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So WHY did you start DJ-ing?

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This thread has prolly been done to hell, but i aint seen it yet so....

If You're a DJ, why did u start to spin..

At first for me it was all about my love for drum and bass, and the fact that i learned it pretty quickly...

Now its 50 percent the music and 50 percent the girlies i meet cuz of it :D - anyone else?

Lou (^_^)

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Well, I'll have to still go with love of music (back in the day it was speed garage), cuz spinning sure as hell isn't getting me laid. On top of it, I was a trombone player for many years and had been in a few bands, and eventually I hung up the horn because it just got too boring. However, still gotta try to flex my musical muscle somehow, so why not pick the most expensive 'instrument' on the planet...

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Heheh true true...

which brings up another question of mine i like to ask...

You think the turntable is an 'instrument' or a 'tool'...

Like, do you think using it can be artisitic, allowing you creative expression, or do you think its just something rote that anyone can learn and anyone can do if given the time...

Lou (^_^)

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Originally posted by bluewater

This thread has prolly been done to hell, but i aint seen it yet so....

If You're a DJ, why did u start to spin..

At first for me it was all about my love for drum and bass, and the fact that i learned it pretty quickly...

Now its 50 percent the music and 50 percent the girlies i meet cuz of it :D - anyone else?

Lou (^_^)

its always all about pussy man....all about pussy.

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I started Dj'ing because you can only get so close to the music just listening to it. I wanted to feel it at my fingertips. hell i love the music anyway.

as for an instrument or a tool - YES it certainly can be. Used normally a turntable is a TOOL for mixing beats together...

However, Turntablists (MUCH RESPECT) use turntables as instruments, cutting, weavin' & scratching beats together to make their own rhythms.

pussy is a side effect of being competent at any of the above ;)

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Originally posted by trancend

hey if you want you can just change your name to justin...ill see if DaVe will let you change your CP name to trancend2

oh I'm sorry, I forgot, as long as you own turntables, i'm not allowed to... I keep forgetting...

Yeah, well the day I start spinning happy hardcore, we can arrange the name change... ;)

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Music's always been my first love since I was little kid and I just kept expanding my grasp of it. 15 years of piano training, taught myself the guitar and bass and saxophone, started multi-track recording my own songs when I was 14, etc. Then I went to Spain when I was 15 as an exchange student and got to experience the European clubbing culture and music. And when I returned, I thought the people back home needed to experience the music also, plus I couldn't stand the shit that they played at the school dances. So I taught myself how to DJ and have been exposing people to new music in a creative way ever since.

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I was just playing about the chicks. I think my feelings are similar to Cintron. I love the music so much, I found myself listening to good mixes and saying to myself, I want to make beats like this too. I wanted to be able to take my love for the music to the next level, which is making it myself. It does, in effect, put you closer to the music.

I still get that feeling when I am hearing good music. I just want to hit the decks and put my own beats together and I want other people to hear them. I am still working on my first demo recording and I love listening to my mixes more than any other DJ's because its my music, the tracks I like, the beats I put together, the sound that is my own. I find it very rewarding to hear my own stuff, hopefully I will reach the point where other people will too.

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I've always felt there are certain artists that make you want to go out and buy your first guitar, and certain djs that make you want to go out and buy a pair of decks... These are the true greats.

I've felt this way about a few artists/djs...

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. . . Why did I start DJ'ing? . . .hmmm. . . now that's a question . .

. . I would have to say it was because I had been listening to the music for sooo very long and it just eventually made me want to go out and try it for myself . . . I've been breathing beats now for almost ten years . . . so now that I spin I really get the insight into why certain songs work and others dont, the whole theory of ride and how properly matched songs can create a set that causes the listener to forsake the trees for the forest . . .

. . In effect I began spinning to finally figure out exactly what beats were . . .

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i've been producin' tracks since '94.

random whack shit i'd track up in .mod or .mtm or .xm format.

clubbing was a once in a while thing.

i'd find a good concert or show of an act

from a cd i had, and would go see them.

i went to london in '99.

i developed an intense thirst for drum n' bass

and techno and house which did not suck.

i searched far and wide in nyc for a similar scene,

and collapsed into despair when i didn't find it.

then lou (bluewater) introduced me to baktun saturdays.

i was instantly hooked on directdrive.

we didn't care they didn't have a cabaret license.

we didn't care the turnout wasn't so good.

we were just infinitely grateful for the dj's

that burned shit up week after week to

crowds of sometimes as small as a dozen

or two real muzik headz.

