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Favorite Simpsons Quote?

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I know you all have one... Just loaded one into my pc to watch, the one where Marge has a gambling problem.. Fave quote from the episode goes to Homer!

"No Lisa, the only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother..

I call him Gamblor!!

And its time to snatch your mother, from its neon claws!!!"

Hehehe.. anyone else? :D

Lou (^_^)

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hehe love simpsons!

Bart: "Dad, do you know anything about women?"

Homer: "Yes son, women like it when you complement them on how they look"

Marge and Lisa walk into the house;

Bart:"Mom, Lisa, you look beautiful"

Marge: "oh wow, how nice, someone is going to get some special cookies tonight!"

Bart:"Wow dad, that really works! do you know anything else about women?"

Homer: "Nope, thats about it."

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Homer : “I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around.â€

Marge: What happened to you, Homer? And what happened to the car?

Homer: Nothin’.

Marge: I don’t think it had broken axles before.

Homer: Before, before! You’re livin’ in the past, Marge. Quit livin’ in the past!

Homer : “Marge, don’t discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals … except the weasel.â€

Bart : I think its ironic that for once dad's butt prevented the release of toxic gas."

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Originally posted by airatomic

Homer : “I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around.â€

Marge: What happened to you, Homer? And what happened to the car?

Homer: Nothin’.

Marge: I don’t think it had broken axles before.

Homer: Before, before! You’re livin’ in the past, Marge. Quit livin’ in the past!

Homer : “Marge, don’t discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals … except the weasel.â€

Bart : I think its ironic that for once dad's butt prevented the release of toxic gas."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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To start press any key. Where's the any key?

Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably.

The lesson is, never try

It's not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but

somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV a day.

Homer: But every time I learn something new, it pushes out

something old! Remember that time I took a home winemaking

course and forgot how to drive?

Marge: That's because you were drunk!

Homer: And how!

You never know when an old calendar might come in handy!

Sure, it's not 1985 right now, but who knows what tomorrow will


Bart: What do we need church shoes for? Jesus wore sandals.

Homer: Well, maybe if he had had better arch support, they wouldn't have caught him.

Homer: (Offering Lisa a donut.) Donut?

Lisa: Uhh... got any fruit?

Homer: This one has purple in it. Purple's a fruit.

Homer: If something goes wrong, blame the guy who can't speak English.

Marge: Homer, have you been drinking?

Homer: No... okay, ten beers!

Back, you robots! Nobody ruins my family vacation but me... and maybe the boy!

New York is a hell hole! You know how I feel about hell holes!

Hey, this is mustard! I asked for ketchup! I'm eating salad here!

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"(Homer) ohhhh 20 dollars, but I wanted the peanut. (brain) 20 dollars can buy many peanuts, (Homer) explain how, (brain) money can be exchanged for goods and services, woooo hoooo

"(Marge) Homer, you are over excited. We are going to get you home, get beer in you and then right to bed". (Homer) Woooo Hooooo

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some of my favorite mmmmmmm's

Mmmm... logan berry

Mmmm... Ooh.. Macamadamia nuts

Mmmm... horse doovers

Mmmm... purple

Mmmm... salty

Mmmm... the land of chocolate

Mmmm... crumbled-up cookie things

Mmmm... snouts

Mmmm... soylent green

Mmmm... organized crime

Mmmm... sixty four slices of American cheese

Mmmm... invisible cola

Mmmm... convenient

Mmmm... forbidden donut

Mmmm... business deal

Mmmm... free goo

Mmmm... mediciney

Mmmm... sacrilicious

Mmmm... elephant fresh

Mmmm... bowling fresh

Mmmm... urinal fresh

Mmmm... slanty

Mmmm... incapacitating

Mmmm... something

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

some of my favorite mmmmmmm's

Mmmm... logan berry

Mmmm... Ooh.. Macamadamia nuts

Mmmm... horse doovers

Mmmm... purple

Mmmm... salty

Mmmm... the land of chocolate

Mmmm... crumbled-up cookie things

Mmmm... snouts

Mmmm... soylent green

Mmmm... organized crime

Mmmm... sixty four slices of American cheese

Mmmm... invisible cola

Mmmm... convenient

Mmmm... forbidden donut

Mmmm... business deal

Mmmm... free goo

Mmmm... mediciney

Mmmm... sacrilicious

Mmmm... elephant fresh

Mmmm... bowling fresh

Mmmm... urinal fresh

Mmmm... slanty

Mmmm... incapacitating

Mmmm... something

Mmmm... unexplained bacon

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  • 2 weeks later...

"oh, used grease is worth money eh? Then my arteries are filled with liquid gold!"

"Homer no function beer well without."

"Okay it's the standard Grandpa Drill, everyone into the celler!"

"Volunteering is for suckers. Did you know that so called 'Volunteers' don't even get paid?!?"

"Oh, they have the internet on computers now!"

"You gave away both dogs!!! You know how I feel about giving!!!"

"The human wang is a beautiful thing."

"I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T."

Homer: “Every time I learn something new, a little of the old gets

pushed outta my brain, remember that time I took that wine making course and forgot how to drive?â€

Marge: “You were drunk!!!â€

Homer: “And how.â€

“Son, when you participate in sporting events, it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how drunk you get.â€

Abe Simpson: “Homer you’re dumber than a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it.â€

Homer: “Stupid traumatic childhood.â€

Homer`s Revenge List

1. Bill of Rights

2. Grandpa

3. Fat-Free Lard

4. Gravity

5. Emmys

6. Darwin

7. H2WHOA! (the waterslide Homer got stuck in at Mt. Splashmore)

8. Billy Crystal

9. God

10. Soloflex

11. The Boy

12. Stern Lecture Plumbing

13. Econo Save

Homer : "Kids, Kids! I'm not gonna die! That only happens to bad people!"

Bart : "What about Abraham Lincoln?"

Homer : "Err...He sold poisoned milk to school children!"

Marge : "Homer!"

Homer : "Hey, I'm just trying to make it easier on them..."

Lisa : "Who will police the police?"

Homer : "I dunna know. Coast Guard?"

Lovejoy: Do you Marge take Homer, in richness and in poorness...poorness is underlined.

Marge nods

Lovejoy: ...in happiness and in blasting across the Alkali Salt Flats in a jet-powered, monkey-navigated...I'm going to stop there.

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Marge: Well HOmer, how are we going to get out of this situation?

Homer: I know! We'll live under the sea! Under the sea, Unders the sea (dreams about living underwater, eats fish and lobsters, plays crabslike instruments, ala Little Mermaid) Under the sea!!!

Marge: Homer! We cant go living under the sea! its impossible!!

Homer: Well not with that attitude..


Homer is the man

heres another one

Lisa watchinga govt film on meat production,

"As you can see the cow is gently lifted by the lift and is taken onto the killing floor. But dont let the name throw you off, its not actually a floor, its more of a platform...."

You dont make friends with salad, you dont make friends with salad!

Homer: This is the flyer for my Barbeque party, it says "Come to Homer's BBQ party, BYOBB"

Marge: Whats the extra B in the BYOBB for?

Homer: Oh its a type-o

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Homer: "Yeah Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. Ooops, gotta go, my damned weiner kids are listening"

To pay tribute to Troy McClure, his educational filmstrip entitled "Alice Doesn't Live Anymore"

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Waitamin Waitamin Wait a minute... Lisa honey, are you saying you are never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?








Pork Chops!?


Dad, those all come from the same animal!


Yeah right Lisa, a wonderful "magical" animal. Hehe.

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