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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

The Official Anti-Raver Site

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Funny stupid site, I liked:

Q: Every Raver seems to talk about it being a "Positive Movement". Positive this, positive that. Why do they keep saying this?

A: I'm quite "positive" that the only reason they do this is one of the only words they know. Here's some examples of how the word is used in conversations at raves.

"Is this stuff safe to inhale?" "Yeah man, I'm positive!"...

"Say, have they been playing one repetitive song all night?" "Yeah man, I'm positive!"...

"Hey, I think your friend there just stopped breathing!" "Yeah man, I'm positive!"...

"Can you understand a fucking word I'm saying?" "Yeah man, I'm positive!"...

Indeed it is a sad thing, but after listening to such wretched music and doing so many drug cocktails, you can't expect a Raver's vocabulary to be that extensive.


LOL, I guess this guy doesnt know the meaning of good music.

Fuck Um! :tongue:

Let's fill up his mailbox with some of his favorite techno music :)



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"Hi, I've got the mental capacity of a gnat. Please beat me to death."

Well, he did ask for the beating. What do ya say? Let's not disappoint him.


Is it Mardi Gras here or somethin? I don't fuckin think so. What the hell is wrong with this person? Despite what the t-shirt says, it's NOT all good. You look like a complete moron, kid! Even the guy in the back is keeping his distance from this loser! Guess he's worried that he'll catch whatever disease has infected this kid to make him want to dress up like a complete moron.


This guy is just too happy to see you.

Ok, I really don't even need to comment on this one!

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