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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by stdiamante

  1. Actually suppose to be really nice this friday!!!!
  2. so what kinda of action can one look forward to?
  3. I was thinking about trying kazaalite over the weekend b/c i like the idea of movies and other files I need.. Kazza and Imesh just detroy computers.. The last thing I put on the computer was grokster.. thats what finished it off
  4. I was thinking about trying kazaalite over the weekend b/c i like the idea of movies and other files I need.. Kazza and Imesh just detroy computers.. The last thing I put on the computer was grokster.. thats what finished it off
  5. What does everyone use to d/l music?? Hey guys, What does everyone use to d/l music? I used to use Kazaa but all the extra shit it put on my computer destroyed and I had to blast the whole thing.. Then I tried Soulseek but it was always down or some other problem No I see kazaa lite and was wondering if anyone had any opinions.. Thanks guys
  6. Hey guys, What does everyone use to d/l music? I used to use Kazaa but all the extra shit it put on my computer destroyed and I had to blast the whole thing.. Then I tried Soulseek but it was always down or some other problem No I see kazaa lite and was wondering if anyone had any opinions.. Thanks guys
  7. Viagra's a big thing at rutgers.. been to a few parties where they were passed aroudn left and right
  8. always use a partner so theres never cleanup
  9. I can def say that he might have been at rutgers but as most nights there ..it was a blur
  10. anyone who goes to fridays/unos/ anything in time square... egh...
  11. try calling the store.. if was in mag or that movie might already be long gone..
  12. I def think they start to lose some of their punch.. I have had some for a while and they werent as good as when new
  13. if your gonna get REALLY Into it.. Check out buying protein in bulk online.. much cheaper and cleaner then buying EAS or soemthing at GNC
  14. how come pictures dont come up anymore?
  15. Theres a bunch of good gang bang videos with her on kazza
  16. stdiamante

    Beer Goggles

    I think my work blocks every fuckin website on the net except this one of course =)
  17. stdiamante

    Rough Sex..

    roughs good whatever side your on =)
  18. Virgin Whore Complex = tube steak and poop shoot victims
  19. I save all the kind of stuff.. Although I feel the last few years of life I havent really wanted to save anything new... The box is at my parents so far away I dont know why I bother keeping it
  20. Its good in a way for earth to end before it TOTALLY dies.... I heard that the pride party might be cancelled.. Mark Nelson (earth promoter) made a comment it was the end of earth
  21. he used to do these last minutre private parties on the roof of my apartment building.. pretty cool
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