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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. LESjunkie

    sex and the city...

    the entire city was at a standstill at 9pm last nite....I was at the farewell party at a swanky lil restaurant in SoHo...very intimate party, it was definitely a great time, and the episode, in my opinion, was excellent----the end was terrific---that song that was playing with the montage of images was really great television and well done. The french hip hop was super as well! (hip-hop is very, very popular in France) all in all i thought it was a nice way to end a great show, i'll definitely miss it...and it was always cool to see a show that is filmed right in your backyard...
  2. id say that could maybe be a step but in the long run it is disgraceful. Â Nowadays, we cant imagine women not being able to vote, and we surely cant imagine having "separate but equal" facilities for whites and blacks.... will there ever be a day when society will reflect, with comparable sentiment to suffrage, on American history and say, "oh my god, those idiots wouldnt let gays marry?" Â ??? Educate to Tolerate... Â
  3. that was funny tim. the one with the jackson chick and her nasty ta ta's magnified by the crystalball was my favorite
  4. this is one of my favs as well...ferry is fun. Tenshi is excellent....Theme from Dancevalley 2001, I was listening to that this morning as i was showering for work. that is a fun track...
  5. niceee....John Debo doin it right once again. Â I'll def. be at G & D and Junkie XL, and Dave Seaman 8)
  6. haha no. but I can hear that theme song in my head! I just asked my roommate. It is "easy Spirit"...
  7. I made a slight scene Timmy, im sure you can imagine. Â :-X : 8) i really only feel confident flirting when ive got a few drinks in me. You all know how things can get once that happens...
  8. religious definitions, yes...but also the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996. This is the Act which will be the focus of change for proponents of same-sex marriage, and there will need to be a supreme court case that sets NEW precedents that would override the two cases (used as the backbone for the DOMA). Here is a link to the Defense of Marriage Act. http://www.lectlaw.com/files/leg23.htm
  9. OK Timmy you inspired me to start this fire in the Junkie Char section----go check it out, retort, whatever.
  10. So I'm posting this because we've had quite a few political and philisophical threads on this board...there are many intelligent and enlightening minds in this forum. Â So let's talk about something that is augmenting more and more in the news....a civil rights movement persay... Women's suffrage began this way. Â African American suffrage began this way. In fact, almost all civil rights movements in this country had begun just like this one at hand...I predict that our country is going to have a major movement on its hands over the next, maybe 5-10 years? Â I dont know the numbers, but the signs are all here...From Massachussetts to Ohio to San Francisco...to the white house to the constitution, marriage as we know it is going to be so very scrutinized...and im curious as to where everyone stands on this. Â The reason I am intrigued to post this was a recent episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, on HBO. Â If you dont watch that show, I recommend you do....in my opinion, it's brilliant....sheer realism at its best...check it out. Â I know his old show on ABC sucked....but his new -no holds barred-esque show on HBO is solid. Anyway, I went and retreived the transcript of his Valentine's Day show, where he touched upon the subject of marriage. Â Read this, and if you have the time, read it again and let it absorb...it was so intense the way he delivered these words....I wish I could post his voice orating, but this will have to suffice. Â ------------------------February 14th, 2004----------------- "And finally, New Rule, Special Valentine's Day Edition: You can't claim you're the party of smaller government and then make laws about love. On this occasion of this Valentine's Day, let's stop and ask ourselves what business is it of the state how consenting adults choose to pair off, share expenses and eventually stop having sex with each other. And why does the Bush Administration want a Constitutional amendment about weddings? Hey, why stop at weddings? Birthdays are important; let's put them in the great document. Let's make a law that gay people can have birthdays, but straight people get more cake. You know, to send the right message to kids. Republicans are always saying we should privatize things like schools, prisons, Social Security. Hey, how about we privatize privacy? Because if the government forbids gay men from tying the knot, what is their alternative? They can't all marry Liza Minnelli. You know, Republicans used to be the party that opposed social engineering. But now they push programs to outlaw marriage for some people and encourage it for others. If you're straight, there's a billion-five in the budget to promote marriage, but gay marriage is opposed because it threatens or mocks or does something to the "sanctity" of marriage, as if anything you can do in Vegas, drunk off your ass in front of an Elvis impersonator, could be considered sacred. Half the people who pledge eternal love are doing it because one of them is either knocked up, rich or desperate. But in George Bush's mind, marriage is only a beautiful lifetime bond of love and sharing. Kind of like what his dad has with the Saudis. Please, I kid. All right, but at least the right wing aren't hypocrites on this issue. They really believe that homosexuality is an abomination and a dysfunction that's curable. They believe that if a gay man just devotes his life to Jesus, he'll stop being gay, because that theory worked out so well with the Catholic priests. But I have to tell you, the greater shame in this story goes to the Democrats, because they don't believe homosexuality is an abomination. And therefore, their refusal to endorse gay marriage is hypocrisy. Their position doesn't come from the Bible. It's ripped right from the latest poll, which says most Americans are against gay marriage. Well, you know what? Sometimes most Americans are just wrong. And where is the Democrat who will stand up and go beyond the half measures of "civil union" and "hate the sin, love the sinner" and say loud and clear, "There is no sin; it's not an abomination and no one can control how cupid aims his arrows. And the ones who pretend they can usually turn out to be the biggest freaks." The law in this country should reflect that some people are just born 100% outrageously, fabulously, undeniably, Fire Island gay! And they do not need reprogramming. They need a man with a slow hand!" --------------------------------END------------------------------ Let's not just post our personal opinions here, but also share some predictions of progression. Â I know this is a deep, touchy subject...dont participate if you dont feel like it....but I think we all can have an educated discussion without acting like breadbasket hicks or bible-belters here...we live in two (now three with Philly ) extremely cosmopolitan cities...
