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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. Likewise. Who even has a Valentine here? Tim does, obviously....soon to be fiance tooo! what about the rest of you? Aside from the occassional trick or the morning after "I was reallllllly drunk and...." I have nothing to show for Valentines day. Nor do I particularly want a constricting relationship. im having more fun dating and having random sexual experiences with foreign tourists. 8)
  2. This might be one of your funniest posts ever, charles! "back door comment at the end of your burst"....i love it.
  3. Bruce Tantum and fellow writers at TONY have put together a nice little package of features this week....the cover story being all about the new proposal on the table by Ms. Dykstra...(her pic is there too, she looks like such a sweet lady) There is also a weak cursory interview with Peter Gatien at the end. Dont get your hopes up for a good read on that one...it isnt very introspective, but still kinda cool to hear what he has to say (hasnt spoken to NY Press since being deported) regardless, the articles are definitely worth a read for some background for newbies to nyc and a refresher for the oldies (dimaggio)
  4. LESjunkie

    party 93 is gay

    i read the article.... i think the point is that is isnt a gay outlet, but a seamless heterozygous mix of the two preferences, a sort of gay-straight alliance without ever declaring it that.... interesting that we were just having a similar discussion in the ny forum
  5. well....i guess you're right. Â It's a good way to open the door, but in the long run i dont find it palatable for the entire heter/homosexual world to be plutonically bridged by make-up, drugs and hairstyles. Â great argument though, you're gonna make a great lawyer! Â (I'll see you in court one day, I'll have my law degree eventually...but i refuse to give up my youthful years to studying...for now I play with TV and radio) as for Kylies album, havent heard it either,...im sure it's nothing to write home about. Â
  6. I know I said I was done but I must interject and say that this post truly is a bit ridiculous...im sorry Coach, but in no way should a publication only post good things...criticism and being honest when an event or elements of it sucked is essential to keep things FAIR AND BALANCED. Â I dont think CJ readers come here because the writers are mere ambasaddors of fun. Â Now, the problem with saleen clearly is that he does some great criticism, and backs it up, yet he makes it all null and void when he gets over the top and goes too far with things..... and Pod, i must address your Howard Stern analogy too. Â Howard Stern is funny. Â Saleen is rarely clever or witty enough to be considered even comparable to Stern. Â Stern's political satire and such is hilarious, but how do you think NYer's reactions would be if he, in his studio here in ny, said "all new yorkers know nothing about music...all new yorkers suck!."...please he'd be driven out of his office....instead he tailors his arguments and insults intelligently,(and mainly sexually) and this appeals to his audience.... MY BOTTOM LINE: Â Any intelligent worldly person with half a brain would dismiss saleen's reviews as unintelligent, brash, uninformed, negative without reason, unecessarily rude, and downright stupid at times...the weakest link. Â This person would identify the potential of his writing, but in the end would dismiss it as the rants of a meatball; a turkey meatball at that. Â
  7. Joey, the point is that the USA is clearly on the brink of, most likely, the biggest civil rights movement since the 60's.....with the latest massachussets ruling in state court and your homestate's rebuttal, and GB's proclamation of a new federal constitutional amendment....the spark is there----it will be very, very interesting to see what happens over the course of the next few years--- therefore it's important for those constituents to "get it" since they will have a huge say in determining what happens over the course of the next decade or so. Lest we not forget they are the reason George Bush is the most powerful man in the world today... shows like queer eye further the vision that gays are a bunch of genetic freaks obsessed with the opposite sex's stereotypical likings...
  8. cosmopolitan, enlightened, urban professionals do....for the most part, but the bible belting/breadbasketers dont, for the most part....and they represent a much bigger majority of the population....and lawmakers in this country--- here is a cool little story from Page 6 today: February 11, 2004 -- STEVEN Cojocaru's expertly made-up face was doused with a drink at the Grammy party for OutKast. The fey fashionista, who minces it up on the "Today" show and "Entertainment Tonight," was hit with a plastic cup dropped from a balcony just as he was on his way to get a poster-size picture taken of himself with a Polaroid camera at the Hollywood bash. Jessica Simpson, Kelly Osbourne, Beck and Sharon Stone saw Cojocaru scream, "Someone just threw a drink on me! Where's the bathroom?" A Polaroid stylist toweled off Cojo's hair and reapplied his makeup before he sat down for the shot. too bad the cup wasnt filled with HCl.
