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Let's get theological for a second...

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i think organized religion is a tool to harvest the ignorant masses, while our physicists establish the law of divinity. religioin is nothing more than a social tool. i find the whole concept of Catholic church ludicrous (no offense), why does one need all that Papal buaracracy to connect with a spiritual entity??

hacker - good points, the concept of true infinity is mindboggling, read that book ive mentioned before, very interesting. there are actually more than 1 sets of infinities, and each infinity can have a subset of infinities. anyways, all of this makes much more sense with a nice big blunt.

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Originally posted by tribal

i think organized religion is a tool to harvest the ignorant masses, while our physicists establish the law of divinity. religioin is nothing more than a social tool. i find the whole concept of Catholic church ludicrous (no offense), why does one need all that Papal buaracracy to connect with a spiritual entity??

as if k. marx himself is speaking through you LOL


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haha.... The Hitchhickers Guide To The Galaxy

ironic book, basically pointing out how important, and at the same time uselsess these questions really are.

Flying is easy. All you have to do is throw yourself at the ground and miss.

yeah.. its late.. and Im high...

btw. How many people are religious?

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and then they look at me funny.

they'll rap their knuckles on a nearby

piece of furniture and say "you're telling

me this doesn't exist? that's absurd!"

Indeed. How would you know they rapped their knuckles on a peace of furniture, unless you saw it or heard it? In other words, aren't you relying on those sences to convey that unmistakable meaning to you? And aren't we, in turn, relying on our sences to understand your meaning, from our own past experiences, fed through our sences, to comprehend that which you want us to?

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but to take that one step further...


there is no such thing as "sense"

it's merely a cognitive function of perception.

i mean like, there is no air - air is simply perceived.

there is no air pressure - it is simply perceived.

there are no pulses of air vibration (sound) - it is simply perceived.

think in similar terms for vision.

no photons - just perceived.

no visible radiation - just perceived.

no oscillation of that radiation at a given wavelength (vision)...

that is to say... there is no such thing as a particle.

no such thing as an atom. no such thing as a lepton

or quark or any number of physical manifestations

of PERCEPTION that scientists have toiled and

theorized about to try to explain the world

around them.

it's difficult to imagine.

it is downright preposterous.

but to me, it makes infinity that much more a real possibility.

if there is truly NOTHING, then it's quite simple

for A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING to "exist."

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Originally posted by tribal

good points, the concept of true infinity is mindboggling, read that book ive mentioned before, very interesting. there are actually more than 1 sets of infinities, and each infinity can have a subset of infinities. anyways, all of this makes much more sense with a nice big blunt.

that book:

(for the benefit of the rest of the "class")

The Prophet

i think about this stuff stone cold sober.

scaaaary. :tongue:

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there is no such thing as "sense"

it's merely a cognitive function of perception.

i mean like, there is no air - air is simply perceived.

there is no air pressure - it is simply perceived.

there are no pulses of air vibration (sound) - it is simply perceived.

think in similar terms for vision.

no photons - just perceived.

no visible radiation - just perceived.

no oscillation of that radiation at a given wavelength (vision)...

But to "perceive" something is to become aware of it. This we do through our senses. When you posted your last response, you didn't just "Percieve" that you touched the keyboards to furnish us your thoughts, otherwise I wouldn't be responding to you. Or, are you suggestion that this is merely a figment of your imagination? Why did you respond to any of the other posts? Did I just imagine it? Or did you just imagine that I, a figment of your own imagination, made an imaginary response. It felt quite real to me.This I know because I trust my sensory perception. Maybe they don't exist? You trusted your senses to accurately convey to you this reality. Are you merely assuming that your senses are accurate for the purposes of this discussion , and will lose this feature thereafter? You assume as true the very things you then suggest may not be: sound, vision, etc. Any attempt to prove your point requires that you communicate to us, which you can only do if you trust our senses, as well as your own. We must all trust our senses ability to convey accurately the nature of our surroundings, otherwise language itself would have no meaning. You talk of "vision", yet this requires that I must have an understanding of the concept, and it must be the same as yours. Like in the example I cited yesterday about your friends touching the chair and professing wonderment that you were suggesting that it may not actually be real. Well, you didnt say that "I perceived that they touched what I perceived to be a chair", now did you?? You trusted your senses then, and you trust them now. And if you respond to this post, you will have trusted them again. No offence, but your argument is rendered completely unintelligible, as is mine, of course, if we do not grant recognition to the accuracy of our sensory faculties.

