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My OFFICIAL Exit sucked ass Tiesto was good Review

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And here is another one. What an interesting night, let me tell you. Let me start with the bouncers. I didn't htink I would ever say thing but, the bouncers need to be a little more selective with the crowd. There were way too many people coming in there stumbling all over the place and falling over. Example: dzadza, what a fukin mess you were. You are an idiot. He got dicked at the door too because he did will call and went to pick up his ticket but somethign went wrong. They overcharged him. Anyway...

Once inside I wasn't very impressed. Tiesto had just come on and I was making my way upstairs to catch the end of the cP meetup. There were still a few stragglers running around, Linabina, mssabina, trancend, roninmess, snoozi8, djjohnstephen, joeg, an a bunch more. IT was wAY to damn hot back there, yet surprisingly quiet.

One thing did impress me though, their sound system was actually under control. No distortion, much better than I had expected. It's not the greatest, but Tiesto did a good job of controlling it. Wasn't too loud, it was just right. I remember the last time I was at Exit it was so loud my whole body was being tossed around and my eyes were twitching. Absolutely painful.

The music was on key, pretty much what I expected. He dropped Space Between us as expected, Flight 643, Urban Train, Dallas 4pm, Magic Journey, and the rest. Post your track IDs here if you could!!! Personally I won't go back to Exit to see Tiesto, it isn't worth it. I'm not trying to bitch or anything, but it just isn't my place and i'm sure others will agree.

All in all if I had to do my night over I would have stayed home. I'd love to say that i'm never going back there, but I can't miss Ferry Corsten. The rest of their lineup isn't worth dealing with that shit box. Exit needs to beefen up their security, or they will get shut down soon.

By the way.... I don't have a problem with it or anything, but I can't understand why there are so many Asians at Exit. I guess it is jsut a popular hang out spot, but damn... enormous population. The crowd was pretty beat, fat dudes running around topless, juice heads giving us shit for getting in the way(Alphster got punched in the face for no reason), there were barely any decent looking girls going around. What was up with that? Good luck to those who are willing to venture out into Exit in the future, you won't see me there for a while.

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Here's some tracks he spun (in no particular order). ....

Obsession - Tiesto

Massive - Ralphie B

Into the Night (D'tech mix)- 4 Strings

Souvenir de Chine - Fire and Ice

Revelation (Airwave mix) - Kings of Clubs

Save me - Airwave

Sunset on Ibiza - Three Drive on a Vinyl

Southern Sun (Tiesto mix) - Paul Oakenfold

There's a few more I know but can't remember right away. Otherwise he played a lot of new, more progressive stuff than usual.

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Originally posted by teklord310

The crowd was pretty beat, fat dudes running around topless, juice heads giving us shit for getting in the way(Alphster got punched in the face for no reason), there were barely any decent looking girls going around. What was up with that?

YUPP....the vibe in there was weak Besides the CPers ;) the crowd wasn't good looking at all. And which genius turned up the heat everywhere when the club was already stuffed beyond capacity??

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Originally posted by teklord310

By the way.... I don't have a problem with it or anything, but I can't understand why there are so many Asians at Exit. I guess it is jsut a popular hang out spot, but damn... enormous population. The crowd was pretty beat, fat dudes running around topless, juice heads giving us shit for getting in the way(Alphster got punched in the face for no reason), there were barely any decent looking girls going around. What was up with that? Good luck to those who are willing to venture out into Exit in the future, you won't see me there for a while.

yes yes we all know the asian population is out of control at exit and not to get into the whole hating on asians thing, but jus something funny i happened to see: in this asian-american magazine that my family gets, they had a section on hot asian nightspots in the country, and for new york, exit 2 was listed as one of them. quite interesting i must say. "the lounge area opposite the stage is notorious for housing the club's asian contingency." :laugh:

as for decent looking girls, sorry i couldn't make it last night tekkie :) went to tiesto at exit the last time and...not going back there again. anyways, i was actually up at rutgers at easton apts, guess we jus keep missin each other! :)

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Originally posted by liteflyr

yes yes we all know the asian population is out of control at exit and not to get into the whole hating on asians thing, but jus something funny i happened to see: in this asian-american magazine that my family gets, they had a section on hot asian nightspots in the country, and for new york, exit 2 was listed as one of them. quite interesting i must say. "the lounge area opposite the stage is notorious for housing the club's asian contingency." :laugh:

as for decent looking girls, sorry i couldn't make it last night tekkie :) went to tiesto at exit the last time and...not going back there again. anyways, i was actually up at rutgers at easton apts, guess we jus keep missin each other! :)

Hey!! Thats too funny, Exit 2 is one of the top night spots in NY. Sucks that we keep missing each other, I should be around next time so drop me a line. This was my first time at Exit in a while, and I won't go back for a while. Definetely not for Tiesto, probably be there for Ferry Corsten though. Take care

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Originally posted by choobak

Here's some tracks he spun (in no particular order). ....

