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Originally posted by dgmodel

1. I didnt go to school... 2. Scroll Up! 3. Im not bashin' the U.S. Im proud to be an American, even outside of war times...(not just jumping on the pride band wagon and flag waving craze!) I was just curious as to how the rest of the world percieves us... and we're we stand... in that respect... thats all.

I didn't take your post as USA bashin', if I thought you were I would have just ignorded it.

I just don't understand why you were not sure what we are about. I think so far you got some good replys here. I think we have a LOT of things that need fixin and I'm happy to point them out. I'm just so tired of being put down by the rest of the world for being American.

Why did you say that you didn't go to school?

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Originally posted by pepperk

I didn't take your post as USA bashin', if I thought you were I would have just ignorded it.

Cool beans... Just wanted to make sure everyone sees eye to eye with me and not misconstrew my thread for some half-assed bashing thread...

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Originally posted by f0xyminx

First of all, do not even insult me or get all nasty with me, it's a mistake! What makes you so high and mighty?

when you put m.o.o.n.word on cp, it defaults to the cartoon thing

and for the record punk, through is spelled like this, i guess you slept "threw" life

What the hell are you talking about???

I'm not insulting anyone! I was just making fun of the little smile ass guy. Why did you think i was talking to you??? And yes I really do have a hard time spelling. Hope you read what i say and not how i say it. But if you would like you can go into all my posts and correct mu spelling. thats ok with me.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Cool beans... Just wanted to make sure everyone sees eye to eye with me and not misconstrew my thread for some half-assed bashing thread...

...so what do you think? You got some good replys.

And just for the record I hate jumping on any band wagons and I believe that befor you go waving any flags you gotta know where you stand.

It's hard to reply in emails cause people don't know how you mean things. It's easy for thing to sound harsh and really, how many fuckin smiley faces can we use. :) :):D

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i know im gona catch crazy beef for this but here it goes...

The U.S. is famous for obesity , exploitation , coverups , Public Relations firms that lie their asses off , hypocriticism,sweatshops, subliminal advertising ,the war on drugs that really isnt a war on drugs, keeping alive the smugglers route from asia through the balkans to western europe and finally to america , overthrowing of foreign governments , pardoning people in their last hour of office , the death penalty (which aint too bad), not accepting the Kyoto protocol (if u dont know what it is..ASK) , trailer parks , white trash , internment of the Japanese-AMERICANS during WWII while validating it as a "precautionary measure", osama bin laden(the US Created him),Saddam Hussein(IRaq-Iran confict..u do the research),laugh machines , TV dinners(WTF??),global suffering due to sanctions imposed by the U.S. (cuba , iraq , yugoslavia etc etc..), need i go on??

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i know im gona catch crazy beef for this but here it goes...

The U.S. is famous for obesity , exploitation , coverups , Public Relations firms that lie their asses off , hypocriticism,sweatshops, subliminal advertising ,the war on drugs that really isnt a war on drugs, keeping alive the smugglers route from asia through the balkans to western europe and finally to america , overthrowing of foreign governments , pardoning people in their last hour of office , the death penalty (which aint too bad), not accepting the Kyoto protocol (if u dont know what it is..ASK) , trailer parks , white trash , internment of the Japanese-AMERICANS during WWII while validating it as a "precautionary measure", osama bin laden(the US Created him),Saddam Hussein(IRaq-Iran confict..u do the research),laugh machines , TV dinners(WTF??),global suffering due to sanctions imposed by the U.S. (cuba , iraq , yugoslavia etc etc..), need i go on??


sorry i just thought we should sing during this reply. While i'm not saying a there is anything wrong here in this post. Your right, we do a lot of fuck up shit and there are a lot of serious problems in the US, but I still think I would rather live here than anywhere else. I just hope you will note some if not all the good stuff we're about, while we all try to work together to fix the fucked up parts.

and you thought i was going to yell at ya...didn't you.


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ghost you only see the vile sides of this nation. i could point out any nation on earth, and go through a diatribe of errors. gimme one country, and ill bash the shit out of it. i really think youre missing the point here. ps-dont give me tanzania and mongolia, i dont know shit about them, and i dont think anyone does either. what the fuck happened to mongolia anyway? u never hear about them.

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bullshit, i lived in USSR for 10 years, americans are angels compared to what my drunk comrades did. a lot of bashing that US takes is completely undeserved. americans on average are good hearted people with a simple outlook on the world. their only true shortcoming is naiiveness. buddy you dont realise how much shit other nations are involved in, because the main cover for them is US, because we are powerful and rich, we make one sexy scapegoat. baaaaah.

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Originally posted by tribal

bullshit, i lived in USSR for 10 years, americans are angels compared to what my drunk comrades did. a lot of bashing that US takes is completely undeserved. americans on average are good hearted people with a simple outlook on the world. their only true shortcoming is naiiveness. buddy you dont realise how much shit other nations are involved in, because the main cover for them is US, because we are powerful and rich, we make one sexy scapegoat. baaaaah.

Someone buy this man a drink! Here's to you.

Thank you


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Originally posted by crobra

Coke, Microsoft, Ford, Atomic Bomb, McDonalds - Big Mac, John Wayne, Cowboys, Jerry Springer, twin towers, empire state building, apple pie, baseball, basketball, football, hollywood!!

. . . very well said!! . . we rawk!!! . . . but I'm of the opinion that blue jeans really are our greatest contribution to the world . .

. . . Imean think about it for a sec . . . . They're so versitle. . . they can be practical, sexy, laid back or stylin . . . They're durable, flame-retardant and comfortable all at the same time AND if you work in a profession where you need to wear them alot (physical labor) they count as safetey gear and you can get a tax deduction for it . . .

. . . I mean, how much does that rawk? . . .

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i know this has been said before but c'mon...CAPITALISM

when it comes to big corporations, we kick ass. and if you think about it, because of that, we have the best of everything...best (biggest) army, most advanced technology, most influential stock markets...whatever you may think of, America has it times two.

go ahead disagree, its true. maybe germans got the best cars, we got more of their cars here than they do. italy got good food? well the best italian chefs are right here in the us of a. dgmodel, we dont NEED a claim to fame...despite all the drawbacks, we're the center of the world right now.

no matter what happens, what gets discovered or thought of, chances are its gonna either happen in america or will have america involved.

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Plain and simple we are known for freedom and opportunity. Why do you think immigrants come here? For instance Mexicans come illeaglly across the borders to make a living and send money back to thier families in Mexico. There are opportunities for everyone to go to school, to work and to live in a "free society. People don't come here because we have McDonald's, Disneyland and 500 channels of tv.

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