  11. What was that 80's shoe... "Looks like a pump...feels like a sneaker" that annoying commercial with the chix playing basketball in high heels. classic! last time i played b-ball in stilettos it did NOT feel like a sneaker. but damn i looked good. kidding, obviously.
  12. Well I know the big boyz will be seeing Oscar G at Spirit....I really would like to be at this party as well.....however I am going to see Ferry Corsten at Avalon.   LONG LIVE FAIRY TRANCE kidding.  But I am really loving the new style of 80's electro-trance he is spinning...it's pretty cool if you ask me...If any of you heard his radio 1 set a few weeks  back you'd have noticed a big change .... apparently he is done with the lame trance and moving on.  Im glad. But I have yet to go to Spirit....which is pretty strange that i have yet to go to a new nightclub that has been open for months now.  I definitely want to stop by for a night like Oscar...not the B n T stuff that seems to be taking it over , though.   you would all be so proud of me, I didnt go out last night....and I spent the entire day today shopping in SoHo and got some tantalizing new threads....and a few fun accessories .  fuckin SoHo rules for shopping....I cant even deal with it....N/R stop at Prince is like the gate to heaven....mmm....tasty, but not as tasty as one of the Kenneth Cole employees on Broadway...man im just too  much of a pussy to approach though, and when I actually tried my face got red and Jess made fun of me...i flipped out and fled Soho, solo...                  THE END, hope you got a kick.
  13. where are you a resident in NYC?
  14. thats how I feel about new york....it is going to be humbling to come down to SoBe and pay cover charges and, gasp, wait in line.... > BUT, there is a difference between conference events and regular events....everything that goes on at the conference has extra spice, spunk, you know...plus many artists are releasing new music, etc....it's a music festival, of course things the scene will be augmented a bit.
  15. but the set is 12 hrs, you could surely come by after work and have a few drinks- i hear you on clubbing not being a priority during the week. i concur. bars are.
  16. Dimaggio you're outta control! haha this is why I love you. Levelistic, I was only kiddin about the barn animal thing. I've got one of the best senses of humor around, i promise. I definitely get a little grossed out by poop-talk, but I can deal.
  17. will you be coming to JP's set at the Shelborne? its a 12 hour poolside set, on monday , i believe. Charles Dimaggio, will you be there?
  18. and Dan, how did you get involved with Cooljunkie? Im Evan, I write for the CJ NYC site. I initially heard about CJ from a friend in Miami. She referred me to the site to get some info on some event...and I noticed there was a new york site. At the time, I really wanted to get involved with a nightlife based periodical---- so when I saw the CJ site i was impressed. I (like most people) really loved the layout and saw a lot of potential for the new york site, since it was just conceived when I went to it. So I did a quick "Whois" search and was able to find Nick's email (I always do a whois search inorder to discover the best people to try to contact....it gives more direction rather than writing to "info" ) So I pitched a couple ideas and expressed interest, and Nick and Sarah were terrific, and that was it. I've enjoyed participating and sharing my reviews, etc in my spare time. I'd love to start a working on a CJ party of some sort in nyc too....but that would be a production.....it's ridiculously difficult to get a party going here that really sticks....but philly is more concentrated and I imagine you've got a lot of potential to be successful, so I wish you luck... anyway, that's my relation to all this. 8)
  19. i love you. you're so cute. the club looks pretty fun---I looked through the photos....my god that one blond chick surely has a major eating disorder....she probably even felt guilty and purged from that lollipop... good luck with the Cooljunkie party....I really hope it works out...and next time in in Philly for work I'll surely stop by.
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