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Sasha & Digweed at The World: let the debate begin

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Well, its official: S&D will be at the World on Sat. April 13.... tix are on sale now at Ticketmaster.

I am really not happy about about this. The World has to be my LEAST favorite venue in the city: the layout sucks, and I'm not going to stereotype the type of people who go there because I've only been there twice. But both times I went there (to hear Tiesto & Danny T), the place was completely packed full of immature idiots running around like it was recess at an elementary school. I got drinks spilled on me all night, I got accidentally burned with cigarettes, someone puked on my shoes, guys were grabbing me left and right and everyone was rude and immature. Not exactly conducive to a good time.

After the last time, I swore I'd NEVER go there again, but now S&D are playing there. Why why WHY?!?!

I am going to see S&D tonight up here in bumblefuck Clifton Park, NY because my parents live up here & I was here for Easter anyway so I figured I'd stay and see them at a 500 person capacity venue that will most likely only be half full seeing as no one up here knows who the hell they are. So hopefully tonight will make up for the fact that I missed PVD last Friday & that S&D at the World is probably going to suck.

What are anyone's thoughts on S&D at the World? Is anyone going? I have never missed an S&D show in NYC, but now I am seriously thinking about skipping it.

I know its been said a million times before, and not to start the old "nothing compares to Twilo" thread all over again, but I hate feeling like I have to go to "someone else's" club to hear S&D or PVD....

I *NEVER* missed either of them even one time at Twilo: not getting my monthly S&D fix or my bi-monthly PVD fix was simply out of the question. But now, even though they only play NYC once or twice a year without a home base like Twilo, in a way I'm LESS likely to go see them because the clubs they pick to play in are not exactly the clubs that I would choose to go to.

Before I start another debate, let me try to expain WHY:

First of all, about PVD at Sound Factory... I'm not going to start up this discussion again, most of all because I used to go to Sound Factory on many a Saturday night/Sunday morning and I always had a GREAT time. Hell, I even met my ex boyfriend there, so I would be the last person to bash SF or its much-debated crowd.

BUT, that said, I was still not happy when I found out PVD was playing there.

Why? Its not that I don't like the crowd or the space, because I was a semi-regular at SF for quite some time. Even so, I still felt like going to hear PVD at SF was like going to "someone else's" club to hear "my" DJ.

Again, I am not going to debate why people prefer to go to SF or Twilo or any other club, because those reasons are different for everyone and sweeping generalizations like "everyone at that club does drugs" or "everyone at that club is a guido" or whatever are simply not true. But, for ME personally, I went to SF and to Twilo for totally different reasons.

For me, Twilo was all about the music, and it was like my second home. I went there at least twice a month, but usually every Friday. I never really dressed up, just wore sneakers & comfortable clothes. I knew a ton of people there and I would go with one or two friends, a bunch of people, or even by myself. It was comfortable, it felt like home, and was all about dancing and losing myself in the music.

Sound Factory was somewhere I went once or twice a month, and for me, it was the opposite end of the spectrum from Twilo.

I had my "family" there, too, the same way I did at Twilo. But SF, at least for me, was never about the music the way Twilo was... I like JP, but not on the same level as S&D or PVD. Anyway, SF, for me, was simply about fun, family and the spectacle of it all. It was fun to get really dressed up and go with the same group of people and dance, flirt and people watch all night.

Twilo and SF were both "home" to me for a long time, and while I loved going to both clubs, I would never want to combine the two. The bottom line is, I enjoyed SF for COMPLETELY different reasons than I enjoyed Twilo, and that's exactly why I was not happy about combining the two places and crowds for PVD.

The issue that no existing club in NYC is big enough to handle both its regular crowd plus the crowd that S&D, PVD, Carl Cox or any other big name DJ draws is almost secondary to the fact that combining 2 clubs' distinctly different crowds is never going to work.

So, even though I enjoy SF, I can understand how everyone who was used to seeing PVD at Twilo felt like SF was the "wrong" place for him to play and why there was much complaining about having to deal with the SF crowd/scene. The SF scene is pretty much completely opposite from the old Twilo crowd, and I can understand why most ex-Twilo-ites were annoyed and/or intimidated that they'd have to go to the land of "diamonds & dildos" parties to hear PVD.

