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Everything posted by Jilly

  1. I went down to florida on a vacation with my sister, and we decide to take one of those 2 day trips to the bahamas..(only takes 20 mins to fly from f. lauderdale)... Had a blast..on the little plane ride back..seated in front of me was a high school friend (she was 2 yrs older thsn me) that I had not seen in 8 years! Whoa..that was a chance meeting! -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  2. I hate to say it..but I find it very difficult to date someone not into my music at this point...since it is something I am so passionate about, and spend much of my life's energy devoted to..be it at clubs, records stores, online, etc... I tried a few times...I did...just didn't work out.. I just feel..that other people who are into dance music are on the same wavelength in many ways...(significant other and friend alike) Yes..its horrible..but the times I am dragged to a bar/event etc and start talking to guys..and they tell me that they love Hootie and the Blowfish and Billy Joel..in my head goes..."instant disqualification"..just can't help it... -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  3. I am the sales manager for a computer consulting firm near Union Square...did not think I would end up in the tech field..but I love it! My new assistant told me she likes house music..I think I may have to educate her on what "real" house music is! -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  4. Hey backtobasics and JohnB... I just had to say...the "tall thin pretty boys who can dance who people may question" etc type...is the type of guy that always gets my attention.. I'll protect ya! ;-) -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  5. I can honestly say over the past few years, I have met many cool people from this board..and their friends..and so on and so on... I don't go out as much as I used to..but it always feels nice to know people wherever you may end up . Apotheosis..I like your name..is that referring to the group...? I think if I search I may find my apotheosis CD from way back when -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  6. Hey Rims... I would also like to know the answer to that question...(coming from someone who works in an office with 10 peeps)... -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  7. Hahaha..this is funny.. First pet...Roxie street....Essex lane Roxie Essex! hahahha that does sound like a believable porn name..but I reaaaaaaly do not look like a Roxie... ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  8. Yay..I found a better, smiling pic of me..I am usually not thst serious... That;s me on the left...with the long curly hair... -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  9. HAPPY B-DAY STEVE!!! Have a great day and have some fun!!@!#@! -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  10. Hi Robyn... Usually if you right click on pictures..you can save them to your hard drive...so go to one of the websites where your pic is..and try that -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  11. I don't want to scare anyone..so here's a teeny pic of me -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  12. I am sooo there -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  13. I love centro...big room dj's without the big-room drama.. www.centro-fly.com tells the line-ups I believe -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  14. bad roomies... how about when you are sick and dying of Mono..and your roommate's boyfriend comes into your room and tries to hunt down your painkillers!! -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  15. If you like those djs....you would also love Scott Bond and Matt Hardwick... too bad they never come here... As for producer...Oliver Lieb is the man -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  16. mine is smoknjilly I keep it on most of my day at work..figure..if I have to look at a damn screen for 8hrs...may as well have a little fun -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  17. Try melatonin....one every night before you go to bed...nature's sleep aid ;-) -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  18. Well...its pretty hard to come up with a nickname for Jill..so people started calling me Jilly a while back and it just stuck. They even call me that at work..because we have a Joe..and a Joel...which all sound just like Jill.. -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  19. I know right..hard to believe..but big name DJ's do play this horrible song.. I have a CD of Scott Bond/Matt Hardwick from australia..and they played it too..for a minute I thought someone screwed up the file I made my cd from..but no..they really did play it.. Almost as shocking as when PVD played "sexual" -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  20. What a shame..I never met him, but I believe I saw him (and heard his lovely accent) back at virgin mega store when S&D were there.. My deepest sympathies go out to all of you who knew him... -Jill ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  21. I was also there..dancin in front of the booth with ya.. There were a few posts about last friday down below..but I had said..it felt like the Twilo of old..not too packed...and people who were there for the music and to dance.. We got to talk to Seaman for a minute on the way in to Twilo and he is also a really nice guy... I had never experienced the cold air blasts before..and the first one took me totally by surprise! The cold felt great though.. I loved what slacker was playing..unfortunately my knee was giving out and I only got to hear the first part of his set... what time did it actually go till?? -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  22. I had mentioned this a few weeks ago..its true... symbol TWLO..I believe.. Someone on here was working on the deal at Merrill...as a matter of fact... I think it will do great...with the cd's coming out and everything... ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  23. oh..and didn't scorchio sound great on the Twilo system... ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  24. I had a great time too...reminded me of the Twilo of old...no BS..just people there into the music... -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
  25. I was just going to check my messages..of which I got one from a very messed up friend..so I decided I had to get over there before he did anymore damage..(I always seem to end up in the good samaritan role!) I was on my way back over to say good bye..and some dumb ass drunk guy grabbed my arm and would not let go ...by the time I got myself free I was just like..I gotta get outta here... It was nice hanging with you and your friend Steve...and meeting you Rebecca.. Mac...thanks for playin the tunes that bring back great memories..."I had a dream about a perfect love..." (now I can't get that out of my head!) -J ------------------ Music is the answer...to your problems......smoknjilly@aol.com
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