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S&D essential mix from Miami- reviews?


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I didn't have time to sit in front of my computer for 2 hours, so I only managed to catch a few tracks. I was actually pretty surprised, one track especially- it had a bubbling noise in the background with whiney british vocals-------->sounded like a downtempo version of the percolator????????

Any reviews?

Does anyone know if it's making the rounds on Audio Galaxy yet?

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i don't know if it's their set for the american airlines arena or not. like i read elsewhere, maybe they decided to record their worst two hours. very few tracks stand out. as a whole it fails to impress me and the mixing is just bplain bad. just my opinion... apparently not the popular opinion though.

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opinions are opinions buddy but on this one I have to disagree with you.

You should have been there that night man, it was just fucking awesome. The music, the visuals, even the attention at the improvised bars downstairs. To me that was the best party with the best sound of WMC.

you wanna know about the vibe? to me it was pretty cool too as I was with friends I like and that's all I care.

Two thumbs up for the Sasha and Digweed party.!!! :)

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I'm not impressed with it! I've been listening to it for the past 30 minutes. I've heard this sound before a gazillion times. With all the dark house that's been produced in the last year you'd think they would try to sound a little different then the rest of the herd. It's not that this mix is bad it's just predictable. This mix would've been good a year 1/2 ago but now I think it's just average. I'm sure the visuals and the live experience adds alot to it though.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I'm not impressed with it! I've been listening to it for the past 30 minutes. I've heard this sound before a gazillion times. With all the dark house that's been produced in the last year you'd think they would try to sound a little different then the rest of the herd. It's not that this mix is bad it's just predictable. This mix would've been good a year 1/2 ago but now I think it's just average. I'm sure the visuals and the live experience adds alot to it though.

I have to agree w/ you GA2. I was there that night and the vibe, visuals and the people around really made it an incredible moment. But yes, it really wasn't like something you could say that was out of this world...new. I thought it was more like another night out than a special event. Usually when big names are out touring they try to make show out it. Where they leave the people mesmerized by the music they play. Don't get me wrong I am a like Sasha and Digweed. I have stuff from them dating way back, its just that this really wasn't their best night.

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this set is awesome. It’s the furthest thing from lackluster. S & D are constantly pushing the envelope. they always leave me mesmerized; with their track selection, and layering of tracks. I’m looking forward to Diggers, new solo album hitting the shores in June.

"I think that the fact that both myself and John have been in it for as long as we have, there are probably some things that have given us staying power: the fact we’ve always chosen our own route with the music, tried to push our own sound, really believed in what we were doing with our sound, stuck to our guns really. We didn’t cheese out. As soon as house music and trance music started to get really commercial, we didn’t go down that route. Kind of stuck to what we were doing. We believe in it. I’d have no idea what to do in my life if I wasn’t doing this – so you know, it’s not about having staying power. It’s about "This is my life!" I don’t have any other options, really." -Sasha

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Originally posted by sobeton

"I think that the fact that both myself and John have been in it for as long as we have, there are probably some things that have given us staying power: the fact we’ve always chosen our own route with the music, tried to push our own sound, really believed in what we were doing with our sound, stuck to our guns really. We didn’t cheese out. As soon as house music and trance music started to get really commercial, we didn’t go down that route. Kind of stuck to what we were doing. We believe in it. I’d have no idea what to do in my life if I wasn’t doing this – so you know, it’s not about having staying power. It’s about "This is my life!" I don’t have any other options, really." -Sasha

It's interesting to read what they think of their own music. But I can agree they are no where near commerical. S&D still have some underground feel to their music.

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Originally posted by Nolimit

this sounds like the sound of 2001.. how are they pushing the envelope? a few of those tracks have been hammered to death. i guess if u like the melodic stuff, than this is for u. personally, i think it's boring.

um isn’t music suppose to be somewhat melodic? and dear I ask; what is the dance sound for 2002? some people prefer their music filtered, and some don’t. it’s matter of taste my friend. S & D suit my personal taste ,just fine. they have been making music together; for some ten years now. obviously they are appealing to someone.
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I don't think it was the best set I've ever heard from Sasha & Digweed, but it was far from bad (certainly better than their Orlando set last November). I personally didn't like a few of the tracks but I'm just a picky lil' bitch. I have a feeling that set simply didn't translate well to home audio. Sasha & Digweed are experienced veterans in the electronic music scene and I'm sure they tailored each and every track to the "arena" venue. As always the mixing was spot on........Digweed could mix his way out of anything.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

S&D have been pushing this exact same sound for a LONG time now and it's getting old. It's still nice it just doesn't have that umph that moves me anymore.

are you out of your mind ? northern exposure series, communicate; etc. yeah, they are pushing that same sound. LMAO "little exposure" indeed.
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Originally posted by sobeton

are you out of your mind ? northern exposure series, communicate; etc. yeah, they are pushing that same sound. LMAO "little exposure" indeed.

It's convenient for you to assume my post meant S&D are still pushing the same sound as they did in communicate and NE because it makes me look really stupid and ignorant which is exactly what your trying to do. The fact is I never said that. If your gonna make stuff up atleast try to make it look believable. Quote me and then change my quote when your editing the post. This attempt to sabotage me was unsuccessful and uninspired just like the S&D set. I guess your envelope is smaller then everyone else's on the board and that's why you were so impressed.

BTW, marcos is the one that said S&D still sounds like communicate. Before you get all bent out of shape I think he was being sarcastic.


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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

It's convenient for you to assume my post meant S&D are still pushing the same sound as they did in communicate and NE because it makes me look really stupid and ignorant which is exactly what your trying to do. The fact is I never said that. If your gonna make stuff up atleast try to make it look believable. Quote me and then change my quote when your editing the post. This attempt to sabotage me was unsuccessful and uninspired just like the S&D set. I guess your envelope is smaller then everyone else's on the board and that's why you were so impressed.

BTW, marcos is the one that said S&D still sounds like communicate. Before you get all bent out of shape I think he was being sarcastic.


Lee > do you actually comprehend; what you type in your post? Obviously you don’t; otherwise you would understand .I don’t have to attempt to make you look "really stupid and ignorant ". that’s already fairly evident.
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