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question for FDNY

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The annual NYPD vs. FDNY football game later this spring. Please say those exact same dumb-ass comments to them...I'll be sitting on the side while they use you as their new tackling dummy, cause the only thing you have "up there" is foam and rocks for brains.

Where does the line start to kick your ass? :mad::blown:

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I am a World Trade Center tower,

Standing tall in the clear blue sky,

Feeling a violent blow in my side,

and I am a towering inferno of pain and suffering inploding upon myself and collapsing to the ground.


I am a terrified passenger on a hijacked airplane

not knowing where we are or that I am riding

on fuel tanks that will be instruments of death,

and I am a worker arriving at my office not knowing

that in just a moment my future will be obliterated.


I am a pigeon in the plaza between the two towers

eating crumbs from someone's breakfast

when fire rains down on me from the skies,

and I am a bed of flowers admired daily by thousands

of tourists now buried under five stories of rubble.


I am a FIREFIGHTER sent into dark corridors of smoke and dedris

on a MISSION of MERCY only to have it collapse around me,

and I am a rescure worker risking my life to save lives

who is very aware that I may not make it out alive.


I am a survivor who has fled down the stairs

and out of the building to safety who knows that nothing

will ever be the same in my soul again,

and I am a doctor in a hospital treating patients burned

from head to toe who knows that these horrible immages

will remain in my mind forever.


I am a tourist in Times Square looking up

at the giant TV screens thinking I'm seeing a disaster movie

as I watch the twin Towers crash to the ground,

and I am a New York woman sending e-mails to friends and family letting them know that I am safe.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am a piece of paper that was on someone's desk

this morning and now I'm debris scattered

by the winds across lower Manhattan,

and I am a stone in the graveyard at Trinity Church

covered with soot from the buildings that once stood proudly above me, death meeting death.


I am a dog sniffing in the rubble for signs of life,

doing my best to be of service,

and I am a blood donor waiting in line to make a simple but very needed contribution for victims.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am a resident in an apartment in downtown New York

who has been forced to evacuate my home,

and I am a resident in an apartment uptown who

has walked 100 blocks home in a stream of others refugees.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am a family member who has just learned

that someone I loved has died,

and I am a pastor who must comfort someone

who has suffered a heart-breaking loss.


I am a loyal American who feels violated

and vows to stand behind any military action it takes

to wipe terrorists off the face of Earth,

and I am a loyal American who feels violated and worries

that people who look and sound like me are all going to blamed for this tragedy.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am a frightened city dweller who wonders whether

I'll ever feel safe in a skyscraper again,

and I am a pilot who wonders whether

there will ever be a way to make the skies truly safe.


I am the owner of a small store with five employees

that has been put out of business by this tragedy,

and I am an executive in a multinational corporation

who is concerned about the cost of doing business

in a terrorized world.


I am a visitor to New York City who purchases postcards

of the world Trade Center Twin Towers that are no more,

and I am a television reporter trying to put into words

the terrible things I have seen.


I am a boy in New Jersey waiting for a father who

will never come home,

and I am a boy in faraway county rejoicing

in the streets of my village because someone

has hurt the Americans.


I am a general talking into the microphones about how we

must stop the terrorist cowards who have perpetrated

this heinous crime, and I am an intelligence officer trying to

discern how such a thing could have happeneed on American soil,

and I am a city official trying to find ways

to alleviate the suffering of people.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am willing to die to prove it, and I am a terrorist sympathizer

standing with all the enemies of American capitalism

and imperialism, and I am a master strategist for

a terrorist group who planned this abomination.

Me heart is not yet capable of openness, tolerance, and loving.

*****MAY I KNOW PEACE*****

I am a citizen of the owrld glued to the television set,

fighting back my rage and despair at hese horrible events,

and I am a person of faith struggling to forgive

the unforgivable, praying for the consolations of those

who have lost loved ones, calling upon the merciful

beneficence of god/lord/allah/spirit/highter power.


