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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. I am not familiar with this term
  2. Yes, that's the big reason why 'we' started cooking, the tech sector collapse put a real hurt on my cash flow situation and I couldn't afford to spend like five times as much as necessary for food for a while there. Kiko learned to cook from reading Cooking Light magazine. I kid you not. Virtually no skills or interest before that, now I have dinner at five-star restaurants on the beach and snicker at how she's a better cook than the line cook who prepared my meal and a more imaginative chef than the guy who invented the dish. Maybe she unlocked some kind of hidden talent or maybe anybody can learn. Don't really know, find out. I miss my mom.
  3. Oh don't think I don't know it. The cooking thing was just a bonus, I liked her cause she's real smart and HOT. Then she discovered that she can cook afterward, hey bonus! I would like to point out that eating out every night is not such a bad thing when you live in NYC, Evan. Even if you're just talking about food. well im sick of it. It is so expensive and im spending out of control. tonite aryn and I are going to the supermarket after the gym and going to buy groceries. She is going to cook and I will sit on the counter and watch and learn. im going to make a concerted effort to learn starting tonite.
  4. wow. im going to definitely see this. I love odd humor and odd things in general--
  5. I never said anything about being a practicing minimalist. And no. No, definitely not, Pod. I'm still not quite certain where your kitchen is. not everyone has such a talented wife as you do to cook them up amazing dishes. You're so fortunate to have that....so fortunate- I eat out every meal, every day- im sick of it...i need a mate to show me the ropes- :'(
  6. Bingo is in Cadiz right now chasing after a bunch of hot Spanish chiquitas. He'll be back in the US in a few weeks. mmm Cadiz. I've got some fond memories of being there for Carnaval a few years ago. Id do anything to be in Spain right now-- :-[
  7. I'm very impressed by this post...You took a very complicated explanation and truncated it into a concise and easily understandable argument- you're a smart guy!
  8. i dont remember. We did take a bunch of pix tho, which i hope to get in my inbox today. i;ll share them when i get em. x
  9. I went to a terrific Loft Party thi spast saturday- a nice change of pace from the venue scene--- It was at a photographers tremendous loft, and there were mirrors and props and costumes -- good times. (though I did hear someone playt the track "Let's get it started")
  10. He said Tiesto, not Jonathan Peters. ;D such a clever response!
  11. yes, i enjoy it, though it is too obviously staged too often.
  12. I want to add, that the door policy at Bungalow 8 is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever seen- that place is the most retardly exclusive venue in NYC. and what do you get when yo uget inside? you get the chance to possibly see a celeb and a palm tree here and there. That place is guarded so celebs and people with notoriety can do coke and enjoy PDA's without reading about it in Page 6 the following morning.
  13. I told you I'm better looking than you. I've never had an issue there. In fact, they've shuttled me in almost every time without even asking for ID.
  14. James Butler made a fool of himself at some points there....to say that you ignore people in wheelchairs (waiting on line) until they hopefully just "go away." That was really bad...though im thinking the editors of the show may have just cut it that way--- I was exhausted when i saw it and I dont remember it looking like it was edited together- Miami is the only city in the world where I've ever seen anyone in a club who was handicapped in a wheelchair...and I've always been impressed with the Miami crowd's respect. (even on the dancefloor!!)
  15. I've got chills all the way from New York! This is great news, congrats....I cant wait to see you work it at space next time in in Miami! 8)
  16. Personally i think abe and saleen are the same person. Ryan, can you check IP address'? I could be wrong, but the thought did cross my mind. :
  17. It's not death itself that scares me....it's my ability to reason it which causes the fear- The mind can conceptualize how much it would suck to not "be" with what we are now...
  18. so do I, I never knew this about you. I've had this since as far back as I can remember...I used to get panic attacks and an incredibly empty, hollow, terrified feeling when I pondered the subject.
  19. I dont like baseball but I do love getting hammered in the parking lot! ;D
  20. David Waxman is fine. As The Rush Comes is a nice song, though it is blown up-
  21. I will be there for David Waxman on Saturday with Aryn havin a shin-dig for our siblings who will all be in town with their significant others- none of mine have ever seen any type of nightlife setting outside of upstate NY bars. this should be quite fun for them 8)
  22. judging by your rapid response to all these posts, i can definitely see how busy and important your job must be. and you wish I was a rent boy cuz then you could buy me rather than waste your time pursuing me!!
  23. thanx! it was this weekend...and rest assured, the only thing that I was safe about this weekend was sex (thanx for that tip, Luis).
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