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Dtourism vs. Clubplanet

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don't mess with dtourism and what thread are you talkin about??

if they have a problem its with the cp vynil hedz its prolly that we think the patry belongs to us and us alone and we shouldn't let in any diversity

its all about love for dt and love for music at dtourism..its that love, that vibe, that got me hooked on vinyl

you keep startin unwanted drama which almost no agrees with or cares about

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if they have a problem with us, they can go take their elitist asses and go be themselves soemwhere else, the party has an open door policy, why dont the fans???

people will always blame things and be complaining about how things arnet what they used to be, but unless you get a time machine, time is constantly in motion and things are NEVER what they used to be, thats why you have to live for the moment and not in the past. anyone who says, it was better then, blah blah blah, should say, 'OK, this is what we have now, what can we do to make it better.' not go on a blaming game trying to figure out why

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

That is the biggest hunk of bullshit in the world.............

if you say so.....I didn't mean so much the CP ppl, but the play that the board has given Vinyl....too much hype brings out ppl who didn't even know it existed, but are going bc it's the hot spot according to all the posts

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I agree with that sentiment. Didn't Danny even say "DONT tell your friends about this place" ?

it's been hyped a lot, a lot of clientele have been brought in that really changed the way Vinyl is. And i can't say i like it.

There are a lot of people who read stuff on this board and have gone to Vinyl accordingly, but they do so with less-than-pure intentions.

Vinyl is not the place for attitudes, drama and cliquish elitism...

i can't help but feel that with all the spotlight we've shown on it, we've attracted the moths that bring those things to a place :(

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Originally posted by cintron

i can't help but feel that with all the spotlight we've shown on it, we've attracted the moths that bring those things to a place :(

I don't really have a position on this topic, but I just wanted to say that was a great fucking analogy, Eric!


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Yeah, that was a good analogy.

I just want to say that I think that every party has it's time and Vinyl's time may have come. Like most parties, the first two or so years are the best. Once the mainstream has hit them or more people find out about them the originality and the initial sentiments that went into the place linger off to a new one. Vinyl's music is still great, but have you noticed that Danny now plays less dark and more progressive? He is catering to the new crowd.

The original partygoers were mostly there for the music and now there seems to be a mix between that and the people who are there because they want to get "retarded".

I brought this topic up in here to see what reactions I'd get.

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One point and I will leave it like this. If Danny, Vinyl, or Rob didn't want CP people, (Which I personally think rock because we enjoy ourselves, support the scene and know about the music) Then ummm why do they honor our ROXY cards at Vinyl for reduced admission on fridays???:rolleyes: Might wanna think about that!

Oh and have a shit load of us come down for ROGER SANCHEZ and have us as a sponsor that night. Oh and have us sponsor and sell tickets at WORLD the other night for Danny & Deep Dish which we did amazingly on. LOL even ticketmaster asked us to do their will call (thank you Snoozi for helping me) that damn huge Clubplanet Banner pimping the ticketmaster tickets. I think these places like us just fine or they wouldn't do this much business with us. And if they wanted certain kinds of people to not be let in the club then that is the doorpersons job.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

One point and I will leave it like this. If Danny, Vinyl, or Rob didn't want CP people, (Which I personally think rock because we enjoy ourselves, support the scene and know about the music) Then ummm why do they honor our ROXY cards at Vinyl for reduced admission on fridays???:rolleyes: Might wanna think about that!

Oh and have a shit load of us come down for ROGER SANCHEZ and have us as a sponsor that night. Oh and have us sponsor and sell tickets at WORLD the other night for Danny & Deep Dish which we did amazingly on. LOL even ticketmaster asked us to do their will call (thank you Snoozi for helping me) that damn huge Clubplanet Banner pimping the ticketmaster tickets. I think these places like us just fine or they wouldn't do this much business with us. And if they wanted certain kinds of people to not be let in the club then that is the doorpersons job.

finally the voice of reson steps in :D :D

i love how lainie alwys breaks it down with the facts ;)

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

LOL even ticketmaster asked us to do their will call

Being a constant sucker to the ticketmaster monopoly, I gotta know what kinda percentage of their ridiculous 'convienence fee' and/or 'service fee' they cut you in on. or if they even explained the difference.

but seriouly, good call on the roxy cards (which i regret never getting, but who knew they would be good other places).

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

One point and I will leave it like this. If Danny, Vinyl, or Rob didn't want CP people, (Which I personally think rock because we enjoy ourselves, support the scene and know about the music) Then ummm why do they honor our ROXY cards at Vinyl for reduced admission on fridays???:rolleyes: Might wanna think about that!

Oh and have a shit load of us come down for ROGER SANCHEZ and have us as a sponsor that night. Oh and have us sponsor and sell tickets at WORLD the other night for Danny & Deep Dish which we did amazingly on. LOL even ticketmaster asked us to do their will call (thank you Snoozi for helping me) that damn huge Clubplanet Banner pimping the ticketmaster tickets. I think these places like us just fine or they wouldn't do this much business with us. And if they wanted certain kinds of people to not be let in the club then that is the doorpersons job.

I think this argument's missing the point. The always good mannered Bustaknut mentioned that the DT loyalists blame us for Vinyl's demise.

Lainie's argument only gives the fact that Messers Tenaglia and Fernandez are honoring the CP guestlists and Roxy cards. Yes, they imply the interest of our crowd, but remember that one of the original reasons why they were intially honored was to support Johny Vicious. Also, they recognize that it's good business to deal with CP. In the end, it's the bottom line that counts.

Furthermore, the party itself is called "Be Yourself," meaning everyone is invited, no matter what. That's a blessing and a death wish at the same time, because once the secret got out, The Unwanted infiltrated that party, causing the tension between crowds.

Now, the question is this: IS CP to blame? That is an unfair statement to make. With all respect due to CP, not EVERYBODY who clubs on a regular basis checks this site. Only an ever growing small percentage does. Can elements (no pun intended) of The Unwanted lurk and post from CP? It's a strong possibility so. That doesn't mean, though, that we're to blame for the club's demise. Besides, Danny spinning at World doesn't help things either.

The bottom line is this: ever since Tenaglia spun with Cox @ Twilo last year, more and more people have been figuring out how to find Vinyl and party there. This so goes with the natural progression of a quality party: the vibe of the place simply goes down once the masses know that Vinyl is the place to be. For the regulars, there only hope now is to wait till the DT fad goes away. Considering how good DT is, it might seem like wishful thinking.

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