I am a child of God who believes

that we are all children of god

and we are all part of one another.



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sorry guys I had to post that I just read it and I wanted toshare it with all of you...;) This thread pissed me off when I read it also and it maybe me question my faith in God right after the terrorist attack on America. "where was my God?" I was so hurt, as all Americans were, so I tried not to react defensively believe I have the answer. I know where my God was the morning of September 11, 2001! I think he was He very busy.

First of all, he was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade Center. After all only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings hold over 50,000 workers, this was a miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the WTC told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays. In my mind He was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 (or so) of the the workers could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple when the jets impacted.

Although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I can see God's miracles in every bit of it. I keep thinking and praying every chance I have for everyone who lost a loved one. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in God. Life would be hopeless.

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Originally posted by laurie619

sorry guys I had to post that I just read it and I wanted toshare it with all of you...;) This thread pissed me off when I read it also and it maybe me question my faith in God right after the terrorist attack on America. "where was my God?" I was so hurt, as all Americans were, so I tried not to react defensively believe I have the answer. I know where my God was the morning of September 11, 2001! I think he was He very busy.

First of all, he was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade Center. After all only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings hold over 50,000 workers, this was a miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the WTC told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays. In my mind He was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 (or so) of the the workers could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple when the jets impacted.

Although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I can see God's miracles in every bit of it. I keep thinking and praying every chance I have for everyone who lost a loved one. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in God. Life would be hopeless.

It's so good to see people thinking that way!! I'm with ya, my faith is always there ;)

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Originally posted by robocock

i respect FDNY on 9/11 for their bravery and heroism. having said that i have questions for them:

1.did you FDNY really think you could extinguish the fire 80 stories up by climing stairs? did you have enough supply to extinguish the fire?

2.why did you guys go inside the building in the first place?? did it ever occur to you that the towers would collapse?

3.im sure FDNY saved some people but by increasing traffic in the staircases sicne the elevators weren't working, did you FDNY ever think that you will block people from exiting the building?

everyone says FDNY were heroes and i agree with them but they weren't very smart.

let me tell you something u peace of shit muther fawker the fdny risked there life cause thats there job and u know what there proud of it and u know what the are the bravest men in the world and u know what u are a coward cause u said all this shit u shoul be shot man i lost a couple firefighters i know u asshole

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Originally posted by robocock

i respect FDNY on 9/11 for their bravery and heroism. having said that i have questions for them:

1.did you FDNY really think you could extinguish the fire 80 stories up by climing stairs? did you have enough supply to extinguish the fire?

2.why did you guys go inside the building in the first place?? did it ever occur to you that the towers would collapse?

3.im sure FDNY saved some people but by increasing traffic in the staircases sicne the elevators weren't working, did you FDNY ever think that you will block people from exiting the building?

everyone says FDNY were heroes and i agree with them but they weren't very smart.


As far as your moronic questions,

1. If they couldn't extinguish it they could at least contain it and get people out.

2. Are you kidding? EVERY BUILDING ON FIRE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO COLLAPSE. That question is beyond nonsensical.

3. They helped people to exits that could be used. Yes, they were certainly needed to help guide people and I'm sure that more than a few survivors owe their lives to the direction of the FDNY

You're utter disrespect and unappreciative comments are appalling.

Here's a question for you...if someone happened to throw a match on your bed while you sleep...should they then show this post to your local firefighters?

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you perish in hell bitch.

Originally posted by barbiegirl

this guy obviously has ZERO respect for life and it's meaning

i wasn't going to respond to such a PATHETIC person like yourself but i wanted to give you a piece of my mind ....

you are low life scum - worse than that, you are POND SCUM, SCUM on the bathroom tile that your lazy fat ass mother couldn't get too because she was too busy banging Osama bin Laden !!!

i hope you perish in hell

you pathetic waste of life !!!

