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*If You Had to Pick One PAiNTiNG to Describe YOUR inner-self, What would it be?

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wow i cant believe i missed this thread. the scream is a painting in which the main character is horrified by a sexual self-realization so that makes me wonder about all you people who identify with that(just kidding) but seriously i work in the metropolitan museum of art and right now there is an exhibit on surrealism. its way trippy. they actually have alot of dali and magrittes work. you guys should go there tripping, its some real freaky shit. as for the painting i relate too it would be dali's faces of war or modigliani's reclining nude.

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Originally posted by clubkat

and more advertisment ;)


Tournee du Chat Noir by Theophile Steinlen

::gotta love the theater::

I alllwaaays wanted a huge print of this poster :(

i have that print on a t-shirt.. when i was in paris, the little booths on the left bank sold tonnnns of large posters of that print.... i saw it everywhere actually. i think i may have a smaller one somewhere. lmk if you'd like it :)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I guess my mind would have to be something from MC Eschers (spelling) collection . . you know, the guy who drew all those optical illusion paintings . . . invariably giving birth to those magic eye thingies . . .

o yea, escher's stuff is pretty cool. generic but awesome to look at, i have relativity (the staircase one) in my dorm room and the waterfall at home, a couple of my favorites. did a whole project on that guy...

dali's cool too, how odd that i'm obsessed with dali and escher right now too. i love dali's stuff, esp the swans reflecting elephants, that prolly describes my inner self.

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Originally posted by neptune1

one of my own oil paintings, created during the lowest points of my life...:(

otherwise a cezanne, i love abstract impressionism

just a note: cezanne doesn't belong to abstract expressionism....you prolly meant i love cezanne AND abstract expressionism:D

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

this one?


YAY!!!! That's me!! Minus the muscles! Now, about

Originally posted by sassa

...one in particular..forgot the name of it..but it's amazing...a naked guy in the corner of it holding a cross to a huge horse with skinny legs..is anyone familiar with this painting?

this, the first time I saw this painting I was staying at the Cava Doro hotel in Athens and it was hanging outside my room and I couldn't believe what an amazing image it was. Then I bought a book of all of his work and was totally amazed!

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Originally posted by sassa

I LOVE Basquiat..did anyone see the movie that was done about him? I have a lot of Dali works also...one in particular..forgot the name of it..but it's amazing...a naked guy in the corner of it holding a cross to a huge horse with skinny legs..is anyone familiar with this painting?

yES, THAT movie was real good...was that the film that david bowie played andy warhol?/? That was a sick flick!


Originally posted by somebitch:

it isnt picasso

Currently posted by papa smurf:

it ISN"t :confused:


BTW,, yes, Guernica was the painting I was talking about, and NO, thankfully that doesn't represent my inner self. :D

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Originally posted by JoelB

guernica yah very good but if thats your painting u are one tortured soul

Mine would be like something by keith harring, happiness incarnate

I really dig harring's stuff, too:D

My dad used to be an art dealer, and one day when i was about 5, we drove into the city, and he said "we're going to meet a very well-known artist of our day, so be ready"

I don't know how, but we all got to meet him (unfortunately, it was close to his passing due to AIDS), but i won't forget that day for a long time :cool:

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hey glow, are you into art? just wondering. im an artist and im putting together a portfolio to apply for school of visual arts (sva). i also draw.

inspired by fantasy creatures from seeing lord of the rings, i was bored during lunch yesterday because my laptop ran out of battery. so i drew one in my friend's notebook. i'm trying to put this one in 3dsmax or maya which is why i have height and weight or whatever.

http://www.superghetto.com/gallery/crolis.jpg :D

cloud from final fantasy 7 - this was way back in high school. i was bored out of my ass and drew cloud on my black book.


i'll put up some of my paintings on this thread for those who cares.

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