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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. you're funny Luis. great analogy.
  2. Sorry, I only date exotic Europeans and South Americans. Besides, our babies would be crazy, and probably have rabies.
  3. so where is this loser hangout? inquiring minds ask ;D it's on the west side of the street, 17th (or is it 18th?) and 8th.
  4. dont be a NERD I would love to be able to see Damon adjusting to your antics and you adjusting to his temper. LMAO!!! Please take pics!!!! ;D the beauty of tolerance. it is what NYC is all about 8)
  5. i dont think it sucks! hey at least you dont live in the midwest or something!? It was just an ironical comment.............I love PR!!! there was NO twist of fate, Antonio...no twist of fate.
  6. anyone go to this? I heard the event was terrible
  7. Let me warn you Damon, a night out hanging with Evan is certainly a guaranteed crazy night. You never know what your going to get. So dont say I didn't warn you....lol im honored to have such a reputation, and you as my friend, Luis. you are...a rockstar. 8)
  8. How were your 4ths? Mine was ridiculous...Maritime was the best it has been as of yet, all my friends were there, including all those in from out of town...out of state and in state friends all comingled so well, I was glowing. I couldnt have been happier--- Had dinner at Hiro just before to celebrate a friend's , Sushi was delectable-- While I was at dinner the other half of my friends were destroying my apartment partying and then watching fireworks on the roof. Joey, how long did you stay at Maritime after I left? I didnt want to go, but a bunch of my friends did, and i was ready for a change of pace since it was well past 2am and id been there since 10. After Maritime we went to Park...I hate it there! I was sitting by a fireplace with my friends and john Norris stumbled over, we all hung out for a bit then we ran to his apartment in the POURING rain and got soaked...it was fun...we had a few drinks there, then he tried to molest, then he was rejected, and we all hung out til the morning and had a great time on the balcony drinking and laughing and acting like babies. Every ten to the hour on the hour I asked John for some news, and he took it like a good sport. I met someone very intriguing there though...so we went to visit my friends at a nearby hilton---then we came back to my apartment, passed out, and spent all of monday into tuesday morning spooning, it was awesome, what a great weekend! so, what did y'all do?
  9. we'll meet up after. I want to take you around town and pretend you're Matt Damon...it will be so much fun!!! (im not joking one bit.)
  10. you are a freak of nature. I love it. 8)
  11. LESjunkie


    PS if you go at 10pm he serves free sushi and wine too!
  12. please explain to me where constructive criticism falls into place here? Dramatize the constructive criticism geometrically, please.
  13. Two words: Street Dick! :-X : god, i can't even IMAGINE what you are talking about :-X ;D LMAO!!! But not as bad as you might think!!! puta you're just as bad as me! I could provide a laundry list to everyone here, young lady... but this is what makes us fun. :-* i miss you. You and I are very dynamic together it's too bad we live so far away from each other. :'(
  14. LMAO!!! But I think he secretly enjoyed it!!!! ;D yes he did! Luis was geometrically dramatized. (reference to tech's misuse of a word in the junkie chat column. I dont care how much he says geometric worked the proper word was 'exponentially!')
  15. Two words: Street Dick! :-X : god, i can't even IMAGINE what you are talking about :-X ;D LMAO!!! But not as bad as you might think!!! puta you're just as bad as me! I could provide a laundry list to everyone here, young lady... but this is what makes us fun.
  16. hooker, im not a crackhead. What I actually overlooked was you pouring salsa con queso on your tits and letting strangers lick it off. :-X haha love you! im glad you guys enjoyed the piece- hope everyone who goes has as good of a time as we all did. LOL..Evan I cant believe you just said that about the cheese. I am dramatized by eating cheese dip forever now. haha. I couldnt resist. PS, Luis, you were traumatized, not dramatized.
  17. this place SUCKS. > And there is a cover charge too??!! What kind of idiot would pay that for this lame, narrow bar full of losers? Dont go, people, if you want to have fun.
  18. Joey you're so jealous of me it's borderline psychotic! get over it! iloveyou. I had a "big" night on Thursday. I was so unbelievably hungover yesterday too, not to mention i got barely any sleep and awoke to naked strangers littered about. Let's leave it at that. Thurs nite was insane, i keep remembering bits and pieces and laughing out loud. Joey went home early (midnight, like cinderella). I'll PM you now, Norah. xo
  19. hooker, im not a crackhead. What I actually overlooked was you pouring salsa con queso on your tits and letting strangers lick it off. :-X haha love you! im glad you guys enjoyed the piece- hope everyone who goes has as good of a time as we all did.
  20. LESjunkie


    My friend Tyler does PM Thursdays. I went last night, it's off the hook...I love it there! Check back next week, im not sure if he is doing it next week- if so, remind me and i'll have him put you on his G/L.
  21. :-X those are some of the most beautiful women ive ever seen. :-X
  22. They both suck!!! ;D so does Puerto Rico! kidding F*$% YOU: I know you wish you were here right now!!! ;D i ABSOLUTELY DO. wrapped in the arms of an olive skined latin, hablando espanol, on a sandy beach with beautiful caribbean sea cooling my toes. M
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