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Mauro Picotto OFFICIAL REVIEW!!!!


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I dont wanna make this too long, he was sick, words couldnt touch him, his mixing was excellent, loops, the whole 9 this guy was, I was so impressed. Every track was fucking sick, one sick song after another, and I couldnt i.d. shit, so he was deff. playing new shit besides the other obvious songs, Komodo, Arabian Pleasure, he didnt play Lizard though, I was pretty upset about that. He finished, came out of the booth to go to VIP, but got swarmed by people, lol. I took pictures w/him, I'll try to post them soon.

Also very nice to meet, Sgtfury, Soldado, Joeygk, Atomic, and XTC. Also Sobeton and Pete, always a pleasure.

this night was a 11.5 out of a 10. INSANITY!!!!!!!!!

And im still rollin face and cant go to sleep, shoot me...:blown:

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Oh and just for the haters, the crowd tonight was absolutely sick, more then 1 person actually clapped there hands with me when I did, vibe was amazing...

Question:Some kid asked me where he can get rollerblades? Now Im thinking its something else and not pills, does anyone know?

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Yeah man, Mauro Picotto was insane! He keeps bangin that hard shit all the time! We didn't recognize a lot of his tracks because it's stuff that he has recently produced, and is testing it out in the crowd! Most of it hasn't come out anywhere. I definitely have no complaints!

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totally insane set...one of the better ones ive ever heard, no joke.

his mixing was so clean, i couldnt tell when he was fading in the tracks...great night, and what a great vibe also....

by the way, nice to see you again sobeton and sgtfury, and it was great meeting you mikedny, one cool peep for sure...laterz...

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damn what a nite ! I wasn’t sure what kind of crowd to expect. when I walked into the blue room, I had the feeling it, was going to be a great nite. the blue room was packed; people going insane. when Mauro Picotto took over the dex; it brought the crowd to a new level.

Mauro threw it down nasty; playing some classic tracks and laying down some new tracks. he was interacting with crowd; his energy level definitely matched the crowds. something which is always nice to see.

big props to cp folks in da house Attomic, XTC. big ups to my crew Soldado, Sgtfury, Mikedny, Djdekan,and Joeygk. thanks for making this a special nite. until next time peace. !!

missing in action: Oli-t, Esance, Naomi1. what happen to you folks ?

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I wanna address something in this post.

1) It was amazing, had all the house heads (Sobeton), all the Trance Heads (Miami Mike), all the NYorkers dancing in the NY way (MIkey and Phil), JOEY just going off, and SOBER Me going crazy till 5 (Work Sucked at 7 till 4 though). The vibe was the vibe im used to feeling.

What SUCKED Cheesy Roly, Picottos system wasn't hooked up right, kept messing up for some reason, and the cheesy crowd which was not existent at 2 when PICOTTO came on (These People I hate)

2) My Girl who loves MIA but lives in NY saw Tiesto at exit and said he wasnt even into it, The vibe was ONE Letter K, NO one really into it. He spun for 2 AND A HALF, and left. Thats why Im here

3) Where were all the CPers, Im making myself in charge of meetups from now on for Space, SPIn and Opium. Look for Pics for me if MIkey posts them. I saw a bunch of TA (Trance Addict peeps) People we have to go in numbers its so much fun.........


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By the time it was 1:30[?] I really couldn't remember where we were or exactly when we were supposed to meet:(

The only thing I remembered was I think mikeydny would be wearing that AX shirt with the big white letters across the back? And I didn't find him. I don't think I looked real hard though sorry. But I did want to meet up. And I'll pay closer attention to the posts about the next meet up for sure


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Originally posted by sobeton

missing in action: Oli-t, Esance, Naomi1. what happen to you folks ?

I was there!!

I have the pictures with Clubhoppers to prove it =)

I walked over to the are we had said we were going to meet up at and i didnt see anyone with a black A/X shirt on,

seeing as ive not met any of the cp'ers before I didnt know who else to look for so i kinda gave up.

Maybe you saw me there though...? I'll post the hoppers pics once they put them up on there site.

I had an amazing night its was insane, The energy that everyone was feeling was nuts, i only made it to the main dance floor maybe three times but i had a table and everyone up there was dancing and having so much fun.

It sucks i didnt get to meet you guys but maybe next time.

Like i said once the CH update there pics i'll post some of the ones i was in and maybe you guys saw me..

Last night i went to crobar that place is great too. they play some of the best songs, good vibe and lots of energy.:D

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Just want to make it clear that was not me playing early that was your power 96 b/cast. I took over after that and played nothing remotely commercial. Mauro himself wanted to keep listening to me but I told him you people were definitely ready for him. BTW the crowd and vibe in there was amazing, it was good to see MP feed off the crowd and vice-versa all night long.

Peace. DJRoland

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All I can say is Damn !!!!!!!

It was insane, the music was awesome I didn't stop dancing all night. DJRoland the music was excellent from the moment I walked in a little after 12:00.

We were hanging out in the area of the meetup but then we decided to get a table. It was kinda up-hill or down-hill I'm not sure from there. I was dancing on the speakers next to the DJ booth in the VIP, got all messed up, it was crazy packed.

Everyone was tearing it up !!!!!! I loved it MP was slick very intense night.

Next meetup I will try to meet up I did look for Mikeydny I saw a few guys with the A/X shirts on but not in the meet up area.

I didnt even notice when Mauro came up to VIP I was pretty messed up. :D :D

Sobeton lets definately plan it out better next time, for sure.

:spin2: :spin2:

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Originally posted by sobeton

missing in action: Oli-t, Esance, Naomi1. what happen to you folks ?

I was there! But I think I wouldn't have been in any condition to meet anybody :eek:

But Bugaloo saw me there!!! BTW Bugaloo thanks!!!! ;)

Picotto was very good,,,,I think.....

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I heard MP played a couple of Roni the light guy's tracks...

Yes Roni the lighting tech from Space... :eek: :eek:

If his tracks are good enough to be played in one of MP's sets???

I wonder what the future has in store for him...???

BTW MP tore it up... How bout that track he played w/ latin vocals ??? (towards the end of his set)

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PICOTTO was awesome he cranked the place the whole night, he was better than I had thought. The Vibe on Friday was just out of hand. Good crowd, Good People, Good Music!!!!!!! I think there was quite a bit of peeps walking around asking for rolls, my friend ran into a couple of those. :cool::eek:

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

Nope Padilla played after like at 430 or 500 not sure, I had left by then but I heard he played some hard trance, he was jamming...

Yeah he was... I was so banged up I actually don't remember when MP finished and Padilla came on. I just looked up and was like Oh shit there's Padilla yaaay lol. If it wasn't for work I would've been the last one out.....

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Originally posted by strizide

Yeah he was... I was so banged up I actually don't remember when MP finished and Padilla came on. I just looked up and was like Oh shit there's Padilla yaaay lol. If it wasn't for work I would've been the last one out.....

Picotto was sick, Padilla wasnt bad either. I left at like 6:30-6:45, like his 4th-5th song in was crazy, insane beat, I wanted to record it on my cell phone to try and get a i.d., I forget how it went, pretty pissed about it. :mad:

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