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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. awesome! I remember Dirk, quite an awesome guy, I hope things work out for them. thanx for sharing Norah.
  2. Norah is correct, the weather is getting terrible up here. Today it rained the entire day and the air hovered around 34 degrees all day. Now it's nighttime, still raining, and you can see your breath. I'm not even leaving my warm clean apartment until tomorrow morning. It's so easy to get sick partying in NYC all nite then walking out in the cold to get home...waiting for taxis all sweaty and scantily clad....it's a recipe for flu and cold. Be careful and be sure to wear a warm coat and just check it in coatcheck I'm definitely feeling a trip to Miami coming soon...though I dont think ill be down for conference, I'd rather come on an off-weekend to see some of my favorite people. (u know who u are)
  3. Thanks Lainie for the generosity, but I cant make it to this event....I'll be out of town until Sunday, unfortunately. But thanky u so much 8)I havent been to Avalon in ages, either. As a matter of fact, I haven't been to a club since the last Armani event at Crobar (aside from the Armani event at Pier 94) I hope the event is supersuccessful like the past few armani events have been! good luck xo
  4. I didnt even realize that was Palash spinning last Tues nite! im such an ass. I was wondering why the musica was off the hook. Is that you in the second pic with Giorgio, Lainie?
  5. These armani parties KICK ass! There was an amazing one last Tuesday (Giorgio was there himself milling about amongst others) at Pier 94 that was awesome....and the one with Peter Rauhofer at Crobar recently was also a blast. They pull out all the stops. And the models dancing around are breathtakingly beautiful. tasty indeed.
  6. LESjunkie


    terrible acting, great concept. definitely a movie to go see. If there were better actors and some script tweeking it would have been insane. I give it a B.
  7. Hi everyone I was totally AWOL for a long time, I know-- I'm honored that so many of you were inquisitive about my whereabouts. Some serious shit went down with my fam (cancer) and some other stuff as well....took me away from normality for a couple months. My grandma and I were very close, she had a meternal-like relationship with me. Plus I've really toned down nightlife. I actually pretty much dont go out anymore. Since the end of summer. I'm in a serious relationship and have been out of the loop for months, spending time with him and perspectivizing things. I've found an incredible change in how I feel physically and mentally--- sharp like back in the day before I discovered all night parties and packed dance floors. I cant even tell you how awesome it also feels to be able to spend my money on tangibles...it makes you appreciate money more when you have something to show, like a new cell phone, new furniture, laptop, etc....rather than pissing away hundreds of dollars in a weekend on alcohol and such. I just am fulfilled in other ways for the time being. My retentive memory has bounced back very, very well too! No more post-it notes everywhere reminding me what needs to be done and all that. I really feel great. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a monk. I still go out on occassion and definitely pulled out all the stops on Halloween. I'll try to create a post about that today or tomorrow. I had a ridiculous evening and marched all over town dressed as an army soldier (I acquired a real army suit...boots, camoflage pants and sleeveless shirt, bandana, etc). It was really fun. 8) I'm not sure about the conference this year. Certainly not coming down for the entire week....possibly for the weekend. I've got a free ticket to use and I think i will save it for that weekend. i've done zero research as of yet...but last year I got a bad taste from the conference and how packed everything was....so I'm really not sure if I'll be there this year. What about the other NY'ers on here? What's your take?
  8. This is sad. I used to be obsessed with WWF when I was younger--- the ultimate warrior was my idol...anyone remember the classic battle between him and Hulk Hogan back in the 80s? It was a wrestlemania. I still vividly remember Hulk losing with honor and handing over the belt to the Ultimate Warrior--- I lost it...cried...and then Hogan started to cry- I used to go to the shows too....but I stopped after awhile because they always advertised cool matches and then I'd go to the shows and there would be substitutes- felt like a scam. Andre the Giant and the warrior...they were the most profound for me.
  9. You might be the worst speller I've ever seen. How can you publish something with so many mistakes? Thanks for boosting my self-confidence. :
  10. what are the details of the cooljunkie list? gratis, reduced, specs?
  11. The Brazilian Director is Walter Salles....who was also the EP for City of God.
  12. didn't they mean intoxication for drugs ? I meant drunk from alcohol.
  13. I heard Tiesto looked visibly intoxicated at space while spinning and had model looking males in the booth with him for awhile. is this true?
  14. we're just thrilled it isnt nisch nisch anymore, that's all, pookie. :-*
  15. scissor sisters are cool, peaches too.
  16. it's great to see more mainstream people not afraid to come out- the stigma is diminishing- at least in places where it matters what people think.
  17. http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/29166.htm
  18. LESjunkie

    Tiesto Rumor Control

    he's already in Florida, idiots. I saw both him and his manager last night here in nyc and they left shortly thereafter. :
  19. in retrospect, I wonder if this could be interpreted as an oxymoron? it very well can ;D i didnt stick around much longer after PVD. feet aching, tired, and really not a trance fan ... Sasha had his moments. the start of PVD didnt seem too bad ehh I wasnt impressed. When he played "Time of our Lives" was when I wanted to vomit. It's borderline narcism to still be playing that "hit."
  20. in retrospect, I wonder if this could be interpreted as an oxymoron?
  21. whoa last nite was off the hook. had a great time- definitely one of the better parties ive been to in awhile- definitely an experience 8) getting bombed with Wilken and Tijs was great- got to chill with Boris for a bit as well...awesome guy too- and great to chill with Jamie too ;D. PVD blew, I wish he never came. I asked Tiesto several times to take his place but he said he couldnt. everyone around us knew van dyk's set was sucking but they didnt want to say so. i certainly made my opinion clear. David Morales was excellent, and I loved sasha's set too- good stuff. only caught a little bit of DJ rap- that was good too! walked in to a nice sweet dreams mix I havent heard. excellent, excellent vibe in there last nite. yeah!
  22. What a night! I caught an earlier flight home from MN and made it to Crobar. Norah, great to finally meet you! i recognized you right off the bat from your friendster photo. cutie. anyway, my night was terrific! so many awesome people there---- an industry crowd 4-sure. PVD sucked and I wish he didnt spin, his hard garbage trance didnt mix well with the preceeding DJs like Sasha, who i thought did a great job. the club was decked and looked great--- my friend Jamie, Aryn and I spent the majority of the night getting quite intoxicated with tiesto and the black hole crew at a table off to the side- such a great nite- and good to see the man relaxed and enjoying himself without pressure before his show today in Central Park. anyone else make it? joey had his period so he couldnt join...
  23. damn! you guys re really bringing in some good talent! ive gotta check this place out.
  24. im gonna have to skip this....unfortunately I have to fly to Minnesota for work tomorrow...oh well!
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