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WEll fuckface i will track you down and burn your house.

Originally posted by tribal

im usually against violence, but this asscheese deserves a nice long beating for saying shit like that. how do people like this even exist? evolution hasnt been doing its job too well. bless the FDNY, the real MEN and real heroes of this nation.

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it saddens me that someone could be so ignorant as to say such a thing... you obviously have no compassion or appreciation for what the FDNY did and the risks they took. tell me, what would you have done? there was enough chaos and confusion and SHOCK to prevent people from thinking clearly and that lasted for the most part of the week after 9/11, don't you think that they TRIED their best to what they could? a plane crashing into a 100 story+ tower is not an everyday occurance, hence the panic and disorganization. i'm proud and thankful that there were people brave enough to help out that day because god knows i would be in hysterics. you are a moron. go climb back under your rock and STAY THERE.

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Originally posted by hotchickie5

u have got to be the most unappreciative person. How dare u say stupid shit like this about FDNY. They tried to do wut they were trained to do and wut they thought would be best. They had no idea the damage was bad enough to make the towers fall. They followed their instincts. FDNY deserves respect and praise for wut they did not ridicule. They are the only people that have the balls to do wut they do and do it everyday. Obviously u didn't experience the pain of not knowing whether or not a loved one was okay. U weren't sitting next to the phone waiting for the fire department to call and say i'm sorry but...he didn't make it. Well i did and to hear someone like u talk like this is very disappointing. These men disregarded their own lives to try and save others. Their acts on 9-11 just shows how brave they really are. When everyone was runnin out they were runnin in. They lost their brothers and yet they still go to work everyday and do wut they love because it is in their blood. The members of FDNY are heroes. There is no denying that.

robocock, listen to this girl and dont post stupid shit like that again

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laurie619 that rest in peace post was awesome. and what u said about where ur God was, is true. Mine was there too. Everything in this world happens for a reason. Although it may be hard to understand and justify the reasons to such a horrible tragedy...they are there. Our world, country, state, and cities have unified and become stronger. We pulled together and are working together to defeat an evil that no one can understand.

Forever in our minds

Forever in our hearts

FDNY NYPD and all those lost

Always remember never forget

What's there is there

What's gone is lost

But Forever in our hearts nothing will ever be lost.

Rest in Peace my lost brothers and sisters



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Originally posted by robocock

i respect FDNY on 9/11 for their bravery and heroism. having said that i have questions for them:

1.did you FDNY really think you could extinguish the fire 80 stories up by climing stairs? did you have enough supply to extinguish the fire?

2.why did you guys go inside the building in the first place?? did it ever occur to you that the towers would collapse?

3.im sure FDNY saved some people but by increasing traffic in the staircases sicne the elevators weren't working, did you FDNY ever think that you will block people from exiting the building?

everyone says FDNY were heroes and i agree with them but they weren't very smart.

In a time of chaos there are no drills. There are no simulations, all you know is that you are one man who has to throw his life on the line and run inside of a burning building to save your fellow Americans. That is what you need to do, it is your job, it is your code, it is your patriotism, it is your right. Those who weren't there couldn't possibly imagine what was going on. The Camera filming cannot show you everything from every angle. Your just a silly person for making this post...

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omg its almost pointless to post on this subject again but you really are a horrible human being... you have no sanctity of human life... in those few moments thousands of people were all at once silenced... Firemen risked their lives and had it taken from them but they raced in there to save whoever they could and it was a very valiant effort... even more appaling then your disregard for the bravery in the face of an unprecedented even is ur complete ignorance... instead of appologizing you deem it necessary to continue to be a complete asshole... i really think thats a horrible thing to do and then to hide behind the anmenity of a public forum... shame on you... you make me ashamed to call myself an american!

