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who is sick of the unpatriotic @$$holes on our board?

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Any government that would lock up Old Dirty Bastard clearly has its head up its ass! Can we not all agree that this troubled artist, who has given so much of himself, deserves a hero's accolades- not imprisonment?!

Seriously, hasn't anyone noticed that everything's gone to shit since they locked up ODB? He's a goddamn national treasure, and should be treated as such!



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Originally posted by tastyt

Anything else is called Fascism.

facism is the perfect term to describe the idiotic comments of these morons who call themselves "patriots". Fighting for freedom- my ass! the question is who's freedom? The freedom of American power-elite to continue living comfortably at the cost of the middle and lower classes in the United States AND especially by exploiting so many third world countries. The people who die for USA in this "war" are unfortunate victims, rather than heroes - that's just my opinion. I don't think their deaths are justified. And the press's glorification of it all is just making me sick

Crobra made some excellent points - it couldn't have been said any better!!!

And one more thing to all the people who say "blow em up" - If it was the vietnam war right now, you would be the exact individuals saying "kill those commi gooks". Have some consideration for human life, you fucking fascists!!!!!

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

ok once again let me just point out that its the us govt i dont like and not the people. secondly if u think someone that doesnt blindly follow us propoganda should leave your a moron. the govt encourages us to do this. if it werent for people like us there would be no right for women to vote, no civil rights, and no freedom of information act. when your rights are violated, which they will be at some time in your life, youll understand.

I agree, I don't understand why people have to put the two together..just because you hate the government doesn't mean you hate the country itself...what bullshit. Besides, you hear Americans bitching every single day about something going wrong in this country...funny how they forget shit like this automatically when an issue like this is being discussed...

Fuck Bush and his government.

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U know what ... For all you people who find something wrong with this country ... FIND ME A BETTER ONE ... and second our country's ways can be changed ... if u feel so strongly about something find all the people that agree w/you and change it!

If you cant do either of these ... what can i say ...

I'll stand behind you on that one

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Originally posted by karch

America doesn't suck. I love the american culture. I was born and raised here. But the US Military and the US goverment... fuck them. I could write pages and pages supporting and explaining myself. But this is a stupid thread anyways. peace.

How can you say that?

The american gov't and milatary is the ones protecting you right now. Don't you think the soldiers in afghanistan would rathe be out clubbing this weekend like you and your freinds. Don't knock em bro these people have a sack of stone and are better people then me!!!

Have a little faith in your Country and Gov't they make it possible for you enjoy your american culture.

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personally i think many foriegner's of many different countries come to this country with nothin but intent to take advantage of us.....dont get me wrong im not sayin ALL....alot of foriegner's have much respect for america.and the fact that they were able to achieve many things they would not otherwise be able to achieve from their counry...freedom...success..ect..but i also see alot of disreguard for this country..they come here to make our money .take our business..and some of the things we work hard for as american's////I SAY FUCK EM ALL !!!!!!!!!! :blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

I agree, I don't understand why people have to put the two together..just because you hate the government doesn't mean you hate the country itself...what bullshit. Besides, you hear Americans bitching every single day about something going wrong in this country...funny how they forget shit like this automatically when an issue like this is being discussed...

Fuck Bush and his government.

you are nutz

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Originally posted by skystepper27

personally i think many foriegner's of many different countries come to this country with nothin but intent to take advantage of us.....dont get me wrong im not sayin ALL....alot of foriegner's have much respect for america.and the fact that they were able to achieve many things they would not otherwise be able to achieve from their counry...freedom...success..ect..but i also see alot of disreguard for this country..they come here to make our money .take our business..and some of the things we work hard for as american's////I SAY FUCK EM ALL !!!!!!!!!! :blown:

Are you a Native American? If not you're a complete hypocritical moron for making that post. But I'm guessing the irony would be lost on you. :rolleyes:

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first of all are u a forienger? cuz if u are i could see u getting pissy about my comment...but its tru...and like i said not ALL but MOST come over here takin all of OUR shit and spitting on us..they could give a shit about america...all they want is to suck us dry of our money and our pride....but thats only my opinion and im a "hypocritical moron" :laugh2::zzz:

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Originally posted by skystepper27

first of all are u a forienger? cuz if u are i could see u getting pissy about my comment...but its tru...and like i said not ALL but MOST come over here takin all of OUR shit and spitting on us..they could give a shit about america...all they want is to suck us dry of our money and our pride....but thats only my opinion and im a "hypocritical moron" :laugh2::zzz:

You don't have to be a foreigner to take offense to your comments. In fact, I'm not. I just happen to have more than half a brain, and realize that there would be no "USA" if it weren't for immigrants.