directdrive grew into a bigger thing,

and i started going more often.

sometimes every weekend for months at a time.

the globalbass parties at limelight started up.

i went to nearly every single one.

world of drum n' bass @ roseland.

one nation @ tunnel.

last summer at ps1...

the lunaterium was off the hook.

especially complacent's "rgb" and blackkat's "mythos".

i'd bought a decent chunk of records while in london

(including the grooverider LP which had only

been just released in the uk while i was there),

as well as random things i picked up in '99 and '00

at places like satellite and breakbeatscience,

but without turntables i didn't really become

obsessed with hearing them or figuring out

clever ways to layer them atop each other.

psuedo's open turntables started up

and i figured i'd show up and throw

some of that wax down, so i and others

could hear it loud, in some cases for the

first time since i'd bought them.

then i just sorta got into the idea

of the open turntables event and

practicing more often (on other people's decks

-- thanks barvybe!) and when it became

enough of a tedium to lug records around

and arrange practice time on decks that

weren't my own... i got it into my head

to get my own "one's and two's" and a mixer.

(which finally happened in mid-january.

thanks quoth!!)

around the same time i attended baktun's

new year's after party (dropped by until

closing that morning, after dj nookie and

ltj bukem @ limelight) and being there

until sunup, even staying late enough

for complimentary breakfast, served to

all who refused to leave :) i really felt

like family... i kept looking around and

realized i've seen these people week

after week, and always get recognized

as "that drum n' bass cat" that graces

party after party.

i don't even know how it happened.

but i got it into my head right then and there

to make a new year's resolution to myself

to play baktun in may, or somewhere else.

don't know why May -- perhaps cuz it

coincides with my bro's birthday, and i could

think of no greater gift then to throw down

for 'im in very loud and boisterous fashion.

i'm on a journey.

i don't know where it's going.

but i like where it's been.

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Originally posted by thehacker

i got it into my head

to get my own "one's and two's" and a mixer.

(which finally happened in mid-january.

thanks quoth!!)

werd brotha man you dont gotta thank me, it was all good and well worth it. :D

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i started djing when i was in 10th grade..(soph in college now)...but when i first started out, i wanted to be a mobile dj, and i still am....10th grade is like the time when u go to like 43534 sweet 16's...and me being like the only guy there that actually loves to dance, i wasnt able to cuz the dj always played the shittiest music. so i had some money from working and xmas so i decided to buy some turntables...(even for mobile djing, vinyl is the only way to go)...and it took me a while to get up and runnign but now i have a mobile dj setup that pretty much dwarfs a lot of others, and i have an amazing time doing it, great money, lots of fun, good exposure....

i pretty much got into house and trance from my brother...then i just spin house and trance as a hobby...hopefully one day i would like to get in like a small little lounge or club...i know i dont practice enough to make it big, so im keepin my goals realistic at this point!

peace out


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Originally posted by ggfella4

i started djing when i was in 10th grade..(soph in college now)...but when i first started out, i wanted to be a mobile dj, and i still am....10th grade is like the time when u go to like 43534 sweet 16's...and me being like the only guy there that actually loves to dance, i wasnt able to cuz the dj always played the shittiest music. so i had some money from working and xmas so i decided to buy some turntables...(even for mobile djing, vinyl is the only way to go)...and it took me a while to get up and runnign but now i have a mobile dj setup that pretty much dwarfs a lot of others, and i have an amazing time doing it, great money, lots of fun, good exposure....

i pretty much got into house and trance from my brother...then i just spin house and trance as a hobby...hopefully one day i would like to get in like a small little lounge or club...i know i dont practice enough to make it big, so im keepin my goals realistic at this point!

peace out


ok ladies and gentlemen, there we have it...


coming to a club or lounge near you.

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I'd always had a thought of getting into it but everytime I tried to go out and buy decks my folks would put their foot down (loud noise etc). I always bought vinyls so it seemed the logical thing to do. Then I heard SASHA play at creamfields 1998 and his set was just the best ever (Dollshead - it's over, it's under; Madonna - Ray of light Twilo remix) and that settled it...i bought them and that was the start. Took me a while to learn but I hung around (I used to work in a bar where we had top DJ's.....one of whom now promotes Ministry of Sound in London and so I get in free) and I picked it up there and took it from there.

My decks are still at my parents and of late I haven't played for a while. i had them in my place for a while until the neighbours complained (well it was 2am) and I took them home to avoid the temptation of playing.

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