  9. sure is...in fact, I think she is a great performer.... but I cant stand the QAFRG crew....I think they contribute to the entire stereotype out there that gays are "fabulous queens" that revel in scenes and fashions----it makes things unfortunate for those people who not only dont identify with that type of behavior---but find it repulsive. The whole photo shoot they did in the meatpacking district a few weeks ago....storming down the street like vigilantes, with a clear Charlie's Angels motif, and instead of weapons in their hands, they had cosmetics, hair brushes, and blow dryers. give me a brrrreak!
  10. Charles we both are arriving on wednesday night--- let me know if you';d like to meet up for a drink wed night OR thursday night with Aryn and I (we are traveling toegther).... we arrive at 10:30pm on wed night....Id like to take her to the delano (if it is serving on a wed nite) for a drink wed nite)... wanna come lay on the beach with us thurs? we'll be at the shelborne, as you know. we have fun on the beach... and you'll finally get to meet rebecca too (remember you spoke to her in length a few months ago, she used to live with me)....you two are going to love eachother...im sure of it, she is truly an amazing young lady... She is my best friend...>I havent seen her in months as she has been living in Europe, and we will be first reunited at the conference....how fitting for the two of us, everything is always done on a grand scale 8)
  11. this party is probably gonna be garbage, but here is the info anyway...
  12. You are very on point and I am with you on this, although I wont really argue it any further--- If saleen's article was one that received the most praise to the editors from readers, than that is a bit concerning but not really my concern...as i said before, I think his opinions have so much to offer, but when the rambling ensues it kind of ruins the thesis.. that's it from me!
  13. well thats the heart of the issue.....guiliani used a cabaret law from the 20's in which establishments have to have liscences to allow people to dance....so, bars and clubs in NYC must have this license...I've been asked mayn times at bars to stop dancing....
  14. dude, we're both saying the same thing! I think you misinterpreted me. Im saying that, as a journalist, his insults and personal affinities for the opposite sex have no place being published in an arena where the standards are for publishing ethically and journalistically sound articles...I was saying that a better place for saleen's review was in a forum, not on the CJ website directly....especially during a time when CJ is a contender for a major award at the winter music conference.
  15. honestly, i believe forums are the right place for people to post things like that....if fun for him is insulting people...it sucks and shouldnt be done--- but if fun is talking about bangin' chicks, big butts, classic house or botany, so be it. HOWEVER, having an article that does such....now that is a different story....and this isnt just my opinion...I draw that conclusion as a fact from working in the Media and encountering situations like this as a producer, an editor, a writer, and a human being. Plain and simple.
  16. fun factors, i think, are for forums, but reviews are published on the CJ website itself, a different entity if you ask me...the reviews placed on the actual website reflects what CJ stands for, versus the individual postings here in the forum, which is for us personally to come together and discuss things on our minds... Clubbers care how these are written. I care. Lots of people care, if we didnt care, this thread wouldnt exist. Saleen, you arent addressing so many things I addressed....
  17. Give him a chance to respond to me before saying it was a valiant effort or a waste of breath, respectfully
  18. totally valid points...and you're right, CJ can always not publish them... But i gather from your numerous postings on here that you are a smart, passionate person, with a good head on his shoulders---I think that saying you arent a very good writer or that your audience is full of drug abusers who dont care about grammar or proper ways of writing--I think that is a scapegoat and lazy...come on, you must love and respect yourself way too much to truly feel that way....if you didnt, you wouldnt be so opinionated, and then you wouldnt be saleen! you could easily bang out an article like the aforementioned, and have someone else look at it and give you some advice on how to tone it down a bit and give it more efficacy for your audience... yes your reviews likely get a lot of clicks, but that is because you write controversial things, sometimes quite offensive to some---the clicks arent as relevant as the taste in the readers mouth after visiting your articles...you know? I think your articles would be so much more valuable if you picked your battles instead of waging war on humanity...ya know? I'm not sure exactly what CJ's motivations are either for their site...i mean, are the big junkies trying to run a journalistic type of dance music website, where people can come for non-opinionated, ethically researched articles, or more subjective opinionated articles written by individuals.....the first type appeals universally to all, the latter is more of a personal memoir... Working in media, I know that if I ever published such an article I would be blackballed in my industry and fruitlessly looking for work. I think it all boils down to respecting others and yourself...being liberal and open-minded is the foundation of our society in the 21st century...and for you to belittle entire city populations, types of music, and even sexual preferences (recall your first article, in which you referred to going to a gay event because there was a DJ spinning there you enjoy....as "braving the gay crowd") AND to publish such belittlements is beyond being opinionated, it is offensive to so many post WWII accomplishments in the US and abroad when it comes to tolerance and acceptance...Considering this, I would hope that you could at least re-evaluate some of the things you say and broadcast, and that CJ editors would also make note of this as well....the pen is mightier than the sword, when used properly...and the power of the press should never be abused---
