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Stuck on Earth "the real response"

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taken from naughtybooth...


This is an email I received today from SOE in response to an email I sent to the organizers regarding the debacle on 3.2.02. I also pointed them to threads on NaughtyBooth, so they would be aware of the community response. Needless to say, they need to run through a PR excercise.

first of all... I really don't have time for this shit

but I have to let you in on a little secret... you

have no idea what it takes to throw an event of that

size with all the great DJ's that make you have your

"great time" when you are inside. If you want to be of

any help; instead of complaining, don't attend any of

our events in the future. We threw this event for the

people so they would be able to see these dj's that do

not want spin unless they are paid and pampered. So,

if you like to see local talent and not top talent

then go to a local party and get in quick . But before

you start talking shit about us do your homework on

what it takes to throw an event like that. ....... It

would also help to stop the enormous amount of drugs

that some people bring into the event that makes you

wait longer....

Thanks JOSEPH CANGELOSI from SOE for letting us know how you really feel

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We'd like to apologize for the comments made by our friend Joseph Cangelosi. The truth of the matter is this, Joe does no longer even work with us anymore. He hasn't for quiet sometime, and is in no way a representation of our company nor our views. His, was a delayed response to the negative comments which were made about us shortly following the Destination-NYC event. We adddressed this issue early last week, and it should be clear as to where we stand on this matter. Joe's role in the company is just as a friend now, and ironically enough, was not even in attendance for the Carl Cox/ Richie Hawtin show so he would have no knowledge as to anything that took place that night, aside from the comments he read about via nasty e-mails and cut and pasted threads. Like I stated, he is a friend who does realize how hard we work, and how much really goes into these events as he has worked with us in the past, but again, I stress; he does not represent Stuck On Earth and does not represent the views of Stuck On Earth. There is not much more we can say about this except that this was just a big, unfortunate mix up. For those of you wishing to speak to someone who is TRULY representative of our company please contact any of the following:

Chris Kausch- chris@stuckonearth.com

Jeff Cohen- jeff@stuckonearth.com

Dana Cohen- dana@stuckonearth.com

Felipe Pizarro- flips@stuckonearth.com

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Originally posted by trancend

i like these one sided posts...why dont we get a copy of the email that SHE sent stuck on earth??? :confused:

completely irrelevant

it is nice however, to see flipsoe address the matter in a professional way.. need more people like that in the biz

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

completely irrelevant

it is nice however, to see flipsoe address the matter in a professional way.. need more people like that in the biz

agreed,,,,people gotta realize that without us they are making zero $$$$$$.,......gotta adress the people and keep customer satisfaction and customer relations at a high level.....
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But we as the people who support them have to realize we cant ALWAYS win. Things do get mixed up, confusion does happen, everyone is entitled to a mistake. I am in no way siding with anyone. I do think it is a Production teams objective to Bring the best acts and keep the party goer's happy. This doesnt mean we have to Expect nothing but the best. They brought the talent, Weather affected the party in a BIG way. Its like the Domino effect, once one thing goes wrong, it all seems to come tumbling down. Now if the next party creates another problem with "the people" then there is something that needs to be done about the production. My $.02.

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SOE folks already apologized for the mishandling of the event.

Those who were there know it was frustrating in the lines

and the rain and the attrium overload etc..

But in the end, the music ruled. The vibe was awesome

and next morning when waking away from it at 7 it felt

like it was a great night.

So lets stop complaining and move on. hope

other promoters learn from this and try to organized

big name events in NYC.

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3000+ people both outside and inside in a tent and in a mall.

do the math.

something bad was bound to happen.

at least the majority of people that showed up had an amazing fawking time. (i sorta wish i'd gone but i also fear mob scenes like that.)

i had a dream 4 was still one of the better SOE parties i've been to. One Nation in the tunnel way back on july 4th totally rawked. SOE *does* have the ability to throw a great party. you really can't blame them for issues with incorporating mall security (who have NO idea how to handle a rave) with your own crew and bad weather and etc.etc.etc...

thanks for the very professional response, Felipe.

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