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the us is ruthless and arrogant (long but please read)

oh boy i know im gonna get shit for this but i dont care if you want to kill the messenger. the us is arrogant and ruthless. the us robs from other countries and has been doing it for years. the us is nothing more than a government by the rich for the rich exploiting any one they can in the name of "protecting us interest". fuck the monroe doctrine, fuck the school of the americas, and fuck the us government and foreign policy. dont think i hate the us, i love it, but people have to see the difference between the us government and the us people. the us oppresses us everyday and we dont see it. mandatory drug laws have soooo many people jailed for no real reason, meanwhile the government spends millions of dollars trying to secure our interest overseas. fuck that, i dont think ill care if my shoes cost more because they are not made by some 5 year old indonesian kid working for thirty cents and hour. people think its bad to criticize the government but look at martin luther king, man sometimes you just have to tell it like it is and right now the united states is doing alot of fucked up shit. a war on terrorist should be a war on the united states. the school of the americas is run by the us on american soil teaching "revolutionaries" how to fight. then when they turn the guns we paid for on us trying to get their freedom they are "terrorist" and thats just bullshit. we trained kuwaitis how to fight sadam hussein and left them to get slaughtered by his troops. the us has had embargos that basically make sure the poor and children starve in the middle east. think about who the real terrorist are when you all turn to mtv and watch britney spears or some other pop fuck or some athlete getting paid 20 million dollars. think about who the real terrorist is when you see enron fucking the american people in the ass tobacco companies killing the american public for years. were the us considering themselves terrorist when they robbed the native americans of their land, or stole from mexico? even today civilians have been killled by us bombs in vieques puerto rico. wtf its cool for us to bomb puerto rico and kill innocent people yet when the us is bombed its terrorist. just so you all know its not just the middle east that hates the us ITS THE REST OF THE WORLD everyone hates the us cuz we are imperialistic fucks. we allow creature comforts to appease us while we are fucking cows for the capitalist structure. we are raised to be consumers from birth. first its school which prepares you for college, then its college to prepare yourself for a job, which allows you to buy useless shit you dont need. do we need televisions, 2way pagers, fancy clothes, fancy cars or half the shit we buy. i want you all to think real hard about what im saying. would you be able to tell the young kid in the sweat shop that he has to work there because you need to have the newest set of jordans for as cheap as possible. could you tell the mother of a starving child that he will die because our politics are keeping food away from the people? i cant because i have a conscience.


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You are SUCH a hypocrit thats why. All that talk about creature comforts, and how consumeristic America is, and here you are living in the lap of luxury. If you want to preach to people then you should start by practicing what you preach. Otherwise your rhetoric comes across as very false.

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Originally posted by dusted

Nobody's censoring you, pal. Just pointing out your hypocrisy.

Yeah, and just pointing out the fact that you got some weird complex and envy towards this kid.

Bottom line, your comments are riddled with anger and emotion and therefore are not coming from an objective point of view, therefore unwarranted.

Or in idiot terms, you are a douchebag and quit startin shit cause you are lame.

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Originally posted by dusted

You are SUCH a hypocrit thats why. All that talk about creature comforts, and how consumeristic America is, and here you are living in the lap of luxury. If you want to preach to people then you should start by practicing what you preach. Otherwise your rhetoric comes across as very false.


Do you even know Tony other than his name on the boards?? Have you ever been to his place????





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You are indulging in all the creature comforts that you said is so morally wrong to indulge in, given that, according to you, we in America only have these things at the expense of all the starving children in Iraq and the rest of the third world.

And on top of that, you're freeloading off your girlfriend.

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Do you use the stuff in the house? Whose computer are you on? What kind of shoes do you wear? How much money do you blow on clubbing?

And why do your friends say "Tonys got it hooked up" when its really Tonys girlfriend that got it all hooked up.

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All right. Its your choice, but I hope you think about this when you're lying in bed tonight. Think about how this great country allows you to live in a beautiful comfortable apartment, that billions of people would gladly trade places with you. And admit to yourself that if anyone tried to take it all away, to turn this country into a third world cesspool, you would kill them.

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