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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~ mmmmm starbucks caramel machiatto

yo I dont even know what this thread is about, I didnt feel like reading through all 2000 pages of it but caramel machiatto is da shizznit!!!! i LOVE that stuff!

lol helen wtf...same perfume/cologne, same coffee drink....freaky :eek:

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aiight, H, your not alone


been out of everything (school, work, any connection to the outside world) since monday.

"and the WORST is yet to come!" said the millionaire waste of an education doctor. I always get sick when the seasons change (winter chill- warmer 60's). sux- i cant function or move when i am sick.

have no fear, ~G~ is postin again. as to wether or not I can even leave my house this wekend is another story.

oh and BTW, Senioritis? History Teacher leaves for a week, i end up with a 9.5% avg midway through the quarter! COLLEGE COME SOON! (Lets here from BU). thankn god colleges wont see these grades until i have a chance to bring it up atleast to a solid F (something from 50-65).

Caramel Mochiato's rock, all i drink @ S-Bux

Boobs are good, but nothing compared to a girlw/ a nice tummy, ass adn above all else, INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO MAKE ME LAUGH!

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forgot to add

havent seen u ppl since tiesto, but ~H~, i must say, your shirt that night described you in every way possible "Bootylicious".

and thanks for being a sweety + introducin me to everyone!

cant wait till this first cahnce i have to get outta my room and get ot the city again!

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