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Everything posted by innuend0

  1. March 3rd = my birthday. What better way to celebrate than at a gatecrasher party. ------------------ Narrow Minds Lead Narrow Paths.
  2. Excellent sci-fi book: "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. Its the first book in a series. Currently reading some Robert Anton Wilson, for all those who know of him.
  3. http://enquirer.com/editions/2001/01/03/loc_rave_party_draws.html ------------------ Narrow Minds Lead Narrow Paths.
  4. I wonder if the editors are members of this message board. Levine posted a short article pertaining to one of our topics (rise of techno culture).
  5. My question is-- When is a NYC radio station going to start broadcasting drum and bass? Or do they already? Liquid Todd plays SOME, but not much.
  6. http://content.health.msn.com/content/article/1668.50965
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth. Tranceport I is legendary. ------------------ Narrow Minds Lead Narrow Paths.
  8. The Neverending Story I Labrynth Legend what other fantasy movies were there? ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  9. Sounds like the government can intervene on this one. Is that possible?
  10. http://www.digitalneurosis.com
  11. Attention: http://www.digitalneurosis.com Consequence or Coincedence?
  12. Just wanted you all to be aware of http://www.boobscan.com its artistic! ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  13. MUST.. KEEP..POST... ALIVE! ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  14. I was referring to your "at least, that's how I see. I could be wrong".. reminded me of Dennis Miller.. your logic is clear
  15. Good choice! What album is from? ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  16. Thank you Mr Dennis Miller. I agree that in our market economy the large corporate entities will strive for content that will produce the largest gains. Geographically speaking, however, the United States has no distribution obstacles. The rise of hip hop music has proven the inevitability of a successful future for electronic music. It appears to be the next logical progression that 'techno' related music take rise. ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  17. Say no to drigs! ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  18. You must be kidding me about clan members showing up... you are, right? The matzoh ball was definately a social event more than a night for dancing. ------------------ heroin = junkie ghb = suicidal coke = wealthy e = mc2
  19. Too bad I didnt know where to meet the people that were at the party. Although the music wasnt good I did meet lots of nice people.
  20. Marshall McLuhan explains: "the message of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs" .. and, "it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action". Therefore, without positive influence from mass the mass media (television and radio still being the primary outlets) the electronic music genre cannot push forward in popularity. Popularity is calculated by the impact of any given medium. However, we need not rely on these soon-to-be-outdated technologies to broadcast on a much larger scale. I believe that as the internet takes a greater presence in each of our lives, we can benefit from its interactivity on a much larger scale than we could with television or radio. One defines a revolution as a period of great change. The amount of people that are now connected to the internet is expanding at exponential rates, and could serve as the ultimate method of expression and experience. Bring forth the electronic music revolution in its natural state. It is the birthright of the subculture.
  21. nothing like provoking the imagination of the audience..
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