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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. ahhh , ahhhh, im getting close....oh man....don't stop.... http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USFL0543?from=search_current
  2. OK, I think mine is fairly final. Any ambiguity will be enclosed in a pair of parenthesis. Please share yours as well! Wednesday Arrive at 10pm with Aryn. We will be the first two of our crew to arrive. Drop bags off, and go get a drink somewhere nearby...something light...is the delano open for cocktails on a wednesday? i want to take her somewhere nice and quiet so we can chat and then go to the beach just because we havent been on a beach in so long....(and I will curse the fact that there is no desire to make love since it would be the perfect opportunity) hehe anyway, enough of that. Thursday beach all day---3 friends get in from nyc that night, and some friends from south america. all of us get dinner and drinx at probably Joia, I love it there---- Friday beach then Nikkis...prob get to Nikkis around 2 or 3...think there will be a long line to get in at that hour? Nikkis til around 8 or 9, back to hotel to change and shower....the last 9 people come in between 3 and 10pm from nyc...then to space for van dyk. Saturday beach most of the day, then to ultra, I figure I wont need sleep yet....ultra around 5pm til 1, then (change here...) Mansion for Sasha and Digweed. I guess I'll just see them in nyc again a few days later.... Sunday - Special Cooljunkie sit down with a special DJ...wetgrooves in between at my hotel....then Tiesto @ Space...havent seen him since ibiza...definitely looking forward to it. Monday - Armin and Markus OR Nick Warren followed by a nightcap with Danny Howells in B.E.D. Danny does me well after days of partying. funky. Tuesday I fly home with Aryn and Tim, everyone else leaves monday....we dont leave til 8:30 at night so who knows where we will be during the day on tuesday... pretty nuts this is next week. i really look forward to this every year...and i cant wait to see and meet so many peope that ive been chatting with on this forum all year....
  3. and id like to point out that saleen most likely doesnt mean half the shit he says....he only does it to get people annoyed because of some strange twisted social disorder/boredom/loser atitude. Others have told me he is a nice guy in person....
  4. This topic has been moved to [link=http://www.cooljunkieforums.com/YaBB.cgi?board=cool_wmc;action=display;num=1077908089;start=0]Winter Music Conference 2004[/link] by pod.
  5. hehe i love cool people who can have some fun. I love my Jewish brethren...i mean, i live in nyc, id be lonely if I didnt. My affinity began when I learned the history of circumcision, thanks for piloting that!
  6. except when you go back to boston and your girlfriend is still hangin out with my in nyc!
  7. oh man! thank you! I've been screwing that up for awhile. im humbled. i feel like saleen :-[ :'(
  8. haha. you two are perfect for each other! seriously, i think its a plutonic match made in heaven. i think you should have your own section in the forums here where you can rant, complain, and make fun of people!
  9. typical jew reply trying to make himself seem better than the rest of the world
  10. pllllease. any given night at major clubs like crobar and avalon there is hip hop blasting from other rooms (we dont have terraces so other rooms are comparable)....if hip hop can be there, than oscar can be on a terrace.
  11. yes the cathothlic church encourages boys to eat fish, not meat...
  12. atta boy. come visit us in nyc..the capital of hedonism! 8)
  13. im giving up trying to give quality retorts to saleen's comments. Ive come to realize that he posts irrational insulting comments to get people fired up. some twisted need for attention that I had when I was in elementary school but grew out of. I also ceased with the incessant grammar/spelling errors in elementary school too! love you saleen :-* :-*
  14. maybe you'll be next from CJ! ;D jussst kidding. you are a douche bag, but sometimes you can be insightful.
  15. for some reason, I stopped liking candy when i was in middle school. now i never, ever ever eat it. not even when I take bong hits---i prefer crunchy snacks...
  16. baseball... : id much rather be at a futbol game in valencia....eatin pipas (not to be confused with Pepas!) and spittin the shells out and cheerin for the home team. Â 8)
  17. yes, ryan and Dan, you both are clearly informed and I think your opinions are really valuable--- you were raised well... How do you all predict Dick Cheney will react to all of this? Im convinced he is dead, actually. We know he is always sick, and honestly---when was the last time we've heard a peep from the walking corpse? hmmm. his daughter is openly gay with a capital G- did you all know this? It is well publicized but not as publicized as one would think it would/should be. this amendment will never make it. if it does somehow, it will be eventually repealed, like prohibition. The saleens of this world will eventually have to deal with it...and I think it will truly be accepted as a part of society-- once the normal, non-flamboyant, guy/girl next door, the person who sit's