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URGENT MESSAGE for anyone who CARES about the SCENE!!!

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Zlatang, no offense or anything, but weren't you the one raving about how Spa is the greatest place on Earth? Right. You can sit down and feel stupid now.

Please, tell me the date when that commentary was written, and I am sure you will find it predates even my membership with this board, because I remember reading it when I first joined. The point here is - this is A NEW PARTY, and since you haven't been to it yet, clearly, it's advisable you be quiet, because I don't really value your commentary. I've seen your posts and I have yet to be impressed by your superficiality, no offense sugar.

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By the way, I'd like to restate once again that this vote doesn't concern me so much because it's Exit, it concerns me because it's the SCENE.

Let me put it this way. My father and I both drive track. We belong to the Alfa Romeo club, there are also clubs for owners of BMW's, Ferraris, Lotus, etc. etc. Now, we don't attend each others' functions, but when Bridgehampton racetrack was under threat of being closed, WE ALL CAME TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT OUR PREFERENCE WAS AND WORKED TO STOP THE DEGRADATION OF OUR SUBCULTURE AS A WHOLE.

Get it?

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so hold on a second whose the comedian who thinks Spa is the greatest club in NY?!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

dude...get a clue, and don't go dissing parties that you've never been to because that's just not cool and that's not helping 'the scene' as you so eloquently put it before...

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I think

A) We do need a resident DJ... (whos Theo????) We need a solid resident... example : STEVE LAWLER :D

B) We dont need all these DJs... we just need a few good residents. (Lawler, Hernan Cattaneo, Paul Van Dyk, SnD, Richie Hawtin)

NOW that will reshape Exit... why??? think about it... When you first heard progressive house/trance... what did you think about it? The newbies will leave and find new venues because they will think the music sucks... and us (the club elite :D) will find a new domain....

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

He was there on Dec. 7th....That was the BEST night I ever had @ Exit...Trust me, I was in SHOCK :eek:

i agree 100000000000%!!!!!!!!! Judge Jules on Dec 7th was byyyyy faaaar the best night I've ever had in there.... Music, vibe... everything! He showed even a lot of the Draper heads what real music is about. I cant wait...... Sunday May 26th!!!!!!!! he comes back to exit...... says so on his web site!

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i remember the tunnel...danny spinning in the mains room from two to noon...kerfew was its own thing with the nice mix of club and 80s...upstairs had D&B, downstairs hip hop...in the back breaks...a little something for everyone...EXIT has this potential...we need a resident that can make everyone happy...and we need other dj's (like myself) that can keep people interested even when they come out of the main room...sure...EXIT could bring in Oakenfold, Van dyk, Cox, and everyone else. The thing is we need to find a dj that will bring everyone together. Personally i'm not a Draper fan - but EXIT made him what he is...and now he has a following. One off nights of DJs confuses people, both inside and outside the club. We need a committed person or group of people that will lay it down with the same feeling every week. Junior vasquez could play anywhere and he'd be awesome. They don't get junior once a month, or anything. Everyone knows 4am, EXIT2:Earth Junior Vasquez. We need that for fridays and saturdays there. Even go the sasha and digweed route of having residents 1ce a month. We need consistency. A club like that needs consistency. See everyone this weekend..i'll be there to party friday and to spin saturday 1:30am white room fm3 guestlist..see you then...

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Originally posted by realz

I think

A) We do need a resident DJ... (whos Theo????) We need a solid resident... example : STEVE LAWLER :D

B) We dont need all these DJs... we just need a few good residents. (Lawler, Hernan Cattaneo, Paul Van Dyk, SnD, Richie Hawtin)

NOW that will reshape Exit... why??? think about it... When you first heard progressive house/trance... what did you think about it? The newbies will leave and find new venues because they will think the music sucks... and us (the club elite :D) will find a new domain....

I definitely like the cattaneo and hawtin residency idea - if we don't lose the party, I would love to see something like that.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Vixen, you make a valiant attempt, however I believe even with the support of the hardcore's, it's still a battle that's going to be lost . .