BUT, I also understand why many SF regulars felt like the Twilo crowd was unwelcome at "their" club and would ruin THEIR crowd/scene. Say wht you want about SF, but the much-discussed "family" vibe in there is real, incredible, and is something worth defending. But, would SF regulars be happy about having to go Twilo to see JP spin if SF had been closed? Hell no.

The point is, until there is a new venue for S&D, PVD and all the other big name international DJs who draw a huge crowd, having them play at clubs that already have an established crowd (that often does not mesh well with the DJs' crowd) sucks.

I don't care if a new club is anything like Twilo -- we just need a HUGE, new venue with a GREAT sound system where these DJs can play so that we finally put an end to trying to this nonsense. Let the established clubs keep their regular parties and crowd in tact and let everyone else have a new home.

Until then, no one is going to be happy when S&D, PVD or anyone else plays at "someone else's" club.... I know I'm not. :(

So, maybe I'll see you at the World next weekend... maybe not.



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It is a shame that they ended up at the World... I've been to most of the clubs in the city and this has to be the worst of them all. But they probably have the most $$$ to spend on getting big name talent.. They're owned by the WWF. They could probably buy out all the clubs in the city if they wanted to. I went to World for Deep Dish and DT and was not impressed at all. The music was great, but the people and the club itself brought me down all night. We ended up leaving after my girlfriend got elbowed in the back by some idiot!!!

But this is S&D and if it is your only chance to see them, you have to go!!! I just saw them in Montreal on Thursday @ Sona! They were amazing! Plus the crowd and vibe in Montreal is always great! Probably one of the best times I've had out in a long while. As for the Albany show tonight, I'm still undecied if I want to go or not. Most of my friends are still recovering from being in Montreal all weekend so they all say they can't afford it. I want to go just to see how everyone in Albany reacts to something like this. The Albany scene is disgusting and needs a jolt like this to hopefully wake it up. Let me know how everything goes tonight in Albany!!!

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Well I'm probably gonna have to take one for the team and go even though the venue sucks. Its S&D and who knows when they're going to be around again....

I hear good things about S&D but have never seen them live or really heard their music... i might be in if im not to tired from the night before!

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

I hear good things about S&D but have never seen them live or really heard their music... i might be in if im not to tired from the night before!

You should def. give them a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised...:D

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Its fucking horse shit, thats what it is. I don't understand why out of all the venues in NYC they choose the fucking World.

I may be mistaken... but didn't S&D make it a requirement that they have phazon?? The World is notorious for having the smallest dance floor and the worst sound system.

The whole situation just sucks.

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couple of things:

1) i said they were coming to world a while ago and not to many people believed me, but thats ok.

2) world sucks just as much as there sound system, but I hear S&D travels with there own sound system, so at least you can enjoy the music.

3)world is owned by the wwf so they can get whoever they want, as someone said above. S&D prob went on ahead with the highest bidder, this is why i think they went to world.

and finally, I have never heard them live so i think ill stop by.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I may be mistaken... but didn't S&D make it a requirement that they have phazon?? The World is notorious for having the smallest dance floor and the worst sound system.

They are touring with the PHAZON...

I'm still quite disappointed that they're gonna be @ the WORLD...what were they thinking...

:idea: "hmmmm...lets pick a venue that most people hate due to the fact that it usually attracts a cheezy crowd....Also the Venue must have a really small dancefloor, because people dont need to dance at our shows we're Rock Stars....but since we're Sasha and Digweed we'll get people to come anyway, willing to pay $40, willing to wait on a 2 hour line...and then saying it was the BEST night they EVER had...:confused::rolleyes:;)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

:idea: "hmmmm...lets pick a venue that most people hate due to the fact that it usually attracts a cheezy crowd....Also the Venue must have a really small dancefloor, because people dont need to dance at our shows we're Rock Stars....but since we're Sasha and Digweed we'll get people to come anyway, willing to pay $40, willing to wait on a 2 hour line...and then saying it was the BEST night they EVER had...:confused::rolleyes:;)


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My mom's 50th birthday surprise party is that weekend, but even if I didn't have plan I really don't know if I would go. $40 for PVD @ SF is one thing, I had a great time there. The club is pretty damn big all things considered. But the dance floor at World is pathetic, their sound system sucks, and the regular crowd sucks. Oh yeah... don't forget the bouncers. What can you expect from a club in Times Square owned by WWF. All show. Have fun to those who are venturing. Last time I saw S&D spin together was for their Communicate release party back in the summer of 2000. Went to the 4 year anniversary which was awesome, damn I miss Twilo.

