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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. anyone ever been to a sex club of any sort? They are very popular in Spain...known as "Puti-Clubs" (pronounced "poo tee-cloobs"--
  2. gracias antonio I passed along the info- PS are you planning any trips to nyc soon?
  3. this is great news! thanx Tim...
  4. oh please ive never had sex in a club that is heinous.
  5. he is staying at the Caribe Hilton. will be in san juan tomorrow and thursday nites. He digs chicks and beer and is a fun guy who will be there shooting a few things but will have some spare time on his hands as well- any recommendations? He isnt into the EDM scene--- what bars would you recommend in the vicinity relatively that are lively and one can drop in alone and strike up conversation. he does not speak spanish. 8)
  6. wow! looks like Ikon is trying to make a name for itself. has anyone heard how it is?? is it cleaned up from the hell-hole it used to be????
  7. :o Congrats! you of all people will know how special this is 4-me. Anyway, i heard Armin was a very good show--- though I was not there- i ended up going to Plaid with some crazy friends from New Orleans and a couple wild transvestites who got us bombed. it was an incredibly wacky, fun nite.
  8. LESjunkie

    hey every one !

    didnt someone else have that same avatar? who is it, anyway ?
  9. what goes on at this event? is it X rated? is there indiscreet sex and such?
  10. Run away. ...and fast. on q-lay salup.
  11. it definitely isnt the same universe--- It really was only cool when school was in session- I did a summer session once and the scene changed from fun party college town to DEPRESSED shanty town. I cant imagine living there outside of a comfy, unrealistic university life. When I graduated, i packed my things and moved back home to the tri-state area without blinking an eye. But I will always have fond memories of the wacky times i spent there causing trouble...
  12. I watched this movie this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was pouring outside, so aryn and I put about 25 pillows on my bed and laid down to watch together in my room with surround sound. The surround sound really added a ton to this...she was jumping in her skin every ten seconds (which really began to piss me off after awhile because she was holding onto me and it would scare the shit out of me.) The movie was excellent, in my opinion- Ashton did so well playing a serious role...his transition from goofball to serious was seamless, for me...He is a very good actor and I think that in this film he proves he can make it--- The movie had a few cheesy moments, and his mother in the film is a terrible actress, but she thankfully dies of cancer eventually and isn't seen anymore. The movie is engaging every single moment- you really need to concentrate and let yourself go when you watch it. The cimematography is excellent too....some of the shots were very, very well done- some moments in the movie are super-creepy, horrifying, and all in all there is an eerie, uncomfortable feeling throughout. Having a general knowledge of the Chaos Theory before watching it will help a lot- I bet the only reason this movie wasnt a bigger success is because many people simply couldnt follow it- (Im not implying you here, Luis) anyway, y'all should see this. Great film. 8)
  13. Evo - comments? haha...I've gotten several emails about this today. It's good to see my alma mater back on the saddle @ #1, albeit a ranking lacking of any real quality scientific formula. SUNY Albany and my experiences there taught me everything I now know about partying. POD, I have to say, you're really mistaken in several assumptions you made in your posts here---Albany doesnt have a big club scene...however there are two giant clubs (giant for upstate) that were opened 2.5 years ago, and several clubs downtown. All serve alcohol until 4am, and close around 4:30 -5am. I worked at one (there was a restaurant inside as well) and it had a capacity of over 3,000. The other club, Nick's Sneaky Pete's-- is a great space and has a great sound system= (shitty upsteate crowd, however)-- Jonathan Peters spins there often, and some others that I cant remember right now. The nightlife in Albany is plentiful....countless bars, house parties, etc.....it was insane- the over-the-top experiences I had there were so ridiculous- You can do whatever you want...there is barely any law-- all nightlife establishments pay off the cops and everyone can party....I chalked my ID freshman year-= changed the "8" in 1980 to a "7." It was so painfully obvious....yet it worked for over a year. Bouncers would ask my age when walking in, and I would say 30, and they'd let me in. I didnt look a day over 16. anyway, im rambling. While surely there are some crazier other universities out there, I'll say that Albany certainly deserves a high ranking, at least.
  14. dude, he resigned for BEING GAY! I'M FROM NJ, AND DIDN'T vote FOR HIM. He was corrupt and had lots of scandals, but being a married father and govenor then committing adultery is a crime! and unethical, and shits on the sanctitiy of marriage. fuck hiim, and his kids and wife should just abondon him. please don't spin it any other way, nj peeps would lynch a gay govenor.. not for BEING gay....he did not resign for that. he resigned for hiding it, and doing the adulterous things you mentioned---you're right, that is fucked up and unethical and I agree, his wife should leave him.
  15. This is big news in the northeast right now...James McGreevey just resigned citing an extramarital affair with another man. pretty crazy. let's get the record straight before people start saying he resigned for being gay-- he resigned due to a culmination of scandals and now whatever comes from this (there is a lawsuit of some sort) also surely added. He's probably exasperated. too bad, he could have been a great symbol if he came out (on his own, without a scandal) and continued governing...
  16. who is "they?" It irks me when people say "they" in this context. it sounds like water-cooler talk. "They say it's going to rain today..." "There was a great far side cartoon back in the day. A man was on the phone and he said to the person on the other line..."Barry Horowitz! So YOU'RE the they in that's what they say." I always found that to be a very funny, clever cartoon. ;D
  17. 8) but the event is 18 and over maybe you can find a mate, cradle robber!
  18. please, I uber-blow the latin horn every chance i get. Latins are my favorite people.
  19. i doubt i'll be there-- if the crowd was better and the music wasnt so fluffy id never second guess....but i mean--- i think dinner with friends, a spliff and napolean dynamite sound better...besides, i was out late last nite (dinner and drinks at Candela....) and want to try to be asleep before 2 am tonite- i've got these brand new neighbors...I was shocked when I found out they're all from Columbia and Spain! ANd they live right next door...can you imagine how elated I was when I found this out? Aryn and I have hung out with them a few times and, of course, they're awesome and I think we're going to really enjoy living together- we all hung out til 2:30 am this morning- we discussed South America and music-- They love EDM as well so we will certainly be out dancing together- so exciting--- 8)
  20. oh shit I forgot you were coming for this--- are you really here? I'm not sure if im coming to this at all...im torn between this and going to dinner with friends and then seeing Napolean Dynamite---
  21. I saw John Norris acting like this on the 4th of July. I saw him pestering people...then he came over to me and kept trying to kiss me, and was trying to wrap his legs around mine- it was quite annoying...I tried to counsel him and tell him what a fool he was making of himself but he was so inibriated he wasnt absorbing any of it I left the place i was at (Maritime) and then I saw him AGAIN hours later at another venue and he did it again. nasty-
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