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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. he definitely is a stand-up guy- Very cool person indeed.
  2. I know there willl eventually be a CJ there...however that is of no help to me now since im going there tonite. Is there a resource like CJ that I can refer to? Also, any recommendations for places to go while im there (tonite, thurs, fri and sat) would be appreciated.
  3. So your thinking of renting a room...hmmmmmmm You are banned!!!! ;D yeah, why is he banned? Because of the jacuzzi? you asked for it!
  4. hmmm this is all very tempting! I'm not sure if I'll swing it...Im leaving for Vegas tonite, and am going to new Orleans in October, and South America in the winter. Of course, the conference as well...I think i might need to tener a little cuidado with my spending habits. Clearly my credit card debt is getting high...but miami and partying with y'all is so fun...i miss u. :-\
  5. hehe. yes, it was terrific. That is the AP photo- im actually glad it came out OK...considering it will be eternally associated with this subject matter since everyone uses associated press photos instead of shooting their own. interesting theory about spritzing the uvula...however you wouldnt have the Oxygen in the mix....so it wouldnt give that momentary feeling of Euphoria that oxygen gives.
  6. this media alert can help answer a bunch of questions- http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-21-2004/0002235796&EDATE=
  7. wrong. Usually their flyers are much nicer. EG: if you go to this site: http://www.madeevent.com/archive_p2.html you can see that the majority of their flyers are pretty nice....not incredibly graphically complex but definitely better than that terrible danny T/ Danny H one that Saleen posted in this thread.
  8. LESjunkie

    the creek

    More sleep, Dan, after all the beauty rest you get sleeping at afterhours?
  9. movie was OK in my opinion, not as good as first...and too much was shot hand-held versus dolly and stix. Made me dizzy often, and took away from a point of view considering you couldnt distinguish wtf you were seeing. also, the entire time he was recounting his past through dreams--- he was in the shots...therefore he was recounting his own past and seeing himself -- therefore he was some sort of 3rd person omnicient when dreaming-- just wasnt realistic.
  10. we used gatorade and also flavored h2o. however, if using real alcohol, there would be no mixer. just alcohol.
  11. LESjunkie


    you are very clever. FYI he is referring to Jesus.
  12. go see it, trust me it's hillllllarious. I couldnt believe how funny it was== very unexpected. I could not stop laughing throughout the entire movie- that rarely happens to me.
  13. someone please tell me where I recognize the mom's voice from in this show? It kills me trying to figure it out everytime I watch it.
  14. you're so funny, Luis. i love it.
  15. Fine, go ahead with the insight....u big nerd. inhalation is the second quickest absorption route to intravenous... when u eat nething u destroy 30%.... so 4 ur money if u inhale whatever u will get 30% more and get a buz quicker ur welcome asso i mean renzo with this device it takes 20 minutes to inhale 1 oz. A shot is 1 oz. unless someone had a lot of time on their hands, I dont forsee anyone getting bombed off of this machine. It creates a light mist, not anything substantial.
  16. this is so funny that you post this today! I am am doing all of their media work - I just shot their press event- we had it at Trust Lounge in the Meatpacking district- Im developing a media news release - i got soundbites with the british dude who invented it as well as the president of the company which distributes and markets it- Spirit Partners. there was a ton of press at the event- The reason it is getting so much press is because legislators are trying to supress it saying that it is a way to get around the breathalizer test. Tonight, the state liquor authority came and told the owner of the bar that he could lose his license if he served the AWOL with alcohol...that they were determining if it was even legal in ny state. So they had to use gatorade instead.
  17. anyone on it? I joined yesterday- i think it is terrific....much better than friendster. 8)
  18. im dating an albanian :-X they are like clans...very strange people in some ways...
  19. dont ever post a Tony Draper event here ever again. Rythm Ready Rythm Ready I still have nightmares of that song. :
  20. aryn and I will be in Vegas-- im sure causing plenty of trouble ourselves... 8)
  21. Are you nuts? I'll have to research this one before i actually do it. This seems totally implausible.
  22. I've got friends from Sydney coming to visit. I have to call them but was wondering if anyone knew of a good phone card to use to call someone over there (on their landline)
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