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7 Simple Rules Of Crowd Control At Exit!!!!!!

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#1-if you dont fawking speak english youre getting booted

#2-if you have no god damn clue who is spinning youre outta there

#3- if you even mention the name tony draper you and whoever u walked into the club with is outta here....

#4- if you walk around with a baby pacifier in your mouth youre outta here.

# 5-if you dont have a shirt on youre fawking outta here as well....

these are my five simple ways of controlling the damn crowd at exit....

ok review time:

tiesto was aight but it was impossilble to enjoy him early in the night casue there was no damn room to move or breathe at all...as the wack ass kids left it def got better around 5am....but what the hell was tiesto thinking walking off at 6am....he had the place pumping in my opinion....after seeing that tiesto gets plays for the money and not the love of the music casue there is no reason to fade a song out wave to the crowd and walk out at 6am....

so rules #6 and #7

if you spin soley for the love of money youre outta here as welll

and #7-i was gonna throw dave marivisi outta his own fawking club for having such shitty ownershiip methods and management....

exits same damn story....they will never ever learn.....

clubnyc peeps....always a pleasure chilling with you guyss....if it wasnt for all of us i would of had a shitty time but u guys make it worth coming out and chilling to the beats


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Originally posted by msoprano13


#1-if you dont fawking speak english youre getting booted


That is so fucking annoying........

This should be a rule to live in the US. If you don't learn how to speak English in three months you get shipped back to your homeland in a box.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

#2-if you have no god damn clue who is spinning youre outta there

#3- if you even mention the name tony draper you and whoever u walked into the club with is outta here....

# 5-if you dont have a shirt on youre fawking outta here as well....


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

especially #5!!!!! I don't understand what those assholes are trying to accomplish by having there shirt off. If another sweaty juicehead rubs his dank wet body against me I will scream!!!!

#3 - lol I saw those stupid girls in the back of the stage yelling "draper" they should shut the fuck up and leave, and stop taking up precious floor space!!!!

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With the acception of the obvious problems at exit, I had a really great time last night!!!!!!! CP people are deffinitely what made my night so good!!!! Hope to chill with all of you again soon!

roha - I'll deffinitely come see you spin @ psuedo on thursday.

don't have much energy to write, will add detail later.

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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WhERE were all Of you??? I was LooKiNg Around and nothing...

the only CPeeps taht I saw were Mist, Vivenfoxxy,Cottoncandydream,Kingtar, and someone else whos CP name starts with the letter "R"...who are you? I thought you said something like robo___? or I could be worng....maybe Roha3000? Help me oout here...;) ;) ;)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

WhERE were all Of you??? I was LooKiNg Around and nothing...

the only CPeeps taht I saw were Mist, Vivenfoxxy,Cottoncandydream,Kingtar, and someone else whos CP name starts with the letter "R"...who are you? I thought you said something like robo___? or I could be worng....maybe Roha3000? Help me oout here...;) ;) ;)

Unfortunately Glowgrlnyc, I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting you last night. I was too busy chillin with the 5,000,000 Asians and Guidos and doing the nordic-track all night. Sorry, maybe next time. (Cox perhaps??)

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First off, I'm no fan of Exit and haven't been there for a while, so my response is more general...

What's wrong with the "asians and guidos"? Is it that you would rather have an all white club scene, or does it bother you that people don't speak perfect English?

I don't get it--I party a lot in the CHelsea scene and there people complain its too homogenous--all gay white muscle boys. As far as language, how often do you talk once you've started grooving? Besides, I think its fun carrying on a conversation with someone you can't understand when you're not quite sober.

Not criticizing, just questioning... Although when its crowded I know anyone can get on your nerves.

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Im sorry but the night did not start till Tiesto came on...but.. what was with the volume at half for? It didn't get turned up till Tiesto was about to spin (2:30) wtf?

The crowd was definitely out of control, but where can you go when you have half the rooms sectioned off, stairwells closed, and baricades set up?

I think there should be a rule # 8: This was not a concert, please don't stand on the dancefloor and admire Tiesto in the dj booth all night. If your not gonna dance, get off the floor.

