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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. no i was not aware of these things. but i hope you had a great time! I was at Van Dyk with dancing with Carisa 8) (at nikkis we would have just been rolling around in the sand :)
  2. gracias darling. xoxo hope it brought you back for a moment.
  3. yes I was there. Sarah and Charles were trying to call me but we couldnt seem to connect----I got there at 4pm and by that time it was very busy....i met up there with a bunch of my friends from new york and boston....then friends from South America I had not seen in months...so I was in my own world so to speak--- it was a bit overwhelming
  4. Manipulating time as a way to creatively tell a story was one of my concentrations in my writing major in college....I am really into that but I dont get too into it with nightlife reviews since it can get a bit complicated. also, I enjoy flip flopping or going incognito with narrative points of view---1st and 3rd person, etc. the boy in the sunglasses was me. I had a whole lot more there in the introductory paragraph that i toook out...it was an entire description of leaving space, the portion about the dolphins was a lot more descriptive- too bad we didnt get to meet up at the CJ party at NIkkis, Antonio---you seem like a very cool and intelligent person.
  5. my favorite part "and he threatened to kill the local children."
  6. haha. thanx for being honest. my mother was a major activist during the civil rights movement... so I think i got some of her residual passion when it comes to things like that???
  7. N- I hope you arent mistaking my bringing that up as being pissed or unhappy---- on the contrary i dont think "my way or the highway" or any of that--- i re read my post and it sounds like im complaining--- not the case, tho- just thinking out loud- and antonio, i will surely be checking out your work- i will make it a routine. if you get a chance, you can see my recent article from the conference (magik muzik @ space) on any of the sites, at the top of the page there are links to wmc coverage. x
  8. not only is he NOT in the main room.... hang on. Nick, you were in the part of Spirit where he will be. Remember the way we went in...we went up a narrow stairwell and then appeared in a room that we had to walk through in order to get downstairs...
  9. Here are some thoughts of mine-- firstly, the posting in here was what enticed me to visit the site. I guess I was just lazy and didnt bother... i think that once you login in and visit a site within CJ, you're kind of locked into it...not physically---you just get into that one. I think that the title page was better to have appear always...rather than having the site decide for you to always come back to the page that you first visited. it was an extra step, but i dont think it is an efficient shortcut in the long run---I think that if people who frequent saw the option there each time they would be reminded....otherwise we get into a groove with the site of our city... what do you all think? And for me, when I visit the forum, it automatically thinks im from miami thereafter and brings me directly to the miami site. when i just went to your site, I was actually really suprised at hows much content was there---it really looks like you've gotten it up and running fast, and i read the article you wrote on the hip/hop trance event === and honestly that was really really well done, I read the entire thing from beginning to end...i feel like it is difficult to get a reader on a lifestyle site to pay attention for that long--- it was very conversational and smart and well structured and an all around well-told story. as a writer, im a very critical reader so it was really awesome to see this Antonio!!! I feel like you can hang on to more readers in a sitting than I can--- i get on tangents and whimsical and all that-
  10. it is the most exceptional sound system ive ever heard in a club in the world. haha....its really that dramatic. I love it. but that type of behavior is despicable! they need some clubs to come in that compete with Space and offer high quality service, like Avalon and Crobar have in new york now... some comparable clubs need to come to town that make it cool to be accomodating and friendly---the foundation of client services! I mean, it is amazing how you are forced to deal with that because you love the music and the experience so you sacrifice what should be a basic right?? am i being dramatic? ???
  11. this should be interesting, junior spinning a classics set at the Do-It party upstairs at Spirit-- how do you all think this will be, considering the party caters a big portion (if not an exaggerated majority) on young gay guys who listen to pop--- are there hardcore fans who will come specifically to this event just to see Junior...it would be a dramatic difference between people realllllly there for the DJ and people blind to that, and there just for the scene - not to mention it doesnt really seem dance oriented up there -- is there even a dance floor? I noticed Hex Hector is spinning there too next week
  12. i dont see a listing on their site...which is www.arcspace.net i dont see anything for that weekend yet .
