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The little things in life that bring you happiness..(what r yours?)

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Sometimes life has those small tiny

moments of small miracles that make you think:

"shit it's good to be alive"...

The things you might take for granted when you are rushing

but if you slow down...enjoy "THE MOMENT" you might

just be surprised to see what tiny Things can make

your day a journey full of small pleasures..



*The smell of coffee in the morning

*The first smoke of the day..

*Headphones and a new CD

as you walk through the East Villiage

*Movies in the dark..

*Kisses that give you goose bumps..

*Cherry Icey's from K-Mart..

*a really..reaaally cold

pint of Guiness

*Walking into a room

and seeing familiar faces..

*Hugz and kisses

(knowing you are not alone)

*long drives upstate..

*Pizza with go-go amy.

*the smell of a new book..

(What are yours?)

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Armin Van Buuren On A Long Drive...

Chocolate Balls of Doom (Coco Puffs) or Lucky Charms in the Morning...

The Smell Of Winter...

Clicking on the binding stairing down the face of a black diamond and saying "holy fucking shit" and hitting those slopes like a bat outta hell...

Long Conversations with a girl you like...

The first kiss...

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Originally posted by mugwump

*long drives upstate..

I think if there are 5 things I HATE in life, this is one of them.

Only cause I live upstate and driving home from the city every weekend is anything but enjoyable.

Otherwise, sweet list :)

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Guest tilly

an amazing song

being on a boat or swimming in a crystal clear ocean with no clouds in the sky

a long hot shower

an intelligent conversation with a total stranger at a club or bar

driving in a car with a friend, windows down, music bangin

a walk in the park

a belini

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Originally posted by mugwump

*The smell of coffee in the morning

*The first smoke of the day..

*a really..reaaally cold

pint of Guiness

damn mugz! those are all ways to shorten life!

kindof an oxymoron :)

(but please don't get mad at me and start tapping me wildly on the shoulder or anything)

my moments:

the smell of burning wood in the snow


golden sunshine peeking through leafy trees in the spring

sirrupy buttery pancakes @ IHOP w/ crobra. still rolling.

free expression - visual or verbal

gondola ride through the murky venician canals @ night, swimming nude in the perfectly clear tuquoise adriatic sea (croatia), snorkling, standing on the highest level of the eifel tower looking down @ paris, walking through the labirinth gardens of versailles (together ofcourse), Watching pupetts rotate on an ancient clock in the center of Prague at sunset, the colorful singing fountains in barcelone midnight, and so much more... (but those aren't so everyday I guess)

Driving to the manhatten @ night, looking at all the little lights and wandering, amazed at what humanity is capable of

looking down at a crowd of excited faces, eyes sparkling with the music. limelight. gatecrasher, green light and vapor - mezmorized and so perfectly happy to be alive.

cuddling - though a certain someone will disagree ;)

OMG - there is just so much more little moments that make life beautiful, my list is endless!!!!!!!!

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Sunlight / The smell of the air & feeling you get in the summer...

Walking into a place and getting a warm greeting from friends (that NEVER EVER EVER gets old in my book...)

Long drives down country roads in the warm weather, with windows down, sunroof up, music at ungodly volumes...

Meeting cool new people (again, never gets old...)

Recaping a long night out on my long drive back to jersey... Always puts a smile on my face or makes me laugh at some of the funny things that happened.

Music... I couldn't live without it...

Laughing at your own mistakes... If you can't make fun of yourself, you shouldn't make fun of anyone.

A good race drag/street/whatever...

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Something I wrote in highsschool - which I think was my perfect New York moment

A paved road lay across the park, stretching for what seemed like miles and finally blending into the city’s busy streets. But the cars could not be heard nor the buildings seen; not this far into the secluded half-nature, which managed to calm even a New Yorker’s never-ending rush. On either side of the road were shapely bushes, standing on grass that had been cut maybe the day before. The only tree was a weeping eve, which made a leafy arch against the September sky. And, much like the fingers of an impatient child, its branches reached, yearning to touch the ground and complete the arch. The task was impossible, though it seemed so easy to attain. Perhaps next year when the branches would be long enough, or maybe it’ll grow weaker and eventually lean the few centimeters that separate it from its aim. The late afternoon of a beautiful day, that perfect time when the sun peaks from behind the clouds, but no longer reveals itself fully. Instead faint traces of shimmering gold penetrated the tree...

