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**Clubplanet will Interview Sasha & Digweed next Thurs. for the Delta Heavy Tour**

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As of this morning we were informed that we have been honored and let into the inner circle of Sasha and Digweed and interview them about their upcoming Delta Heavy Tour. Clubplanet is one of the promotional sponsors of 3 of the tour dates (WMC @ the Miami Arena, Avalon in Boston, and EXIT in NYC **for 2 nights**)

We want to offer our people a voice to S&D. Please post your questions on this thread you would like me to ask them. Please keep it clean.

Thank You

Lainie Copicotto



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I'd like to know:

- how they feel about Twilo getting shut down

- if they are looking into another (new or existing) venue in NYC for a monthly residency

- how they felt about the events of Sept. 11th, and what specifically what prompted them to do their WTC benefit at Cipriani last NOvember

- if they are working on any more collaborative albums now or in the future (is Communicate 2 in the works?!)

- when Sasha's solo album is coming out!

- why they chose the locations and venues they did on their current Delta Heavy tour (for example, Clifton Park, NY?!)

- what does Delta Heavy mean

- where they see their music and their sound going (i.e., harder, more trancey, more progressive...)

- what was their favorite and/or most memorable NYC gig in the past 5 years




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Originally posted by Alexandra

- how they felt about the events of Sept. 11th, and what specifically what prompted them to do their WTC benefit at Cipriani last NOvember

Yeah and how did they feel about not a single dime getting donated out of that WTC benefit (that I am aware of)

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I would like to know if they would ever consider coming to delaware...

I would also like to know why whenever i show up every fourth friday at twilo they never open the doors, and there is never anyone waiting in line...im starting to think something happened to that place.....

What is your favorite barney video

How do i get rid of this rash

how many beers can you drink in an hour

wasnt Cipriani's an awesome night?

innie or outie

When are you starting your residency at Vinyl*wink wink*


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one thing i ask is that when u interview them and ask the questions posted here, please tell them not to give general answers and be as detailed as possible thankyou i hope their answers arent gonna be like "yea we will be playing there soon" i would really hate that:D

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can u ask them if they r going to just do tours from now on or R they in the mix of settling down here in Nyc again.

Why did it take them this long to come back to the City?

When was there favorite time at Twilo?

What d.j.'s do they admire?

besides chemical brothers, who do they wish to include in their set in the future?'

That's all 4 now.

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