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What do you look for in a club?


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A friend of mine, and myself were having a conversation today, and the gist of it is, what do you look for in a club? Be as specific or as vague as you want.

Also, what do the less-informed, as it were, look for?...i.e. people who are not as into the scene, maybe they go out once or twice a month...


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I look for good vibes, great music, fun people, energy, etc... I guess it depends what type of mood I'm in... when I want to be layed back and relax, I look for a smaller venue that has deeper music, etc.... When i wanna dance and get all wild, I like a bigger place with some kick-ass energy and some hard-ass beats to make me just go nuts. All though, for some reason, when it comes to finding energy, I usually have to go to Chicago.


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Originally posted by lolahotass

I look for good vibes, great music, fun people, energy, etc... I guess it depends what type of mood I'm in... when I want to be layed back and relax, I look for a smaller venue that has deeper music, etc.... When i wanna dance and get all wild, I like a bigger place with some kick-ass energy and some hard-ass beats to make me just go nuts.

yeah, what she said :)

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i look for places that create the least amount of hassle at the door, HIGH ENERGY LEVELS, quality DJs, Clean sound!!!!, Good Light Show presentations, FRIENDLY STAFF, and if I really want to have a good time I just make sure LOLA is there then I can have fun in a crackhouse and like it!!!!!! Hey POD where can we see some new pics besides the ones you are doing for Cooljunkie???? I have been doing some pics for the club here in St. Louis, would love to have you opinion sometime www.oznightclub.com I took them with a digital camera so the lighting is a little dark in some.....hey its something to do to have alittle fun, but I am definetly no POD.....lol later Miami Freaks!!!! C

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Originally posted by ibchad71

i if I really want to have a good time I just make sure LOLA is there then I can have fun in a crackhouse and like it!!!!!!

Chad ~ your'e not supposed to tell people that i hang out in crackhouses and dark alleys... sheeze! That's are little secret!! LOL:laugh:


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I would say I look for a good vibe...what that means? Music, people, staff, and drink $$$, they complete energy a spot gives you.

Trust me I've been to some of the same clubs on different occasions and it totally depends on the vibe for that night...

I think people make the difference so if it's a place where everyone feels comfortable interacting then you got a great vibe for the night. :D

Now if everyone is too f*cking snobby to even talk to people then that gets on my nerves...Not everyone wants to get laid for the night...well very few...damn what I'm I saying all the guys want to but we can all get along without being mean...unless you're a real as*hole :mad:

Can't we all just get along? :rainbow:

I remember when it was all about the MUSIC, what happened to those days? :(

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something different .. something unique .. dare to be different and you will find your niche. establish your residents and then bring guests in .. thats the way i would try to do it atleast. although i dont have the money to back this kind of operation. promotion is very important as well . get the word out and then let the night speak for itself.

Ramon C.

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My opinion is it all goes back to what Lolita says it first depends to what type of night you are looking for but if we are just talking about the essential needs of a good club first, the sound system has to be impressively good. Example Crobar has one of the best sounding systems which is perfect for the size of club that it is. Level has a pretty good system but it should be a little louder, example like in June when Padilla had his first party there that they rented all those extra speakers & threw on the stage it was a bit much but it was Level like it had never sounded before, Space's is good no complaints there. The lighting has to capture your attention. The dance shows have to be original and different most of the time, different themes to not bore the regulars. The bathrooms have to be fully supplied w/ all needed goodies especially for whatever you are up to that night?? Also the staff has to demand respect but at the same time give it in return and no show snobiness. The DJ does take control of what type of night its going to be, he needs to build the night up and he needs to get everyone into the music. The energy level for sure has to be high. People's attitudes in the most part as you stroll around the club should give hint of what type of crowd you got going. A good crowd is also needed, lot of beautiful people, lot of dancers really into the music showing there devotion & energy. The clapping, jumping, shouting, throwing the hands in the air might not be liked by everyone but surely shows those peeps are having a ball. The entrance getting in has to be pretty fast and easy not a mission or an hour's wait this is definitely a turn off especially when you are sweating like a dog outside. Well made drinks at the bar especially if you are being charged some high prices, shit "make my drink strong not waterdown crap".

Change of theme nights, guest DJ's , decorations of the place all those little things add up. But in conclusion it all boils down to the VIBE & Who you are with, your friends make the night for you as well & help determine if you will have a good time or a great time. THE END>>>>>:smoke::shades2:

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> tHERE must be good energy *****

> No glow lights ! ! they really kill the vibe

> Good funky house music ! !

> No trance ! !

> Nice crowd **

> Style all about Style ! !

> Apple martinis and everything else behind the bar !

> A DJ that keeps the crowd going and going and going !!

> Good lighting ! not too much darkness so u can see who u are mingling with !

> Good doormen that can bring in a good variety of people! !



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I think It helps alot when your with people that you care for and feel good around. Friends make the whole experience alot more pleasent. Also. The Absence of Raver kiddies is allways a nice thing.. i dont need anyone trying to blow me up or anything. Knowing the DJ personaly is allways cool. gives the whole thing a feeling of intimacy. and as allways.. free drinks are cool. 8 dollars for an iced down Bay breeze isent cool.

"'course thats just my oppinion, i could be wrong"

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