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Sash & Digweed spinning at the World totally ruins EVERYTHING! Who wants to look like an idiot doing "jackhammer dance" with a bunch of steroid pumping goumbas??? They need to play somewhere like Hamerstein Ballroom or the Ginats Stadium. I love S&D, but I don't think I'm in for a night of sulking and Twilo mourning at World . . . . .:blown:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

They are touring with the PHAZON...

I'm still quite disappointed that they're gonna be @ the WORLD...what were they thinking...

:idea: "hmmmm...lets pick a venue that most people hate due to the fact that it usually attracts a cheezy crowd....Also the Venue must have a really small dancefloor, because people dont need to dance at our shows we're Rock Stars....but since we're Sasha and Digweed we'll get people to come anyway, willing to pay $40, willing to wait on a 2 hour line...and then saying it was the BEST night they EVER had...:confused::rolleyes:;)

i gota stop agreeing with this woman..shes jacking me for all my posts..damnit...all i can say is..WORD

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Originally posted by Alexandra

Well, its official: S&D will be at the World on Sat. April 13.... tix are on sale now at Ticketmaster.

I am really not happy about about this. The World has to be my LEAST favorite venue in the city: the layout sucks, and I'm not going to stereotype the type of people who go there because I've only been there twice. But both times I went there (to hear Tiesto & Danny T), the place was completely packed full of immature idiots running around like it was recess at an elementary school. I got drinks spilled on me all night, I got accidentally burned with cigarettes, someone puked on my shoes, guys were grabbing me left and right and everyone was rude and immature. Not exactly conducive to a good time.

After the last time, I swore I'd NEVER go there again, but now S&D are playing there. Why why WHY?!?!

I am going to see S&D tonight up here in bumblefuck Clifton Park, NY because my parents live up here & I was here for Easter anyway so I figured I'd stay and see them at a 500 person capacity venue that will most likely only be half full seeing as no one up here knows who the hell they are. So hopefully tonight will make up for the fact that I missed PVD last Friday & that S&D at the World is probably going to suck.

What are anyone's thoughts on S&D at the World? Is anyone going? I have never missed an S&D show in NYC, but now I am seriously thinking about skipping it.

I know its been said a million times before, and not to start the old "nothing compares to Twilo" thread all over again, but I hate feeling like I have to go to "someone else's" club to hear S&D or PVD....

I *NEVER* missed either of them even one time at Twilo: not getting my monthly S&D fix or my bi-monthly PVD fix was simply out of the question. But now, even though they only play NYC once or twice a year without a home base like Twilo, in a way I'm LESS likely to go see them because the clubs they pick to play in are not exactly the clubs that I would choose to go to.

Before I start another debate, let me try to expain WHY:

First of all, about PVD at Sound Factory... I'm not going to start up this discussion again, most of all because I used to go to Sound Factory on many a Saturday night/Sunday morning and I always had a GREAT time. Hell, I even met my ex boyfriend there, so I would be the last person to bash SF or its much-debated crowd.

BUT, that said, I was still not happy when I found out PVD was playing there.

Why? Its not that I don't like the crowd or the space, because I was a semi-regular at SF for quite some time. Even so, I still felt like going to hear PVD at SF was like going to "someone else's" club to hear "my" DJ.

Again, I am not going to debate why people prefer to go to SF or Twilo or any other club, because those reasons are different for everyone and sweeping generalizations like "everyone at that club does drugs" or "everyone at that club is a guido" or whatever are simply not true. But, for ME personally, I went to SF and to Twilo for totally different reasons.

For me, Twilo was all about the music, and it was like my second home. I went there at least twice a month, but usually every Friday. I never really dressed up, just wore sneakers & comfortable clothes. I knew a ton of people there and I would go with one or two friends, a bunch of people, or even by myself. It was comfortable, it felt like home, and was all about dancing and losing myself in the music.

Sound Factory was somewhere I went once or twice a month, and for me, it was the opposite end of the spectrum from Twilo.

I had my "family" there, too, the same way I did at Twilo. But SF, at least for me, was never about the music the way Twilo was... I like JP, but not on the same level as S&D or PVD. Anyway, SF, for me, was simply about fun, family and the spectacle of it all. It was fun to get really dressed up and go with the same group of people and dance, flirt and people watch all night.