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~the smell of the ocean in the morning/evening when hardly anybody is there


~my lil' dog being excited to see me when i come home

~just having a conversation w/ my best friend

~having my bf hold me

~the smell of fresh cut grass (even though it makes me sneeze)

~getting a kiss from someone you love


theres so many more, right? i'll stop though :D

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Ever since i came to the school I am in now people know me as Mr. Optimistic (they don't acutally call me that). they all say "It's the little things that make Gil happy"

My list can go on forever but:

1. When i first got my license, racing other cars on 287, and highways into upstate NY while listeneing to Skribble (it was last yr ppl), NY underground, and DJ Mystik.

2. chillin the hot tub, smokin up, drinkin w/ friends after a long day of snowbaording

~~~~~~First kiss~~~~~~~~~~

4. Arriving @ a club knowing that I have the whole night ahead of me for everyone to know "who's THAT person"?

5. afterhours and learning new dance/ rave moves.


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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

Sunlight / The smell of the air & feeling you get in the summer...

YEAH, especially the smell of urine on a NYC street in the summer...yummmayyyyy:laugh:

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-that first warm day of the year...

-getting a flyer and seeing an amazing Line-up...

-finding that one last cigarette in your pack, when you thought you had none left...


-Posting a THREAD on CP that gets alot of replies :)

-getting a PM...

-Getting a UPS Package (usually an Ebay Item)...

-getting ready for a PARTY and Listening to a CD of the DJ that Im going to see that night...

-walking into the PUMA store...

-watching my BEST Friend dance...

-watching all my little students doing the liquid and popping, and

knowing that Ive taught them how to...

-singing in the shower...singing in my car...singing in the mirror...

-Miso Soup

-mixing 2 records that match up perfectly:)


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Originally posted by mugwump

*Kisses that give you goose bumps..

*a really..reaaally cold

pint of Guiness

*Walking into a room

and seeing familiar faces..

*Hugz and kisses

(knowing you are not alone)

i have to agree with these

also..hearing one of your favorite songs at a club (thanx jv!)

having the music take control of my body and then dancing my ass off without a care in the world

people looking amazed when they find out i never use anything (after dancing my ass off)

driving my car with the moonroof open and the windows down, blasting some kickass cd

rollo and sister bliss remixes

spending quality time with my best friends

memories of England

The way the air feels right after a snowstorm

putting on a pair of broken-in jeans

stepping on the scale once a week

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Hey Mugz

First cig of day

First Spliff of day

First Beer of day

First mix\scratch of day

First Beat I make in day

First time I see my Girl in the morn

Just Being in NYC

Hangin After a party really late

Last Beer (or spliff but I'm usually out by bedtime) of the day

Spending time with my mates

THats my 10 best

Big Apple Breaks on Wednesday feat. Royce, Miss Bliss and Dj Wool @ Coal 9th between 2nd and 3rd 10pm

Oh yeah Mugz, Theres another Loft party where we had my Birthday. this Friday March 1st

feat. Dj Wool and Lorcan (on 4 dex)

$mall Change (my favorite NYC DJ)

Swingsett (Ism Records)

Orna (Plant Bar)

Miss these at your Peril

Everyone Welcome

142 N.1st

N.1st and Bedford

Peace to all

Keep on Keepin on

Dj Wool

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

.It's weird because I actually like the smell of dead skunk on the road because it reminds me of a beautiful spliff.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

cool Wool~

thanks for the 411..

May I add you and Cara's

sets to my list of favorite


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-hearing a song you like for the first time

-driving with the windows down on summer nights

-just the fact that its summer...

-finishing a good book and wanting to read it all over

-kisses that spill chills down your back

-3am talks with people i love

-laughing hysterically with my friends over things that would only make us laugh

-light and fluffy's from the smoothie king

-dancing when you think no one's watching...

-getting ready with my best friend to go out

-the cold sand on the beach really early in the morning

-diving into a pool knowing you broke the water perfectly

-the way bed sheets feel cold from the A/C

-being out at dinner with my crazy family and being glad that they're there to embarrass me...

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...there are so many things! Having my guy compliment me, being appreciated, spring, union square & central park, broadway shows, having a friend cheer you up by making you laugh so hard you can't breathe, getting flowers, dancing, celebrating with your friends, lunch w/ Mom, spa days, a good bottle of wine...:D

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dont know if its been posted already ::i didnt read through all of them but i bet theyre all great ;)::

Ya know that smell at around 530 or 6pm when the sun starts to set on a summer night? The smell on nature. . .fresh and pure. . .and its soooo super strong when your by a park or next to tons a trees. . .


Oh and coming home from a long long long day ::or night hehe:: laying in my bed and feeling a warm ball of fur at my feet.


she made me what i am today. . .

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