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Million Dollar question... If your signifigant other...


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Was going on vacation to a country across the world. Would you give them whoring rights... If you knew they would keep it to themselves and never mention it to you or other's? And if they would not be in contact with the other person ever again... And that when they came back, they would be completely faithful to you...?

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As an explanation...

For one, like HappyKitten said... you never know what he could bring back home with him from his little tryst...

And I think that if any extra people are going to be brought into a relationship, both partners should be present. That way neither one will wonder... so what exactly was happening behind my back? If I were to find myself in a situation like one you described... I would drive myself insane wondering who and what my partner had been up to.

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If it was going to be known that he wouldn't brin ghome any extra goodie's for me, I really think it would have been ok. I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case. I am secure in myself, where picturing him with another woman wouldn't bother me. As long as I know where I stand, I feel he could play if he wants... Thats just me ladies, I understand you all think I'm nuts... But I have to add, The guy I planned on approaching with this idea... I was not in love with. He was my b/f yes, but It wasn't that strong of a relationship.... Perhaps if it were the love of my life, I wouldn't let him... Who knows...

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Originally posted by sparklez929

If it was going to be known that he wouldn't brin ghome any extra goodie's for me, I really think it would have been ok.

There's no way you could know that. Even with protection it's not a 100% guarantee. There's no such thing as "safe" sex, only safer sex.

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its like the area code rule. if ur in seperate area codes then anything goes. i dont go by that though. if ur together, ur together everywhere in the world, there's no like "neutral zones" or whatever. my girl wnet away to cancun last year, and i wanted her to have all of the fun she could possibly have, but i wouldnt give her the ok to go hook up with guys down there. and she behaved herself, and still had a good time. so wuts the point of goin to some other country and being able to hook up with other people. if u got somethin good at home, that should be enough. if u really get that horny while ur away, call up ur bf/gf back at home and have phone sex.

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Originally posted by sparklez929

The guy I planned on approaching with this idea... I was not in love with. He was my b/f yes, but It wasn't that strong of a relationship.... Perhaps if it were the love of my life, I wouldn't let him... Who knows...

well now. . .there's your answer. . .get back to us with your opinion on this subject when your "in love"

you'll see how drastically the answer is going to change. ;)

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Originally posted by happykittn

Say it with me... S... T... D...

In a pissy mood today,

~kitten >~.~<

My thoughts exactly. Not to mention after doing that how would you trust him being "faithful"? When you truly love someone you only want to be with that "one" person & vice-versa.....

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Ill tell you right now..It doesnt matter how much they love you b/c shit just happens that is the way things work...I spent a whole year in Italy and every girl I met had a boyfriend back home and be the end of our trip they almost hooked up with every dude in Italy....you only live once and that is bullshit if cant have a good time b/c you have a girlfriend....the sad thing was that there boyfriends payed all this money to fly out there and the whole time they thought their girls were faithful...bullshit

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Originally posted by sparklez929

But I have to add, The guy I planned on approaching with this idea... I was not in love with. He was my b/f yes, but It wasn't that strong of a relationship.... Perhaps if it were the love of my life, I wouldn't let him... Who knows...

...and there it's exactly where your whole idea falls into pieces. Of course you wouldn't care about it if you weren't in love....cause if there isn't any love between you and your partner...than what is there that connects you to eachother...:confused: ....sex and "friendly feelings"..and that's about it.

I might be a total dreamer (or maybe just naiv)...but I believe that if two people are seriously in love with eachother than I don't need to give anyone any rights to have sex with another person anyway....cause they wouldn't be interested in it (at least that's how it 'works' between me and my bf)....well, let's put it this way, I personally don't believe in "free" sex and open relationships and I'm just very happy that neither does my bf

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not gonna tell you that your idea is stupid or gross cause whatever... its your decision, your bf...

this is how im thinking... if you're not in love and just really don't care, then why are you together?? when he's gone are you gonna be faithful? if neither of you don't plan on it, then the point of staying together would be...? :confused:

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Originally posted by sparklez929

Was going on vacation to a country across the world. Would you give them whoring rights... If you knew they would keep it to themselves and never mention it to you or other's? And if they would not be in contact with the other person ever again... And that when they came back, they would be completely faithful to you...?

absolutley not... that would imply that youre only together for the ass... id rather sacrifice X amount of time with out ass then Sacrifice my entire relationship... plus it just wouldnt be the same in situation youre making love the other youre destroying it... nah i think Ill pass...

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