Obsession - Tiesto

Massive - Ralphie B

Into the Night (D'tech mix)- 4 Strings

Souvenir de Chine - Fire and Ice

Revelation (Airwave mix) - Kings of Clubs

Save me - Airwave

Sunset on Ibiza - Three Drive on a Vinyl

Mark norman - overkill

M.O.R.P.H. - maximum overdrive

Dj tiesto - lethal industry

dreamcatcher - i dont want to lose my way (MAGIC RMX)
















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Well since everyone summed it pretty well here, just thought I'd add a little more from my POV. I'm Asian myself and gotta admit that most of the Asians there last night were pretty damn annoying not cause they didn't speak English and sounded like they were cursing (some other post mentioned that, and the only thing I can say is music is a universal language...), but because some were just flipping out of their minds, elbowing, headbutting, or trying to walk right through everyone. Others were squatting right on the main floor doing absolutely nothing but trip up everyone and take more space in the already packed place.

The main reason why Exit's so flooded with Asians is probably because everyone and their family goes to try and "fit in" and go wit the trend of things even though they don't have a clue about music/DJs/talent. (Yea, it was hilarious when some ppl couldn't pronounce Tiesto and others thought it was still Tiesto after he finished his set.)

The lounge area opposite the stage has always been known as Chinatown to me. (At Buzz in DC, there's a similar "wall" referred to as the "Great Wall of CHina" where the Asians sit and do nothing but drink or smoke.)

One other thing I hated about last night was the unusual amount of old fat shirtless dudes (on top of the juiceheads) trying to dance or play with glowsticks and such.

Overall, only thing worth mentioning about last night was Tiesto's set (and even then someone messed it up in the beginning trying to steal his stuff/give him props or something).

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here something real rare, i'm about to post again.

anyway yeah, it was fuckin crowded as hell but i tried to have a good time anyway...

DZA DZA i'm sorry man... i tried SO HARD to look out for you but you just dissapeared. I was dragging you by your jacket for a good portion earlier in the night but you escaped us. I made a REAL effort!

I guess after I got punched in the face and sobered up a bit i realized how crowded it was... and then i started having trouble finding girlies to dance with me.

Where are the girls... huh? In the beginning I didin't care... then later in the night there weren't enough up to my outstandingly high standards. Any CP girls think they can handle the job? =P


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first thing that i noticed when i walked in is that music was way too low on the second floor, all i heard was the base, but then it gradually improved. last time i went to Tiesto @ Exit he was spiiinning in the Drapers booth, giving out mad autographs, i thought i was going to get one too , but they moved the booth this time. Tiesto started his set about 2 something with MAjik JOurney and i thought his set is going to sound like all the other ones , but boy was i wrong, this guy never stops to amaze me, he droped down one of the most unbelievable sets i iever heard, progressive beats paul van dyke style all 4 hours, THe thing about him is that he's not just playing music, but he knows how to control the crowd and he got a huge response from the crowd, I mean people jumping and yelling at every build up, at one point i even saw people trying to make waves like at the basebal game. All eyes were on him. Hes like a fucking trance muzik icon, i swear a god. David marvesi was right there in the booth next to him, probbbaly thinking how much he has to pay to this guy to bring him back again. Well to make it short, EXIT sucks, too many fried rice and lo-mein cartons on the floor, TIESTO IS THE MOTHERFUCKING GOD OF TRANCE....ok i 'm out to spockmania.net download his live february set. :D :D :D

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hes the God..no one can fcuk with him right about now..and no one will..i was in london about a mth ago and with gatecrasher and kiss100 promotin the hell outta sanchez and tall paul (they happen to b DJ's on Saturdays at the station) people were still lovin Tiesto..God..God ..God

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Originally posted by alphster

DZA DZA i'm sorry man... i tried SO HARD to look out for you but you just dissapeared. I was dragging you by your jacket for a good portion earlier in the night but you escaped us. I made a REAL effort!

