not the truth? stop watching movies and start paying attention.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Hey genious.....read the entire thread before you decide to embarass yourself again. If you would have taken a couple of minutes you would have seen that I mentioned that we were the only ones to drop the bomb, and this is the reason why the cold war never turned to nuclear war......because we, as well as our foe, saw just how serious the destructive power was.

If you want to call me ignorant because I hate terrorists, fine. But listen little one, I personally don't give a shit. Those buttfucks decided to crash two planes into the WTC, as well as one into the Pentagon. I'm not going to get into gory details, but while you were playing with your Legos and GI Joe's.......people lost considerably. You want me to feel for these pieces of goat shit????? FUCK THEM......FUCK THEIR MOTHERS.....FUCK THEIR FATHERS......AND FUCK THEIR CHILDREN. They don't give a shit about us. I don't give a shit about them.

Go ahead and give unconditional support to these assholes, I can't tell you what to do. Personally I could care less if that country as well as other supportive countries is turned to rubble.

I could see that you must be a hippie. Sorry to tell you man, there is no peace here now. So before you run around with sunflowers and acoustic guitars let me notify you that they do not give a shit about you either and if you were in the way, you would have been history as well.

Oh yeah, India supports terrorists? Dude, go back to school and learn some facts.

India has been the victim of terrorist attacks (a lot linked to Al Queda) for years now.

No, I'm not a hippie running around with flowers in my ass. I'm someone who is tolerant to all cultures (yes, for the most part also redneck inbreds as well), and not one to say Middle East/South Asia = terrorist.

SO, get a clue...

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