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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

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Lets hear your opinion...

Best Dancer:

The Hot one:

Most likely to become rich and famous:

The most ancient:

The typical meathead/ guido:

Most likely to be seen hooking up on a couch:

The comic:

Most random posts:

Most likely to be seen fucked up on various insundry substances:

Best hair spikes:

Can be picked out of any crowd:

Always dancing:

The most drunk:

Too much spare time:

Needs to learn the english language:

Always finds it a necessity to use smilies:

(am i forgetting any categories?)

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Best Dancer: Snoozi8

The Hot one: Randall16 ;)

Most likely to become rich and famous: there are gonna be quite a few rich bastards on this board, as for famous i have no idea

The most ancient: spragga

The typical meathead/ guido: godfatherbam

Most likely to be seen hooking up on a couch: hmm....:grin:

The comic: mugwump/phuturephunk/quoth

Most random posts: atomicapples

Most likely to be seen fucked up on various insundry substances: lots of fucked up people on here, hard to call

Best hair spikes: legends38

Can be picked out of any crowd: quoth (fucking tall!)

Always dancing: erm, me?

The most drunk: Quoth/Joeg

Too much spare time: Trancend

Needs to learn the english language: workenonlife

Always finds it a necessity to use smilies: tough one

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Jayp: was it you who commented on another board with a thread like this, that it was "such a cp thing to do" lol... When you're right, you're right, huh?

but fuckit... thats why we love this board:

Best Dancer: Quoth/Trancend/Mugwump/Glowgrlnyc/LM :bounce:/snoozi

The Hot one: <Insert CP girl here> they're all hot

Most likely to become rich and famous: Phuturephunk/myself/bk mike (if he isn't already :tongue: )

The most ancient: here comes an asskicking... Spragga :tongue:

The typical meathead/ guido: bhahahaha, not even gonna bother.. "fUck3n f4ggets"

Most likely to be seen hooking up on a couch: Here comes another asskicking... snoozi8 :tongue: j/k

The comic: "Everyone's a fucking comedian"

Most random posts: Me & Justin

Most likely to be seen fucked up on various insundry substances: <insert anyone on this board's name here>

Best hair spikes: WITHOUT A DOUBT RONINMESS!!!!

Can be picked out of any crowd: Zoran & Xpander (giant croatian/asian kid)

Always dancing: Xpander (Fluid counts as dancing, right?)

The most drunk: Up until recently Mugwump... Quoth.

Too much spare time: Me & Justin (duh)

Needs to learn the english language: Too long a list.

Always finds it a necessity to use smilies: :D

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Best Dancer: Xpander/Nurse Glow

The Hot one: I lost count

Most likely to become rich and famous: . . hmmm. . . Rich: Me . . . Famous : Joeg (almost. . ;) . . Who loves ya joey . . )

The most ancient: . . That would have to be me . . See. . I'm really actually a 45 year old man wearing a wife beater and flip flops sitting on a porch in the Suburbs . . . That guy that I send out to meet you is just the computer geek down the street . . .

The typical meathead/ guido: Don't know . . .

Most likely to be seen hooking up on a couch: . . . No comment . . .

The comic: Toss up : Myself/Tunnelbandit/Syn/Quoth

Most random posts: Joeg

Most likely to be seen fucked up on various insundry substances: . . . If I'm partying : Me . . . if not : Mugz . . .

Best hair spikes: . . . Everyone in the group is pretty aerodynamic . . .

Can be picked out of any crowd: Xpander/Sleepiswaste/Mugz

Always dancing: Sai

The most drunk: Quoth

Too much spare time: Me/Joeg

Needs to learn the english language: . . too many to list . . .

Always finds it a necessity to use smilies: Lavender

(am i forgetting any categories?) . . yes . . and I will think up more later . . .

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Best Dancer: Mugwump,Trancend,Xpander

The Hot one: everyone:)

Most likely to become rich and famous: Phuturephunk

The typical meathead/ guido: karch

The comic: Phuturephunk,quoth,bogb,joeg....and many others...

Most random posts: Joeg and Trancend

Best hair spikes: . . .Well it used to be Roninmess...until he chopped them off...

Can be picked out of any crowd: Sleepiswaste,Roha3000,Xpander,gmccooknyc

The most drunk: from what Ive read quoth and Trancend

Too much spare time: Most of us...

Always dancing: Xpander

Needs to learn the english language: . . the naked man

Always finds it a necessity to use smilies: macilicuti

The Happiest: gmccooknyc

The Most Obscure: thehacker

The most incognito: Magilicuti

Who's always hungry? ... Avalondon,romy20

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't know enough people to necessarily answer on all of these, but I'll do what I can do...

Dancer/always dancing: Wideskies (or at least she seriously dances her ass off)

Hot one: Besides me, well...

Rich and Famous - Hoping myself, but Mugz exudes this sorta rockstar sensation type dilly...

Guido - Just from posts, I'm gonna go with IBClubbin, although I've never met him in real life so can't go too far on that...

Comic - Joeg, Quoth, Spragga

Random posts - See above; Also Mark, whatever name he's going by at the moment...

Fucked up on substances - Princesslolita

Picked out of a crowd - Roha because of the height, Boa Boy (hmm where's he been lately) because of audacity, Mugz because of the spacers and goatee

Most drunk - Pretty sure I have to go with me on this one. I am the God of Booze.

Most likely to bust out with something retarded - Godfatherbam

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I wouldn't be able to FAIRLY make these calls cause I don't know nearly one third of ALL the people on this board, and trying to name the "BEST" of something would be biased towards those that I have had the liberty of meeting..

P.S. cazz -- you sig is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: (sorry trancerxn112 but it is!!)

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