  13. the review is accurate. But the Sunday night party has been one of NYC's finest parties for over a year now. That should definitely have been included---it's infamous and has yet to lose its luster...spring is coming as well and it will surely be even busier. I would describe Sunday at Apt it as an authentic nyc party...a gay/straight alliance...uber-beautiful people...distinctly unique...and very very ecclectic.
  14. I feel like you need to just get up here and experience everything for yourself! I feel like you and I could cause a serious ruckus up here--- no doubt about it, I want you as my weekend accessory immediately! 8) 8) 8) 8) Trust me I will get there...in time. Just had $500 worth of work done on my car today. :'( i know, i just wish you had a ticket and we had a date to anticipate. :-[ Smooches! BTW...got your PM's. > > > Im ready to hurt somebody!!! haha....please, dont even break a sweat over that....not a single bead! it was funny. channel that energy to sortin things and flying from the MIA to the LGA, dude. I wanna be on the dancefloor with you yesterday.
  15. this party is Free if you come with me, so who is coming?? I dont think I have any inner circle friends that care to go out fri nite. i may want to stop at Crobar for a bit to take some shots for the new column and hear the scumfrog jooooooeeeyyy....
  16. Classic NYC attitudes...love it... Subway? To go out? We're not in Europe here... I have NEVER taken the subway to go out in Manhatten... and I have never spelled Manhattan with an "e." but i will concur, I have and never will take the subway to go out--- I like to get in a taxi with my friends, and of course, have the driver put on some music. It was kinda tough to find a decent one though huh? it is impossible to find quality mainstream radio for EDM here, at least in a taxi. Online, etc is a totally different story. And no taxis have XM radio or the likes, unfortunately. most drivers listen to AM radio stations broadcast by members of their countries abroad. That shit ends the moment i get in a taxi. i dont fare well with French-Moroccan news when ive had a few cocktails.
  17. I feel like you need to just get up here and experience everything for yourself! I feel like you and I could cause a serious ruckus up here--- no doubt about it, I want you as my weekend accessory immediately! 8) 8) 8) 8) Trust me I will get there...in time. Just had $500 worth of work done on my car today. :'( i know, i just wish you had a ticket and we had a date to anticipate. :-[
  18. I feel like you need to just get up here and experience everything for yourself! I feel like you and I could cause a serious ruckus up here--- no doubt about it, I want you as my weekend accessory immediately! 8) 8) 8) 8) everyone I know, friends and acquaintances alike, I know they would dig you --- you've got that vibe and spirit --
  19. Classic NYC attitudes...love it... Subway? To go out? We're not in Europe here... I have NEVER taken the subway to go out in Manhatten... and I have never spelled Manhattan with an "e." but i will concur, I have and never will take the subway to go out--- I like to get in a taxi with my friends, and of course, have the driver put on some music.
  20. yes, I've got a crew already forming to come support Andy and go to the gatecrasher event. you're more than welcome to come with us, Patrick from miami will be coming as well---so you wont feel singular in my circle of friends. we are very fun and cool, not creepy at all, lemme know . x
  21. [glow=red,2,300]That's a good one I didn't know...good lookin' out brother! :-*[/glow] I didnt know that one could get waxed at the opera. Do they do Brazilian waxes too? Charles, I'd recommend it for you...
  22. Great line. I second that. Someone from abroad once said to Tim, (with an accent) "I like to get wasted and dance to techno music." how great is that!
  23. however, those trains are constantly under construction and all screwed up. They just stop midway on the bridges and sit there....they take forever, they are infested with smelly people from brooklyn (God how I hate getting on the L in the morning...it is a brooklyn sardine can...) trust me, a trip to Brooklyn can oftentimes be a whole lot more than 5 subway stops...it can be hellish. but yeah, there are some really really nice neighborhoods in brooklyn. and there are amazing restaurants too. lots of russians too....so many russians.
  24. thank you, gentlemen. You have redeemed yourselves half-way, we look forward to hearing more later when things arent so hectic... what irks me more is that 60 people have read this post in the last 5 hours and people are shy to respond. I just cant relate to shy people.
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