  19. I responded to his article with this as well in the WMC forum... saleen, Well I read your piece as well....I think you are definitely outspoken, but you've got some decent points there....but so much of what you say is overshadowed by your subjective, supercilious, arrogant approach to dance music and what types of EDM is palatable to every individual... I love your whole classics approach...it is great!  But you make much of you good points moot when you say that only the 27-30 year olds can enjoy it...that's not true... Your grammar is really bad in the beginning but gets progressively better as one move's through the piece.  You begin many of your sentences with conjunctions, sentence fragments litter about,  you bounce from past to present tenses, and you have street slang and guidopretentious remarks.  All of the aforementioned things coupled with your "shout outs" for complimentary admission and the "pretty ladies" further decredits you as a writer and makes you look like the guys we see on MTV "im a clubber."  Are you partying in Miami Beach or the Jersey shore, son?  I know you probably dont care whether or not what you wrote is journalistically sound....but I am kind of suprised that the big junkies published this...It is excellent in some parts and a complete disgrace in others...and with CJ up for a dance music award for best dance music website i cannot imagine a judge reading this piece and praising it.  If I were an editor, which I actually spend a lot of time doing, I would have sat down with you and seriosuly edited it, because it is so well done yet so poorly done at the same time... At one point, you refer to yourself as being from "the tri-state area..." and then go on to say this:  "Of course I'm fucking biased about a DJ from my home state."  Granted Morillo grew up for part of his adolescent life in New Jersey, however he was born in New York and mainly raised in Columbia.  It seems to me that you beat around the bush that you are from New Jersey, and often try to act like you are New York City boy....or are at least ambiguous about the subject by sayinig tri-state area.  Lots of bridge and tunnel people do this, but if you do, dont be shy about the garbage state, come right out and say it!   just kidding...kind of  But seriously, I also see so much potential in some of the things you say...for example about the horn...so true!  The horn is a scapegoat for not being able to bridge, just like the sirens we hear in clubs...etc etc.  A really talented DJ wont use it...Cheeze comes flying out all over it, (someday the cheese will plug up damons wistle) but that doesnt mean that people cant enjoy it.  I for one, love the horn, and it gets me amped, but i still recognize it's true colors... I definitely admire your craving and vocal atitude about having a classics night...man I really think that you belong in NYC!  They are big here, I read about them all the time in Time Out....so many of your favs are here....Plus the subliminal parties are here too... I love how you noted Morillo slowing it down in his sets on occassion, get a drink , mingle , then he picks it back up....I really notice that during his sets, and I at first didnt like it....it was inconsistent but then i realized the inconsistency was what kept things fresh and I learned to appreciate the down time to, like you said, "groove" and chill for a bit....then he rocks out after 5 -- absolutely.  "Woven into the fabric of our culture are classic themes for everything we see."  One of the most poignant staments you made.....music, fashion, everything....excellent point. I guess where Im goin with this is that I think you are obviously a seasoned clubber and know your music, and I think you have a lot of valuable things to say and offer to a dance music community like cooljunkie----but your aggressive nature, some of your language, and close-mindedness just closes any possiblity of enlightenment (other than for yourself) from your preachings....In order to be a true "Chairman of the Board" you have to at least listen and appreciate the "gustos" of your constituents...rather than that, you have a dictatorial manner about that just looks gross....and your mind isnt gross, I can see that from your writing---so can you maybe try to stop putting up the facade and just be real with people...you can be cool and considerate at intelligent at the same time...it really would behoove not only your image but probably yourself too... and another thing...chick really dig all those attributes in one man.  Â
  20. IM sure it was nuts...that place has a tendency to get over the topppp. Â I cant believe the antics that still go on in that place. Â :-X :-X :-X :-X boy george...he's just jealous, plain and simple...he needs to leave this city, and take his shitty musical and fat ass back to the UK! Â Cheerio! Â
  21. I concur with this 100%, daniella I think you are being way too quick to throw your support around this thing! Im not saying it is good or bad, but Id never say right now that "i hope people can find the strength and positivity to support this, bc the very least we can do to support our community is support new laws that will help it." Our local govt has been very sneaky with nightlife in the past in order to shut doors in our facve...the very fact that the cabaret laws were used against us is evidence that sneaky tactics are part of their game--- Anyone ever walked by "Spread" on 25th and 3rd? Ever seen that huge sign right in the door that reads: NO SMOKING NO DANCING I almost puke everytime I see that disgusting sign. I want to projectile vomit on it---what's next, NO TALKING NO TOUCHING A law coming from a woman named "Gretchen Dykstra"....sounds like an evil bitch to me! Like Cruella DeVille..... :-/
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