. . Jackzel brought up a perfect point . . Most of the people going that will see flyers for big international DJ's aren't going to know who the hell they are, but that in effect is secondary to the main problem with places like Exit . . . The main problem is that it's a Super Club . .plain and simple. And in being a super club, they fall prey to politics and necessity that aren't necessarily present in smaller venues . .

. . Opening up a space that big in a city like this makes you HAVE to charge 10 plus bucks for water and over 20 at times for drinks, not to mention ridiculous door charges . . . Combine the cost of real estate aquisition, remodelling, exorbitant city taxes, greasing the local authorities and finally paying the talent, staff and promoters and you have one heck of a bill to pay off each night you operate . . and that's even before the person or persons who own the place take their cut in profit . . .

. . . As a Super Club , it's more of a business rather than what most clubs are : A final extension of a person's ego . . . Take Peter Gatien for example . . That dude made his money elsewhere, his clubs were the final extenstion of want and decadence (we can debate the morality of it later, just know that it was . . ) . . . When a club comes down to being a business, you're not only looking to make enough money to keep the place going, you're also looking at the bottom line of making profit . . . And in looking for that profit, you SEEK out people like Tony Draper (ick . . ) who WILL bring in retards that will spend ludicrous amounts of money on the venue, therefore raising your bottom line . . .

. . I am all for Exit improving it's image music-wize, however I don't believe it's going to be possible because of the nature of the venue itself . . .

. . just my two cents . . .

- Phuturephunk . . .

What he said...

Lou (^_^)

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Zlatang, no offense or anything, but weren't you the one raving about how Spa is the greatest place on Earth? Right. You can sit down and feel stupid now.

Please, tell me the date when that commentary was written, and I am sure you will find it predates even my membership with this board, because I remember reading it when I first joined. The point here is - this is A NEW PARTY, and since you haven't been to it yet, clearly, it's advisable you be quiet, because I don't really value your commentary. I've seen your posts and I have yet to be impressed by your superficiality, no offense sugar.

indeed darling, you are a member of this board since january 2001, and i am since august 1999....which doesn't mean a thing though....it's i suppose crucial that you *frequent* exit, LOL....new party - does that necessarily mean a good party? not in my book....by the way, i have been there and i wasn't impressed...i dislike mass-gatherings....but to each his/her own.

i didn't claim that those poeple who go there (and you obviously advocate for them) are either good or bad, i just looked at the cheesy pics of theirs (which aren't nearly as cheesy as your signature pics, which appear to me as a nightmare-ish visions of a candy-raver-turned-into-a-painter) and concluded something about their style...i made no referrence to you, when i used the word cheesy, but since you find yourself offended enough to inslut me in turn, it' seems clear that you feel cheesy yourself...so no need for me to restate that....

and thatnk you for complimenting me on my superficiality.....:D :D

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Originally posted by zlatang

indeed darling, you are a member of this board since january 2001, and i am since august 1999....which doesn't mean a thing though....it's i suppose crucial that you *frequent* exit, LOL....new party - does that necessarily mean a good party? not in my book....by the way, i have been there and i wasn't impressed...i dislike mass-gatherings....but to each his/her own.

i didn't claim that those poeple who go there (and you obviously advocate for them) are either good or bad, i just looked at the cheesy pics of theirs (which aren't nearly as cheesy as your signature pics, which appear to me as a nightmare-ish visions of a candy-raver-turned-into-a-painter) and concluded something about their style...i made no referrence to you, when i used the word cheesy, but since you find yourself offended enough to inslut me in turn, it' seems clear that you feel cheesy yourself...so no need for me to restate that....

and thatnk you for complimenting me on my superficiality.....:D :D

What you are missing here is that I'm not advocating any one group. I'm advocating the scene. As for frequenting Exit, I have been there three times, but I feel it's a step in the right direction, and that I do advocate.

As for my little tirade on you, I'll admit, that was probably uncalled for, however, your comments were rather depracative to the club and in so doing, damaging to the overall movement, and I felt the need to defend. Sorry if that became too direct.

And lastly... I don't think anyone has ever tagged me as cheesy. Even when I danced around my living room lipsyching to Britney Spears, cheesy wasn't the word. ;):tongue:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

And lastly... I don't think anyone has ever tagged me as cheesy. Even when I danced around my living room lipsyching to Britney Spears, cheesy wasn't the word:

Cheesy? Nah....I think the word you're looking for is slutty.