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Originally posted by skystepper27

first of all are u a forienger? cuz if u are i could see u getting pissy about my comment...but its tru...and like i said not ALL but MOST come over here takin all of OUR shit and spitting on us..they could give a shit about america...all they want is to suck us dry of our money and our pride....but thats only my opinion and im a "hypocritical moron" :laugh2::zzz:


im not going to even waste my breath

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ur right..there would be no usa if it werent for immagrents..we are the " melting pot " and its cool we r a colorful country..HOWEVER.....i dont like the fact that we are takien advantage of by outsiders in most cases...that dont wish to give a little.they take alot....i don't know wut ur attitude is about ..its MY opinion and i am entitled to my views....it's called freedom of expression and freedom of speech...and would somebody pleeeeeze tell me who the hell took the other half of my brain?? im planning on gettin intoxicated tonight and i would like to feel the full affects.....anyone with info on this matter please contact me toll free at 1-800- immagrents suck,...

sincerley yours,

CHief Sky - Navajo Tribe

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by skystepper27

its MY opinion and i am entitled to my views....it's called freedom of expression and freedom of speech...and would somebody pleeeeeze tell me who the hell took the other half of my brain?? im planning on gettin intoxicated tonight and i would like to feel the full affects.....anyone with info on this matter please contact me toll free at 1-800- immagrents suck,...

Who ever said anything about you not being able to express yourself?

PS- Good luck finding the rest of your gray matter.

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I find this so amusing.

there are the "shut the fuck up" flag wavers

the hippie beatnik activist protesters

the drum banging hypocrites

the trumpet sounding anarchists

and then there's me. Man i should go back to Air Force ROTC and get back into the special forces training program.

Learning how to slit a man's throat in one deft motion, eating snake and roaches and reciting the bold-print items for low level freefall onto drop zones.....

damn i miss that shit.

:) And you all think i'm such a happy go lucky kid, haha.

It's just a facade, while i decide whether to work you over with the sharp knife or the rusty one :)

hehe. Now to find some terrorist assholes and go to work...

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Originally posted by skystepper27

ur right..there would be no usa if it werent for immagrents..we are the " melting pot " and its cool we r a colorful country..HOWEVER.....i dont like the fact that we are takien advantage of by outsiders in most cases...that dont wish to give a little.they take alot....i don't know wut ur attitude is about ..its MY opinion and i am entitled to my views....it's called freedom of expression and freedom of speech...and would somebody pleeeeeze tell me who the hell took the other half of my brain?? im planning on gettin intoxicated tonight and i would like to feel the full affects.....anyone with info on this matter please contact me toll free at 1-800- immagrents suck,...

sincerley yours,

CHief Sky - Navajo Tribe

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Most of the people in this country are decendents of immigrants. If it wasnt for those people coming to this country to take advantage of the possibilities that awaited them, you wouldnt be living where you are today. These immigrants helped build cities, power our economy, and gave their lives for this country in all the wars we fought. And not much has changed in the present. These people come here, get jobs, and pay their taxes. They raise their families here. Their kids grow up to become doctors, scientists, lawyers, and even soldiers in the armed forces. What more must they do to be accepted? Maybe their english is'nt great. But so what. Alot of people that have been living in this country their whole lives cant even put together a complete sentence. But since they were born here its ok. Plus what about all the US citizens who earn a decent living but cant take 30 minutes out of their day to go out and vote once every 4 years????? That's one of the saddest things about this country. People have a right to decide who their president will be and they dont even take advantage of that. Then they go around asking everybody else whats wrong with the country. They want an answer to that!!! Go and look in a mirror and you'll see whats wrong with the country today.....

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If your referring to me than I really cant say. I was alittle drunk last night so I'm not even sure how I meant it. Whichever way I did, I stand by it....Now I need some sleep....

BTW, how does that sound like militia material. Arent they usually anti-immigrant?

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