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you didn't everything i said into account...

infinite possibilities, all occuring at once.

in infinite parallel universes

you, or what both i and you and others

reading this thread perceive to be 'you',

responded to my posts in every way

imaginable, or actually, in more ways

than can even be comprehended...

what you and i both perceive to be

your 'response' is one of our shared

perception of the one reality we

are aware of, among infinite realities.

others who have not yet read this thread

are not aware of the reality that has spawned

our awareness of mine and yours and others' responses...

they are existing on a different plane; unless of course

they click on the thread topic and start reading,

then this one reality becomes shared.

if a tree falls in the woods

and no one is there to hear it...

does it make a sound?

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Originally posted by thehacker

you didn't everything i said into account...

infinite possibilities, all occuring at once.

in infinite parallel universes

you, or what both i and you and others

reading this thread perceive to be 'you',

responded to my posts in every way

imaginable, or actually, in more ways

than can even be comprehended...

what you and i both perceive to be

your 'response' is one of our shared

perception of the one reality we

are aware of, among infinite realities.

others who have not yet read this thread

are not aware of the reality that has spawned

our awareness of mine and yours and others' responses...

they are existing on a different plane; unless of course

they click on the thread topic and start reading,

then this one reality becomes shared.

if a tree falls in the woods

and no one is there to hear it...

does it make a sound?

I think this is what I generally refer to as the human centered point of view. I know at least one other board member who subscribes to this.

And I strongly disagree with it...because I think it's incredibly human oriented...also, it subscribes to the notion that if there is no humans to perceive something, then nothing exists.

And in so many words, in order to answer that question: yes, the tree DOES make a sound. Because human perception isn't necessary for something else to exist... imho...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I don't believe a force is acting on anything . . . It's more . . . err . . . :smoke: . . .

. . . There was a Nissan commercial (I think) that started out with a closeup shot of a butterfly . . . A narrator came in with "A butterfly flaps it's wings in a South American Jungle, which causes a small breeze of air to startle a cow, which causes a stampede . . . " . . and so on . . . make a long story short . . . The narrator traces a chain of events all the way up to the thunderstorm that is now vexing the beautiful wax job on that new Sentra . . . :rolleyes: . . anyways . . . The point is that . . a small event causes another small event, which in turn could cause several more . . and so on . . These events exponentially increase until entire masses of the human race are killing each other over a strip of land in central europe and a cheese steak . . . . (don't ask me . . . It sounded right at the time . . . :smoke: . . ) . . .

. . . Now what does this have to do with so called "fate" that we, in theory, abide by, or the "luck" that is inflicted on us? . . . . Honestly I don't know, but I will make an honest stoner observation . . .

. . . Taking the above as plausible theory, one could speculate that the the universe's origin of existence is in fact driven by the consciousness of it's inhabitants . . . as if to say there would be no universe if there was no consciousness . . . Humans, in particular are able to control their own destinies . . . therefore, taking the theory into account, we control existence through our actions on a large scale . . . One human being walking a trail is one thing . . . Several Hundred riding in a train is another . . . And it's not just "us" that causes the reaction . . it's our inventions as well . . .

. . . We're the only species that can create on a monumental scale . . . No other biological force on this earth can claim the same . . . Our bridges and skyscrapers and busses and Ships and all that is large in human ingenuity . . . Our only legacy as a species, for we don't fit into the rational system that is nature in any logical sense . . . are our inventions . . . The creations that serve monumental needs of our species . . . Even the everyday stuff, like cars and cigarette lighters still come into play in shaping our existence . . . We create, and the universe is created in response . . .