On the lighter side, the music was amazing and I was dancing where ever there was room. Some may say his sets are predictable but it's good to hear something different in that place other than Draper :shudder:

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Originally posted by it290

I party a lot in the CHelsea scene and there people complain its too homogenous.

That is exactly it bro. In the most diverse city in the world, with a club crowd of 10,000 people, I don't want to see 50% asian and 45% guido leaving only 5% to the hundreds of other ethnicities out there (of course I know guido doesn't exactly make up an ethnicity but you get the point). Especially when the majority of those guidos are assholes with attitudes.

Thats just my opinion. You are free to have your own.

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Originally posted by msoprano13


#2-if you have no god damn clue who is spinning youre outta there

"who's spining?"

"Some guy named Tiempo, I heard he's pretty good"

"oh YEAAAAHH, I've heard him before!!! THANKS!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and another thing....i don't like shirtless juiceheads running around sweating on me and pushing people out of the way either. But at least at Juicehead Central (SF) most of them have something to show off. at Exit, it was either skinny asian kids or some clueless fat guys rubbing their chests half the night. :blown:

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Originally posted by roha3000

Pretty comprehensive list there MSoprano. I have to agree with you. I never fucking learn. I knew Exit would be that way, and I also said I wasn't going to go. Did I listen? No. Do I regret it? Hells yes.

This time I fawking mean it.


EXACTLY, Im never going back to that fawking shit hole I dont care who is spinning there. I need some R.E.S.P.E.C.T when I go clubbin and I didnt get that shit last night, fawk them!

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Originally posted by it290

First off, I'm no fan of Exit and haven't been there for a while, so my response is more general...

What's wrong with the "asians and guidos"? Is it that you would rather have an all white club scene, or does it bother you that people don't speak perfect English?

I don't get it--I party a lot in the CHelsea scene and there people complain its too homogenous--all gay white muscle boys. As far as language, how often do you talk once you've started grooving? Besides, I think its fun carrying on a conversation with someone you can't understand when you're not quite sober.

Not criticizing, just questioning... Although when its crowded I know anyone can get on your nerves.

This is america... And I love how diverse it is. That is what makes it the country that it is. But when I as an american have to learn a second language besides english just to get by. Its a little rediculous...

Also you know how many times I got bumped into or bumped into someone on the dance floor. They would say something in Chinese... First of all Do I look like I speak the language... Not by far... I dont know if the guy said SORRY, EXCUSE ME,

OR FU*K YOU YOU CRAZY AMERICAN... Who knows... Who will ever no... And they always smile when they talk so its not like you can tell what they are saying by facial expressions...

I am not being racial or anything. I am just sick of living in my country and I am the one starting to feel like the minority...

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Originally posted by dolik


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and another thing....i don't like shirtless juiceheads running around sweating on me and pushing people out of the way either. But at least at Juicehead Central (SF) most of them have something to show off. at Exit, it was either skinny asian kids or some clueless fat guys rubbing their chests half the night. :blown:

Lol. ewwwww...:D

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Originally posted by dolik

"who's spining?"

"Some guy named Tiempo, I heard he's pretty good"

"oh YEAAAAHH, I've heard him before!!! THANKS!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and another thing....i don't like shirtless juiceheads running around sweating on me and pushing people out of the way either. But at least at Juicehead Central (SF) most of them have something to show off. at Exit, it was either skinny asian kids or some clueless fat guys rubbing their chests half the night. :blown:

LOL.......I don't know if anybody remebers me walking around going "A Tiempo, A Tiempo" ......it was cause when Tiesto came on I overheard one of the little kiddies asking his friend sitting on the couches if it was that Tiempo guy.

What's wrong with the "asians and guidos"? Is it that you would rather have an all white club scene, or does it bother you that people don't speak perfect English?

It wasn't the fact that they couldn't speak perfect English, it was the fact that they didn't speak any English to you. I was constantly getting knocked or bumped and something was said in another language like I was the piece of shit. Either that or I was wacked with a glowstring by some dumbass who shouldn't be embarassing himself by trying out strings for the first time.

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