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Originally posted by hwaystr

Cheesy? Nah....I think the word you're looking for is slutty.


I was think more like amusing, but I think "weak" would be a good description of your post. :blank: Way to demonstrate an IQ lower than the tree outside my window.

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The only thing amusing is this thread, hun.

The "common folks" are not going to have any say with one hastily thrown together vote. While the effort to expand everyone's musical horizon is applauded, as stated before, Exit is the wrong venue for the diversity (especially international).

This venue needs a routine, not diversity. Like someone said before, most of the clientele going to Exit isn't even aware of these different dj's. Cheesy crowd, perhaps, but a loyal crowd nonetheless...creatures of habit, perhaps.

Exit is a place where you want to know what to expect before you get there, for the most part. It's a place to get fucked up and stay fucked up at for a solid 5 hours or so, while listening to the beats you're familiar with. An occasional switch is fine, but not every week. A resident is needed.

Which is what this vote may be for anyway...a new resident, cause the musical dj booth thing isn't working.

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alot of people in these threads have said that they dont go to exit because of policies and management, i really wonder if thats the real reason, look at twilo for example, biggest asshole security you could find, one out of a handful got tossed for no reason, 35 bux to get in, unbelieveably packed, super long lines, yet why did we come week in week out in herds..... because the place on a musical standpoint was a shrine, exit could be 10 bux to get in with world class djs friendly staff and i still wouldnt go a big part of the magical experience is the dj of course, but a big part of it also has to do with vibe, the sound, the underground feel which is different from place to place , and exit will never have this no matter what, the whole set up is commerical, i learned this lesson very quickly at pvd at sf, it was van dyk but it was not the same, if he was there in a few weeks again, i wouldnt go and i never missed van dyk in nyc since i turned 18 a few years ago this vote/support thing isnt to bring top talent to nyc, its to bring top talent to exit in nyc, big big difference right there ;)

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I have to restate this again, not that your points aren't well-taken, and I understand your arguments, but, what I am asking your support on here is not the club itself but the scene - the DJ's, the music - because as of the moment, there are so few venues for that. I'm not asking you to go to Exit, or say you like it, or tell your mom about it, I'm just saying - vote for some real talent and keep it in the city!!! Maybe something new will come that will rival twilo, but it could be years before that happens. In the meantime, don't worry so much about which club we're talking about, worry about the scene as a whole and support this party - it's making progress! I would say the same thing if the DJ's were spinning in someone's backyard in Jersey - they're still the DJ's and we STILL need to keep the scene alive and show our support.

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Vixenfoxxy -

Let me first say that I admire your efforts and enthusiasm and totally understand your viewpoint and rationale. And I'd also like to say that your posts are some of the most intelligent and rational on the board -- thanks for your class.

But, although I think your efforts are valiant, I don't think they are going to work.

Why? Because Exit has a stigma attached to it that, as someone else noted, will not be removed simply by adding a "2" at the end of the name. When Exit opened, everyone was excited about the possibilities. But, due to a number of factors that have been discussed to death -- the type of crowd it attracts, the overzealous security, the questionable quality of the DJs and the exorbitant prices for admission and drinks -- most people wold rank Exit among their least favorite venues in the city.

Unfortunately, once a club's reputation has been established -- and once a certain crowd has established that club as its "home -- it is nearly impossible to change either of those things. Honestly, even if Exit somehow miraculously procured Twilo's old stable of resident DJs, those fans would still be very reluctant to go see them there because of their feelings about Exit.

Likewise, it wouldn't be fair to those people who DO like Exit the way it is and happily call it (or called it, when Draper was there) their "home" club to suddenly change the entire style of music, vibe of the club and type of crowd around on them.

Fair or not, Exit is basically established in the minds of most club-goers as, cheesy, crappy and all the other bad things that have been said about it. I'm not saying any of those opinions are necessarily true or valid; all I'm saying is that is the general consensus about Exit and unfortunately, when it comes to clubs in NYC especially, perception is reality.