. . . What about in the vastness of space? . . . except for the planets that are blessed to support life, there is no consciousness there . . . How do we disprove the notion that the universe is all just random chance? . . . The theory would exclude deep space since no consciousness spends time observing all of it . . . therefore it wouldn't exist . . .

. . . . you would think . . . realize though . . that people are going to be checking luggage in the morning . . .:smoke: . . . . .

.... . . . ... .. . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . errr . . . . ....... . .. . . . . . . . .

... . . .. . . Fuck!! . . . . I lost it . . . . I had the answer to existence . . . I saw it . . I really fucking did! . . :eek: . . and it just left me like so many bad nights . . . .

. . .arrgghh. . .

this was great..where do you get that weed? ;)

ugh, i forgot, i only do c and e...

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But what is so bad about being humanistic?

I am a humanist, at least partially so, and do NOT see anything wrong with it. (besides the usual glitches all philosophies have)


Date: 1832

a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason

I my case, I do believe in a supernatural being that maybe does exist, or once existed.

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Originally posted by thehacker

'human' is all perception.

what we perceive as 'human' might be perceived as

something else or some other creature entirely

by another entity.

So then one could argue that some "perceive" that there is a higher being, while it might just be plain "luck".

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Originally posted by thehacker

i never said anything about human centered

or if i did it wasn't emphasized in the least.

maybe a turtle's reading this thread.

we'll never know.

But I was refering to your "whole lotta nothing" bit...

Do clear up your distinction between sense vs. perception, eh?

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~~~ u cant believe in both (imo only ) i bleieve in God........but i beleived that he sets up your destiny so luck is just part of ur fate.....so when u find 50 bucks on the street it was destined to happen..........just what i believe in u dont have to agree with me:D

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if a tree falls in the woods

and no one is there to hear it...

does it make a sound?

Well that depends. Do you mean that no organism capable of interpreting "sound waves", acting on the organs of hearing, is present? If so, then I would think it wouldn't make a sound, as sound requires the hearing mechanism to be stimulated. It is these organs that then interpret that stimulation as sound. Sound does not exist independently. If there's no one to hear it, it couldn't exist. If you were in the woods, and the tree didn't fall, would you expect to hear it fall? No, the vibrations of the air would not be present. Consequently, the absence of the sensory perception portion of the equation in the example above militates against the possibility of sound.

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Originally posted by malone

Well that depends. Do you mean that no organism capable of interpreting "sound waves", acting on the organs of hearing, is present? If so, then I would think it wouldn't make a sound, as sound requires the hearing mechanism to be stimulated. It is these organs that then interpret that stimulation as sound. Sound does not exist independently. If there's no one to hear it, it couldn't exist. If you were in the woods, and the tree didn't fall, would you expect to hear it fall? No, the vibrations of the air would not be present. Consequently, the absence of the sensory perception portion of the equation in the example above militates against the possibility of sound.

Not so.

Sound waves are not what your brain interprets when it receives a signal. Rather, it is the actual waves that stimulate your (would be) brain by way of your ears.

By your example, the said person would be very well deaf, but the stimulations that would trigger the sound interpretation would still be present.

sound1 Pronunciation Key (sound)


Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing.

Transmitted vibrations of any frequency.

The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.

Such sensations considered as a group.

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Not so.

Sound waves are not what your brain interprets when it receives a signal. Rather, it is the actual waves that stimulate your (would be) brain by way of your ears.

By your example, the said person would be very well deaf, but the stimulations that would trigger the sound interpretation would still be present.

Okay, I accept that criticism, as I neglected to say that it was the brain that interprets the stimulation on the hearing organ, as sound. However, this oversight does not invalidate the actual point being made, which was that for sound to occur a "listener"had to be present.

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... which i was actually unobtrusively using as

a means of bringing about a counterpoint

to what i was saying earlier ...

you seemed to say, in response to the zen concept,

that there is no sound without a listener ...

as i see it, you have, though it may not have

been your original intent, agreed with my notion

that nothing truly exists, and that everything

is perceived by the observer ... without a

listener, no sound; without a viewer,

no vision; and so forth ... so, no observer,

no perception at all ... thus by those

constraints, nothing exists - something

Is because it seems to us that it Is.

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