Twilo and SF were both "home" to me for a long time, and while I loved going to both clubs, I would never want to combine the two. The bottom line is, I enjoyed SF for COMPLETELY different reasons than I enjoyed Twilo, and that's exactly why I was not happy about combining the two places and crowds for PVD.

The issue that no existing club in NYC is big enough to handle both its regular crowd plus the crowd that S&D, PVD, Carl Cox or any other big name DJ draws is almost secondary to the fact that combining 2 clubs' distinctly different crowds is never going to work.

So, even though I enjoy SF, I can understand how everyone who was used to seeing PVD at Twilo felt like SF was the "wrong" place for him to play and why there was much complaining about having to deal with the SF crowd/scene. The SF scene is pretty much completely opposite from the old Twilo crowd, and I can understand why most ex-Twilo-ites were annoyed and/or intimidated that they'd have to go to the land of "diamonds & dildos" parties to hear PVD.

BUT, I also understand why many SF regulars felt like the Twilo crowd was unwelcome at "their" club and would ruin THEIR crowd/scene. Say wht you want about SF, but the much-discussed "family" vibe in there is real, incredible, and is something worth defending. But, would SF regulars be happy about having to go Twilo to see JP spin if SF had been closed? Hell no.

The point is, until there is a new venue for S&D, PVD and all the other big name international DJs who draw a huge crowd, having them play at clubs that already have an established crowd (that often does not mesh well with the DJs' crowd) sucks.

I don't care if a new club is anything like Twilo -- we just need a HUGE, new venue with a GREAT sound system where these DJs can play so that we finally put an end to trying to this nonsense. Let the established clubs keep their regular parties and crowd in tact and let everyone else have a new home.

Until then, no one is going to be happy when S&D, PVD or anyone else plays at "someone else's" club.... I know I'm not. :(

So, maybe I'll see you at the World next weekend... maybe not.



:eek: OMG one of the best posts i ever read


This also ties into the EXIT bringin in talent topic. awesomely put

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Its fucking horse shit, thats what it is. I don't understand why out of all the venues in NYC they choose the fucking World.

I may be mistaken... but didn't S&D make it a requirement that they have phazon?? The World is notorious for having the smallest dance floor and the worst sound system.

The whole situation just sucks.

easy tiger easy

They will play with a decent sound system and better lights ..

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As much as I hate the World, I gotta agree with all of y'all who are sucking it up for our beloved S&D: I just got me & my boyfriend tix for the World show.

I just saw them last night in Clifton Park (upstate) and it absolutely blew my mind. So, I figure if I can have a phenomenal night seeing S&D play from 8pm - 1am in a tiny ass venue in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of 16 year olds who had no idea which guy was Sasha & which was Digweed, there is hope left for the World! :)

Hope to see all of you there, too...



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S&D have rock star status but in the club scene. Just like a touring rock band who brings there own PA system and lights and effects and all that good crap from arena to arena or whatever venue, S&D will do the same. So their show will be good. All you have to worry about is what kind of people are going to be there. So to everyone that is going, enjoy and have a good time, PEACE!!!

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Fuck this venue bullshit. Okay, the World isn't the best place to hold an event, but fuck it. It's all about the music. As far as the so called "cheezy" World crowd is concerned, who cares. They're gonna be out number anyway. These guys haven't been here in over a year, so you know all the die hard S&D fans will be coming out for this one. Enough w/ the negativity. I agree w/ most of you people but seriously enough is enough. Let's celebrate their return and stop criticizing. And remember-IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!

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I forgot one thing, we don't know where the Friday venue is yet! Who knows, it could be at a much better venue( I know, most of you people are probably saying anything is better than World). So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that they come up w/ some place amazing. We can only wait and find out.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Its fucking horse shit, thats what it is. I don't understand why out of all the venues in NYC they choose the fucking World.

I may be mistaken... but didn't S&D make it a requirement that they have phazon?? The World is notorious for having the smallest dance floor and the worst sound system.

They're probably busy touring all around the world that they don't have time to check out venues

How do they know what kind of crowd usually goes to a certain place?

If there's anyone to blame, blame their manager

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Originally posted by pk1

I forgot one thing, we don't know where the Friday venue is yet! Who knows, it could be at a much better venue( I know, most of you people are probably saying anything is better than World). So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that they come up w/ some place amazing. We can only wait and find out.

Last I heard (from the Delta Heavy people themselves), there is NOT going to be a S&D show in NYC on the 12th, just the 13th....

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