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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. "Shane" always made my dad cry like a bitch.
  2. awesome! If you loved it I bet I will too. im going to go see it 4 sure then. Go see White Chicks too, i bet you'll like it.
  3. LESjunkie

    So disappointed!

    good point.
  4. While I wouldnt call you a loser idiot for being "board" (bored)...I agree with saleen that there is a ton of shit to do in South Florida during the day...the environment permits so many activities....like Scuba Diving, beach time, beach sports, fishing activities, everglades....Florida Keys....snorkeling...whatever...these things never get old--= On weekends in South Florida I'd definitely try to find some beach volleyball league (not too competitive) and would definitely be diving all the time- :'(
  5. I was actually thinking that you specifically would appreciate this documentary, Sarah. It is now playing at the REGL South Beach 18 theatre-- so you can go check it out.
  6. that's the only track I know of Yahel's. I wonder if he plays it in all of his sets like Ferry does with "punk."
  7. dan you're so weird and funny.
  8. TRANCE IN YOUR PANTS? I thought I'd finally cured the lil' guy, and then he relapses. spank me, daddy. i'm being disobedient.
  9. this will be interesting to see....webcasting a live event with audio and video. I'll definitely stop by to observe this! awesome!! ;D
  10. kinda clever, but you need the verb for "to melt" to make it perfecto. plus you should use "estar," not ser. I dont think a melting dick would be a permanent condition...at least I hope not for your sake. ser= origin or permanent characteristic estar = location, temporary condition ;D But, do I get an "A" for effort? sin duda
  11. A great PR crisis control effort- though i dont buy it. she was tryin to relax a bit from an all nite bender i bet. joey, what is the source of this article, btw?
  12. clearly she was on an all nite coke-binge. I guess she really is putting her trust in Bush and his values. FYI for those who didnt see...she was chugging a little bottle of liquor immediately after leaving the liquor store in Santa Monica, in broad daylight, around noon on Sunday, looking like shit, and chasing it with red bull...her ugly boyfriend in tow. party girl. hehe 8)
  13. I heard it is pretty awesome...Im going to give it a shot.
  14. kinda clever, but you need the verb for "to melt" to make it perfecto. plus you should use "estar," not ser. I dont think a melting dick would be a permanent condition...at least I hope not for your sake. ser= origin or permanent characteristic estar = location, temporary condition ;D
  15. this wont work because you have to pronounce the letters as a spanish speaker would...thus defeating the purpose since english speakers (not proficient in spanish) aren't hooked on those phonics. I also noticed the parenthesis: (Para que los Gringos aprendan castellano) some of the pronunciations you have here aren't as such in castillian spanish...eg: N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair Sillon in castellano would be pronounced "See-yon," not C John. but overall this is kinda cool. nothing will ever beat S-O-C, K-S. anyone remember that radio commercial? (eso si, que es)
  16. why not just spitted it out if it tastes funny?
  17. www.controlroommovie.com I need to go see this again. It has such excellent content and a lot of it is pretty epic and very, very enlightening. There is so much to learn from this piece it's difficult to absorb everything in one sitting. Control Room is a documentary about journalism and war...concentrating on Al Jazeera mainly...and a few US networks. The filmmaker is an Arab American... Critics have been describing this documentary as "the year's most essential film," and I might just agree with that. It is more of a piece you see to learn from-- to not only see jarring unseen war footage in iraq and dead bodies....but also to understand the perspective of the arabs...to get a ton of insight into what so many of us have been confused about--- ---If Saddam Hussein is so hated by Iraqis and other arab countries, then why is there so much resentment, hatred, and why is there no appreciation for the fact that we destroyed him and his regime??--- I feel like the majority of Americans are confused by this...and when I left Control Room, I felt like I had clarity...It makes so much more sense now...shouldn't we all want it to make sense? The feeling I had was like to an epiphany...I think everyone should see this...and I imagine it will be shown in classrooms across the US...at least I hope so for our own well-being...so many people are misinformed...or simply uninformed. i will say that Control Room lacks in terms of production...it's too bad, too...it seems a bit thrown together at times, and some moments are boring when with some simple narration or music the filmmaker could have made it a bit more compelling. Also, the way he tells the story is a bit confusing and he jumps from subjects-- It should have been organized to be more fluid and there is NO narration and NO music whatsoever, which in my opinion is a mistake. Screenings in NYC are still going on in the East Village @ Sunshine Landmark Cinemas on E Houston b/t 1st and 2d aves. It's opening all over South Florida tonite (July 16th) - go to the website @ http://www.controlroommovie.com/site/01.html I look forward to hearing some of your opinions if you get to see it.
  18. I cannot for the life of me find this photo gallery :'(
  19. LOL. Now just that thought alone makes you a suspect. : I see my so far honorable straight reputation is now becoming compromised by the likes of you heathens... hehe. Cooljunkie should sponsor this fight. I'll at the front!!! Holy smack..... I'm getting a vision of this...ha ha ha ha hah aha please dont ruin my funny posts with follow-ups like this.
  20. I think you two should have a swordfight with your dicks to see who is gay and who is straight.
  21. he is not decuding you're homophobic, he is creating ambiguity that you're a homo yourself.
  22. LESjunkie

    ATTN CrzyC . . .

    I did all of grade schooling at West Point. We were called "Cadeetes." I left to go to University elsewhere so I wouldnt be forced to enlist. And that's my story.
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