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I came down from the 55th Floor and in the back of my mind I was kinda thinking the same thing about the firemen going up there. Maybe not as harshly as robocock said but kinda the same point. There were times when you were stopped in the stairwell for minutes not even moving. The smoke was getting kinda thick and some people had trouble breathing. We had to move over for alot of firemen coming up the stairs and it was very hard to look at their faces. There was no announcement to go back to work, there were no fire alarms going off, there was no announcement on what to do. At least in Tower 1 there wasn't. From my understanding the alarm went off in Tower 2 when Tower 1 was hit. Thats why you hear these stories about the announcement to go back to work. The PA told them that in Tower 2 since they really didn't think there would be another plane comming. The PA was working on that fire alarm system for the longest time. I guess I didn't really work the way they wanted it to since the alarm went off in the wrong building. Basically if you were up there, it was a feeling that you were on your own. If you remember a few months before this happened there was a fire on a subway platform that filled the mall up with smoke. They made an announcement in every WTC building and told us what was going on. This time there was nothing. Not even a simple fire alarm going off. I didn't hear an alarm until I got to about the 10th Floor. It's easy to say after everything is over "Why did they even go up there?" But at the time - absolutly no one knew what to do. So robocock - I somewhat understand what you are saying but you are saying it very rudely. You are showing no respect for people who lost their lives.

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Hey - all I'm tryin to say is that when everything was over it was easy for alot of people to wonder why they even had an order to go up. I honestly don't know how they even did it. You think I don't know what they did that day. You know how many of those dead firemen I looked right in face and said to myself "That could have been me up there they are trying to save". No one would even think this if the towers didn't collapse. But no one knew. That's the bottom line. No One Knew.

Robocock could have been completly sincere in asking those questions.

1. Where would the supply of water come from if you are going 80 stories up?

2. Did the FDNY consider the towers collapsing?

3. Did they worry about traffic on the stairwell?

What is wrong with asking questions like this from a person who knows shit about what really happened and know shit about what a firefighter really does. This person knows neither of these and to top it off he's an asshole in the way he came across.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

I love this girl... you tell em!

i second that shit...robo u fuckin scumbag lowlife motherfucker, u should have ur legs and arms ripped off and thrown into a burning building and then u will beg for one of the firefighters u trashed to come and pull u out :blown:

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

i second that shit...robo u fuckin scumbag lowlife motherfucker, u should have ur legs and arms ripped off and thrown into a burning building and then u will beg for one of the firefighters u trashed to come and pull u out :blown:

you can help too.. lol

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i know what i wrote would provoke drama but i had a point. my neighborhood came down from one of the towers and he complained about the firemen taking up space. no offense intended.

Originally posted by klubkat

I came down from the 55th Floor and in the back of my mind I was kinda thinking the same thing about the firemen going up there. Maybe not as harshly as robocock said but kinda the same point. There were times when you were stopped in the stairwell for minutes not even moving. The smoke was getting kinda thick and some people had trouble breathing. We had to move over for alot of firemen coming up the stairs and it was very hard to look at their faces. There was no announcement to go back to work, there were no fire alarms going off, there was no announcement on what to do. At least in Tower 1 there wasn't. From my understanding the alarm went off in Tower 2 when Tower 1 was hit. Thats why you hear these stories about the announcement to go back to work. The PA told them that in Tower 2 since they really didn't think there would be another plane comming. The PA was working on that fire alarm system for the longest time. I guess I didn't really work the way they wanted it to since the alarm went off in the wrong building. Basically if you were up there, it was a feeling that you were on your own. If you remember a few months before this happened there was a fire on a subway platform that filled the mall up with smoke. They made an announcement in every WTC building and told us what was going on. This time there was nothing. Not even a simple fire alarm going off. I didn't hear an alarm until I got to about the 10th Floor. It's easy to say after everything is over "Why did they even go up there?" But at the time - absolutly no one knew what to do. So robocock - I somewhat understand what you are saying but you are saying it very rudely. You are showing no respect for people who lost their lives.

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