Thanks... Although I don't remember not even a single thing of what happened once we got inside, I don't think there was much you guys could do. I must've been a real ass...

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Originally posted by dzadza

Thanks... Although I don't remember not even a single thing of what happened once we got inside, I don't think there was much you guys could do. I must've been a real ass...

You were beyond ass mode.. but its ok. You managed to lose yourself and us after about 30 minutes. What was up at the door? You said you bought tickets through Club Planet will-call but you had to pay $40 at the door? WTF?? Oh well...

Whats up Alphster... glad you decided to come with us. Definetely an interesting night thanks to you. Can't believe some random meathead punched you in the face. Fucked up. Exit fukin sucks. End of Story.

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i agree..Exit def needs to clean some of the crackheads outta there or at least get them off the floor, my ass kept tripping over the freaking bastages..i barely enjoyed Tiesto for reasons other than the stumbling idiotic morons pushing and shoving, but i got to dance to Tiesto after the crowd thinned out about 4ish...i actually felt a breeze and could breath after that..obviously Exit does not have a cut off point to the people and doesnt care about fire hazards..i was getting yelled at by standing by a wall outside around the coatcheck..got irritated and said i think you need to worry about the people laying on the floors in there passed the fawk out, I also saved trancend from getting puked on..:puke:.anyways, i had a so so time, never go again maybe for Ferry, dont know...:mad:


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Originally posted by chynado11

i agree..Exit def needs to clean some of the crackheads outta there or at least get them off the floor, my ass kept tripping over the freaking bastages..

I expand my vocabulary every day thanks to CP. But what exactly is a bastage? I'm assuming they are related to bastards, but differ in some way.

Yeah there were definetely too many idiots sitting on the dance floor and all over the place. Made it impossible to walk around without stepping on them. I wore my sneaks and by the end of the night they were no longer white.

The only time I would ever go back to Exit is for Ferry Corsten. No exceptions, at least not right now. Corsten is the only DJ in their Friday lineup that could lure me back to that inferno. So I guess i'll see everyone there.

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my tiesto review:

shouts to joeyg, transcend, msoprano, nils (nice to finally meet you - looking forward to another lesson on the clubs in LN)

exit was WAY too crowded. sorry, but if you're going to close off half the club for private parties, you can't just let the same amount of people in anyway. and GOD DAMMIT hire more people to work in coatcheck.... and make sure they stay sober at least until 1:30am....

we managed to find a spot up by the podium and the dj booth with a little space so that wasn't bad. i gave tiesto my demo CD, but thank god i wasn't the moron who caused that trainwreck. after my manouver (thanks to those who helped me reach the booth) at least 4 people said "so you gave him your tape also?". once i thought he was playing my track, but that was just a delusion so i returned to reality pretty quick.

very good set from tiesto - much different then his World set (ie magik 4-7 on repeat). i couldn't do much trainspotting so props to those who could. i liked the progressive stuff - better especially since the beats were sharper and harder then usual. the few big tracks were nice to hear. i wish there could have been a little more vocal bits here and there.

so my review sits with the majority: exit sucks, tiesto is amazing.



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2 things:

Thanks for the tracks of songs Tiesto spun. But does anyone know the title of the song from the new DJ? I believe it was after "children," the song is very melodic and smooth. Sounds like its from an organ or piano.

Tiesto was awesome! The guy is more than an artist. I had a great time and looking forward for him coming to New York again! He knows how to control the crowd and knows when to bring his song up or down. To the god of DJ, ya the greatest. All others are just pretenders.

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Yeah Tiesto was definetely working the crowd, he's good at that. I can't think of the name of the track after Children, but I liked it. Talk about crowd control.... sheesh. Nobody could control that crowd. Obviously i'd go see Tiesto again, but he has to pick a better venue. Limelight on 3/3/01 was pretty awesome. Definetely a good time overall.

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Originally posted by dirtycash18

2 things:

Thanks for the tracks of songs Tiesto spun. But does anyone know the title of the song from the new DJ? I believe it was after "children," the song is very melodic and smooth. Sounds like its from an organ or piano.


i got it....(cause im the shit!).....Its by

Sonic INC. - A taste of summer

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