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I'm so fucking pissed off

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I have all this sewage water in my appartment.

The septic water just kept coming through my toilet and bathtub. Now my appartment is semi-flooded, there is shit everywhere, mylandloard can't do shit but call a plumber and he's taking his sweet, fat-ass, buttcrack showing, beer bellied, no front-teeth having, garage sale clothes wearing time to come over here and fix this problem.

All because the bitch English lady has to use Bounty to wipe her ass and flushes her tampons down the toilet......another reason to hate the English. I'm going to be mopping up shit for a little while.

I'm going to put my fist through something soon.

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Will pop up with his friends

and play with you man!

I actually had the same problem in my old Apt.

Took a couple phone calls to the City Health Dept. and

A few city summonses to get the super to act up.

It can be a real SHITY SITUATION!

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i lived in a basement apt in hoboken last year

and had the same thing happen everytime it

rained heavily... it would flood either in my apt

or outside by ground floor entrance by the drain...

couldn't flush reliably for like 3 months and a plumber

came and snaked the line out several times exclaiming

the whole time that he couldn't believe he went through

100 feet of snake each time... the situation got worse,

and a hole was made in the hardwood floor (which i helped

pay for) in my living room to try to find a trap that wasn't

there, masons came and broke concrete outside to try to

find the same trap that wasn't there, then wait longer

while a trap was finally installed and the plumbing at

long last completed and both holes repaired. the landlady

made claims that she never had a blueprint to refer to

that would have indicated where or if said trap was,

and also felt threatened by yours truly when i asked

for some kind of refund for putting up with all the shit.

needless to say, i didn't renew my lease at the end of the year.

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Originally posted by thehacker

i lived in a basement apt in hoboken last year

and had the same thing happen everytime it

rained heavily... it would flood either in my apt

or outside by ground floor entrance by the drain...

couldn't flush reliably for like 3 months and a plumber

came and snaked the line out several times exclaiming

the whole time that he couldn't believe he went through

100 feet of snake each time... the situation got worse,

and a hole was made in the hardwood floor (which i helped

pay for) in my living room to try to find a trap that wasn't

there, masons came and broke concrete outside to try to

find the same trap that wasn't there, then wait longer

while a trap was finally installed and the plumbing at

long last completed and both holes repaired. the landlady

made claims that she never had a blueprint to refer to

that would have indicated where or if said trap was,

and also felt threatened by yours truly when i asked

for some kind of refund for putting up with all the shit.

needless to say, i didn't renew my lease at the end of the year.

LOL......seeing as you are such a threatening person and all.

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Just a quick update on the situation for everyone who cares........

The shit is gone, out, bye.

While the plummer and my landlord, yes my landlord, were cleaning all this shit out, I was buying every cleaner and bleach known to man. The place is now spotless, so clean the virgin Mary herself would be proud to sleep on my floor. It did take some effort though.......now I gotta go yell at my bitch neighbor.

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Dude you should get yer landlord to give you a month free of rent for that kinda shit, or at the very least he outta pay for the cost of the cleanup to your appartment (or either subtract it from the cost of your rent and/or add it to hers). I dunno what your lease is like, but you should go to one of those tenant's rights organizations (or the city health dept like Maudy suggested) and file a grievance if he won't handle it himself (since she doesn't seem to care). Just a thought, but it might be worth the effort b/c that's like a serious health hazzard, not just an annoyance or inconvenience. And not that this'll happen, but she should be evicted for doing shit like that. I don't care how old she is.

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check every corner, making sure no floaters are hiding.

just another advice.

as for the english lass, tell her eat fruits, tacos, bean burritos, peanuts, prunes, or whatever so she shits easy and regularly.

that's my advice for her.

hehe... just kidding man. glad to hear you got all of the shit out.

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