across from my desk, that cousin that always avoids the subject of the opposite sex, the closet case that everyone wonders about, etc etc comes out of the woodwork....then things will really begin to change... so many down to earth, "straight acting" people are out there, but dont want to project their sexual orientation because they are ashamed at the flamboyant stigma attached to the identity.....there are many more facets to homosexuality than simply white parties, leather pride parades, and bull-dyke dive bars with pierced fat chicks with short hair bumpin' fuzz in the corner. The other facets are right in front of you, you just dont recognize it yet because you make these people afraid to tell you. Someday these people will have the courage to stop sitting at the back of the bus and sit right next to you. Someday you'll accept it as part of life....someday you'll realize it is, in fact, natural and uncontrollable...it will feel weird at first, but you'll just get used to it. Middle America may be completely against this...but history dictates that the movements begin in the big cities, and eventually these midwestern/southern conservatives end up having to grin and bear it. Time will tell!
  18. Pvd is $35 BEFORE THE event, $40 at the door. none of us are going to see PVD. we are tired of the roxy and have had enuff of that shitty venue. when PVD moves to a bigger and better venue (crobar or Hammerstein and make it 21+ please!) then I'll go back to see him. I'll be at Avalon on Sat night for ferry with my crew, and hopefully Dimaggio will come with us 8) pre-party at my apartment as always... as for danny, i'll save my time with him for miami.
  19. Myself, pod, ryan and others have began talking about the latest political controversy over gay marriage in the junkie chat section....and I'd like to see what the rest of you have to say---if yo get a chance, go to the thread in there titled Politics and Marriage (or something like that....i forget) It's interesting that last year Buh was on TV telling us we were going to war as we were all heading to SPace or whereever....that horrrible feeling....we almost felt guilty for going out to party when soldiers were abroad droppuing bombs... did anyone of you see the speech he delivered yesterday? my god it was mind boggling---im speechless.... as young people i really think this year, it's clearly our civic duty, and necessary for maintaining clear civil rights in the US....for all of us to vote this year....please post your comments in the junkie chat section if you have a sec...
  20. This topic has been moved to [link=http://www.cooljunkieforums.com/YaBB.cgi?board=general;action=display;num=1077725358;start=0]Junkie Chat[/link] by pod.
  21. That speech yesterday.....I havent seen stared at a television screen and covered my mouth like that in shock since september 11th.... unreal! this is 60's style! Our country's politicians re spinning out of control? What's next, we will be told that the world actually IS flat, the KKK isnt bad after all, and ya know what, women should really not be voting... when i initially made this thread, I didnt think that this would happen so fast....but now it is obviously clear and present---holy shit, man! we are going to see some crazy shit go down not in the next 5-10 years, but in the coming months! Wow...young people, this is our most relevant voting year EVER! I feel like this is one of the most historic elections...Im almost speechless at the words that were said by our prez yesterday----this is nuts....ny, dc, san fran....these cities are going to see some big protests and wild things are going to happen---- People,can Bush actually get re-elected after this? will our country truly support a man who wants to adjuts our constitution to discriminate and de-humanize human beings who cant help the fact that they are merely attracted to someone who is the same sex? oh my god it's dictatorial, incredibly supercilious that our disgusting insane president is not only trying to rule the world, but even love---im shaking my head and struggling to grasp the fact that our country, the united states----for everything we've ever stood for, fought for, been proud of-=---- right now this battle over gay marriage is just as pathetic and pitiful as when we condemn Muslims for forcing women to cover their faces....get the fuck outta here I will stand up for this til im blue in the face...and if mr/ bush comes to our city anytime soon I'll be the first person among, i would think hundreds of thousands who would line up for the opportunity to try to spit in his face... ??? ??? ???Let me ask you all this....can any of you, in light of this civil rights issue....can any of you still justify a vote for bush? I sincerely hope Florida doesnt fuck this up this year....this race is goin to be just as close as it was last year, i presume.....
  22. The best party is in MY PANTS on a saturday night.
  23. LESjunkie

    sex and the city...

    six feet under...clearly the best show on TV. cant wait til June when it's back!
  24. LESjunkie

    sex and the city...

    but its EXCEPTIONALLY popular in France. definitely tips the scale there. (does that phrase work in this sentence?)
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