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Goodbye Cp Lounge @ Roxxy

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For those who have not heard the news, the decision has been made to turn what was the CP Lounge at Friday's Sexxy Party @ The Roxxy into second Hip Hop Room.

First off I want to say thank you to Bob Goodrich, A-Luv, and the rest of the Roxxy Friday Night Promotion team for giving me the opportunity to work with them and be a part of what is one of the better Friday parties around.

Thank you also to Johnny Vicious for the opportunity to open for him on the main floor twice in the last month.

Thanks to David Christopher and the Headrush Music Collective for joining in and giving their best effort to keep that room alive.

A quick thanks to Lainie Coppicotto for introducing me and helping to get the CP Lounge started.

The promoters and Roxxy Management were put in the difficult position of trying to find a solution to the overcrowding and fighting that occurs 3-5 times every Friday in the Hip Hop room.

Based on the fact that whenever they poked their head in the CP lounge, only 30-40 people were chilling out in there and that there was not much discussion week to week here on the boards

they concluded that there was not much interest in what we were doing back there. Whether that is truly the case or not I can't say.

Certainly I felt support from a number of people who visited the Lounge and said they really liked what they heard, so much so that they thought some of those sounds should be heard on the main floor. Those people were vocal about it, they posted those thoughts and feelings here on the boards.

And the posting of those thoughts and feelings certainly were part of what went into the decision to let me do a couple of openings for Johnny. The lesson learned here is that if you guys want to see me play more you need to be vocal about in a positive, persistent way here on ClubPlanet.

At the beginning I was doing 6 hour sets in the Lounge, 11pm-5am every Friday. Frankly, given the chance I would prefer to open up some of that time for other DJ's who would not get the chance to play in a major club to spin. I believe that if you something positive out there it will come back to you.

As to what is next, keep on eye here on the boards to find out.

Some possibilities include bookings at clubs in Rhode Island, Indiana, Montreal, and Venezuela. You can also probably look forward to seeing me in an opening slot again at Roxxy some time soon.

Chris Lewis aka LA RAVER

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as cool as the cp lounge was just to go chill in when i needed a break, i think that its a really good idea making it another hip hop room... i know that people were pissed that it was always too crowded. good move on your guys parts i think!

peace out


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CP Lounge had its run, Don't get me wrong I liked to go in there and jus chill out sometimes, but the hip hop room was really gettin ridicuals. I like hip hop, and I wanna go and dance in the hip hop room sometimes but its so crowded in there sometimes u can't even move, I agree that this was a good desicion to make it a hip hop room but that will always be out CP Lounge at heart :)

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Its benny from roxy... Bro keep your head up, I have told you with what I have heard from you I will be doing my best to get you booked in other venues that I work at... Right now my biggest target is Sound Factory... And also gonna work on trying to get you on Sats at EXIT.. I will do what I can to help you out.. You are def. good people and you spin some nice shit... So for that I will do what I can to make it so you can tear shit up in some of the other clubs...

Benny B.



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Take it for what it is bro.........a stepping stone. Coming from Cali and breaking right into the scene is tough, believe me I know.

You got opening spots for Vicious because of it, now you have a little notariety behind you. You'll get booked at other places.

BTW.....where in RI? I'm from there.

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Originally posted by ggfella4

as cool as the cp lounge was just to go chill in when i needed a break, i think that its a really good idea making it another hip hop room... i know that people were pissed that it was always too crowded. good move on your guys parts i think!

peace out


I agree!! :D :D :D

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Originally posted by roninmess

Fuck hip hop. Now we gotta hear this nonsence coming from the doors during a vicious set.

Good luck with everything Chris, and let us know where you'll be.

yeah WTF!! NO HIP HOP!!! ahhhhhh... :(

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I want to say thank you to everyone who came out on this thread and supported.

It was a great experience working with everyone associated with the Roxxy party.

Bob Goodrich, A-Luv and crew have shown themselves to be one of the few crews in the city that keep their promises on a consistent basis and conduct their business in an ethical and up-front fashion.

Johnny Vicious is absolutely amomng the most generous of DJ's with his residency at the Roxxy. He has given many DJ's the opportunity to play for an enthusiaistic crowd and gain exposure that they would not have had otherwise. John, one more time thank you from me.

CP Peeps, Keep an eye on the board for upcoming bookings around the NYC metro area.

Peace Out - Chris Lewis AKA LA RAVER

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Chris - I didn't meet you but I was spinnin with Zoran in the CP lounge last friday - sorry to hear the lounge won't be beats anymore.....but it was good to spin there - thanks for havin me (& thanks Z!- aka the techno wizard: :hat2: )

keep us posted....

:afro: charlieruhle

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Originally posted by roninmess

Fuck hip hop. Now we gotta hear this nonsence coming from the doors during a vicious set.

~~ i agree!!:mad: :mad: i have nothing against hip-hop its just there are hip-hop clubs and there are techno clubs and they should be separated!:mad:

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Originally posted by spragga25

woof, woof - snappin neck for some das efx!

Ragga's clan - a bunch of grimey ass muthafuckas!



"well you go with this...

or you can go with that.... "

actually reminds me of bus rides to track meets back in HS.. we used to blast this and black sheep !

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