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The Osbournes....

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Two thumbs up from me - for whatever that's worth.. I laughed my ass off the entire time the show was on!!! He is a MANIAC, his kids are CRAZY, and his wife is just as NUTS!! She LOVES to spend money - did you see how much stuff 4 people have?!

I loved the previews for the next show - the door symbol - and the therapist for the animals (in his brittish accent of course *the damn dogs don't need a therapist. What they need is for you to open the door as 7AM for Christ sakes!!* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I have to admit, althought I am not an Osborn Fan, the show on MTV was funny as sh*t. Especially the mothering using the F word after every sentence. It's like they are the Adams Family for something. And, whats wit the boys out of control curly hair and black nail polish, talk about Curly Sue & the daughters PINK hair....isn't she trying to be a PINK wanna be! But the show was funny. Its ashame the father talks like he has Sh*t in his mouth...oh well.... God Bless Them +++++

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The weather channel/remote control scene was hilarious. Then he drinks diet coke like it's going out of style and his arms shake so much I thought he was going to spill it everytime he tried to drink it.

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Originally posted by dannyorbit

I think that show is corney

in my opinion it's fawking gay

half tha time i can't even understand wut tha fuck Ozzy iz saying

MTV iz fucking GAY!!!!!


MTV is gay, but 1) you knew the show was on and 2) you watched it!

I'm sure you'll report in on how corny the show was next week as well! But that is your opinion, so I respect that!

Dude by the way, making sense of what you wrote is almost as difficult as figuring out what Ozzy said!

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Originally posted by dannyorbit

It wuz one of those things

i wuz bored juss got back from the gym n wuz flipping channels

it poped on I thought it sucked n i changed the channel....

END of story


Maybe a little less TV until you master the English language!! You are butchering it!!:finger:

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Guest saleen351

I met ozzy a year ago, I'm friends with his gutarists neise. Zack wilder is from Jackson NJ so thats how I met him. < he the dude in the movie Rock Star. Which sucked by the way.... Ozzy is wacked, the man really has no clue whats going on. They are still trying to revive that rock scene, its actually sad......... not sure why 80's Rock fans still love the guy........:confused:

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that show was so funny! lmao......u guys have already covered the best lines! LOL.....i am laughing just thinking about it....the best was when the son tell the nanny lady...."why don't u get a real job!" lol....

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