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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. Philadelphia...at the end when they are showing all of his baby pictures and shots of his youth.
  2. awesome....nice concise review as well.
  3. tell us what you love, and we'll help figure out where is best to go 4 u
  4. deep down inside, you would have.
  5. gotta say, this is very true. looking forward to a review with less shout outs and more description.
  6. Also, the final scene in Trainspotting is extremely moving...even more captivating than the 25th hour scene---jeeeeeesus you cant tell me you all werent completely entranced by that?
  7. so are you pepsi's hired gun to make sure people dont praise CC2 on internet forums? what a useful job you have! How do you describe your job to friends/family? regardless of all that, aspartame causes cancer if we were to comsume thousands of packets a day- give me a break, stop causing unecessary fear-- loser. Aspartame is fine.
  8. you're NUTS! Let me explain first and foremost the film was based on the novel written by David Benioff. Benioff was the screenwriter for the film. Lee directed and produced. That scene was about him realizing the only person at fault was HIM--- his hatred wasnt really directed toward the segregated societies--- but on himself- it was, if anything, an epiphany that transcended race and all that- he simply rails against nyc because he no longer belongs there and is furious for a moment. AND....it is a common misconception that this was all Spike Lee's idea. that bathroom scene comes directly from Benioff's novel...Spike Lee and his motives were of zero inspiration for it. All's he did was gather some B-Roll for it.
  9. I think one of the most difficult acts to do well in a film is a catharsis... Saleen, a catharsis is a purge of emotions, or a cleansing of the self via an outpouring of emotion- a dramatic, usually erratic release...done alone. So, what do y'all think were some of the best catharsis' in film? One that first comes to mind for me would be Edward Norton in Spike Lee's "25th Hour." First of all, If you have not seen "25th Hour" than you really must. Especially if you are a New Yorker (it's set in nyc and a lot of the references make more sense if you recognize the environment and the people) Norton's character is going to jail...for awhile. He got busted for selling drugs, alot of them at that. "Shiiiiiiiiiiit." SO the movie begins on his last day before going off to prison....the 24 hours before he leaves, he has to say goodbye to everyone he knew... When he is having dinner with his father, he leaves for a moment to go down to the bathroom...in that bathroom it says "Fuck You" in white out on the lower right hand corner of the mirror....he ducks down to look at it, and then begins to argue with his own reflection. What ensues is one of the best catharsis scenes I've ever seen on film--- It captivates every time- have any of you seen this? Where he goes OFF on everyone and everything....and in the end realizes the only person to say Fuck You to was himself- Spike Lee did an exceptional job with this film...I think it's one of his best- What else can you guys think of?
  10. haha. ilove you joey- i cant even take it sometimes....my heart bursts-
  11. it certainly helps to be a girl for PM! I wouldnt bother going if i didnt have friends who did the party there- anyway, we were sitting at the very first table to the right when you walk in. (the booth tables)-- impossible to miss! Next time, take a look and ask someone if im there-
  12. No way John. The ending of unbreakable was the best part. The concept of it being a superhero/villian movie was great. I have to agree. I thought unbreakable was really good especially the way it ended maybe i missed something (which I usually dont) but i thought that movie bit.
  13. im in westchester visiting family. I had to get out of the city-- that amount of rain is overwhelming.
  14. wow...monica is gorgeous...that is a great photo= extremely sexy and provocative...
  15. well when aryn and I and a friend from out of town went to that party, the french dude was fucking with everyone...and Patrick McMullan showed up and frenchy wouldnt let him in!! to his own party! When he realized he was making a mistake, it was too late, Patrick flipped out, screaming at him, then forced them to let the entire line in, and refused to take any photos for the evening, a big loss for Cielo as a whole-- his shots get placed on his website and are adjacent to photos of almost every celebrity and amazing event throughout the country and world, actually. so im sure frenchy was reprimanded for that incident. the entire rest of the nite he was kissing ass big time...it was funny to see. I wonder if he is even still there?
  16. I was at PM last nite. I enjoy it there- fun DJ spins pop and Top 40 stuff with a twist- total poser scene and very glamorous and all that- the door policy is uber-harsh...might be worse than frenchy at Cielo, Norah (remind me to tell you how he got screamed at by Patrick McMullan at that cielo party a couple weeks ago.) It's all about the people you go with...also Aryn's boyfriend throws the party so we get bottles and tables so why wouldnt we just love to go? ;D
  17. that video is heinous and repulsive. I gagged at the end of it, and I have a very strong stomach for shit like this. I am hungover, so that surely had something to do with it....or maybe it was Bea...she is equally heinous these days--- :'(What the hell happened to my golden girl :'( i bet Rue still looks good tho.
  18. FYI Norah...by "spat" the author of this thread means "spitted"
  19. true, i should have mentioned that, sorry!
  20. yes bruno rox. I still cant get this one track out of my head that he was spinning early AM June 19th....it's been over a month and it constantly creeps in my head---(NO Carisa, not that terrible song with the spoons clanking) =
  21. decent, though these parties arent really all that if you ask me--- a chance to see a celeb doesnt dictate the best parties!
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