So, I think it would be the kiss of death for Exit to try to entirely switch formats and try to get more progressive, international DJs because the fans of those DJs will STILL not want to go hear them at Exit, and the people who love Exit (and who effectively keep it up and running) are going to be even more alienated than before and continue to stay away. The result? NO ONE is going to go to Exit!

Again, I agree that we need to do whatever we can to keep top-level talent coming to NYC, but Exit is just NOT the right venue for them. Trying to make Exit into something it isn't -- even if its just until something else opens up -- is a waste of time. Give Exit's loyal crowd back their home and their DJ: they'll be happy, Exit's management will be happy and everyone else will be happy that they aren't forced to go to the dreaded Exit to hear "their" DJs and that the Exit crowd will stay out of "their" clubs.

As far as where those top-level DJs will go... be patient, everyone, something new will come along soon... it always does!

Much respect, girl --



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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

What you are missing here is that I'm not advocating any one group. I'm advocating the scene. As for frequenting Exit, I have been there three times, but I feel it's a step in the right direction, and that I do advocate.

As for my little tirade on you, I'll admit, that was probably uncalled for, however, your comments were rather depracative to the club and in so doing, damaging to the overall movement, and I felt the need to defend. Sorry if that became too direct.

And lastly... I don't think anyone has ever tagged me as cheesy. Even when I danced around my living room lipsyching to Britney Spears, cheesy wasn't the word. ;):tongue:

that was such a polite reply...quite unexpetedly!

ok then - i withdraw what i said about you being cheesy .. you seem much nicer than i expected (i mean in this message), so there's no need for additional bitching and animosity.

if you are advocatiung for a party that you are not fond of, that puts a new perspective...and about SPA - it is true that the new parties always have that special elan that the old ones don't.....however, since i like a very particular crowd, spa is still ok for me....so give it a try ...



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Z - Thanks for the reply. Sorry again for bitchin out last night, I shouldn't have stressed on you lol (The way I acted last night is still :cheese: hehe) ;)

Alexandra - Thanks for the reply. :) Here's a question for you. If the party were to move to another locale (it would have to be something at least decently sizeable, like Limelight size or so...maybe a little smaller) even if it wasn't quite a new space or maybe even not that nice of a space... would you go? Do you think the rest of club land would go? Just pondering over here...

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There is nothing wrong with trying to change the scene, I don't understand why people are attacking someone who is trying to do something positive!!! If you don't think Exit will change, then keep it to yourself!! The girl is trying to do something positive, I think we should all try to get behind this & show support. Think of it as voting - we all have a vote and we should definitely make our voices heard!!! If exit keeps draper out for good and gets some world class talent in, then we can all benefit from it. I don't see how sitting on our asses and waiting for change is going to do anything. Twilo has been gone for almost a year now and all the rumors are have turned out to be just rumors!!! We can make a difference and it starts with thinking positive!!

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Z - Thanks for the reply. Sorry again for bitchin out last night, I shouldn't have stressed on you lol (The way I acted last night is still :cheese: hehe) ;)

Alexandra - Thanks for the reply. :) Here's a question for you. If the party were to move to another locale (it would have to be something at least decently sizeable, like Limelight size or so...maybe a little smaller) even if it wasn't quite a new space or maybe even not that nice of a space... would you go? Do you think the rest of club land would go? Just pondering over here...

oh this was nice - it rarely happens here that someone is actually kind...so again, it's all good, i wish you guys all the best with exit...keep the clubbing going!:)

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I think it's possible for Exit to change its image if it really wanted to. That would of course take time, and people would have to be patient. Right now I don't go to Exit because it's not my crowd. Most of them seem really cheesey to me...and are there to look and be looked at. All I want in a club is great DJ talent, a great friendly (no attitude) crowd, positive vibe, and no dress code! Is that impossible for Exit?

It's great that they've been getting some good international DJs, but I still don't go there because it's Exit. But if things change, I'll change as well.

Can they please stop the dress code policy?? If it's just a business to the owners, I understand the dress code. They want "higher class" people to party there. But if music is their first priority, the way someone dresses shouldn't be a factor. Anyone should be welcome to enjoy the musical experience.

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