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Everything posted by djchris

  1. I personally goto the closet and get the winter glove with the fur inside. ------------------ It's all in the music
  2. I personally goto the closet and get the winter glove with the fur inside. ------------------ It's all in the music
  3. - Anybody Remember - ------------------ It's all in the music
  4. BLAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZED ------------------ It's all in the music
  5. Go with the Win2000. Unless your already NT4.0 certified. Another good route to learn is repackaging. Wise, SMS Installer, MSI, this for software distribution via SMS. There's a million ways to go in an IT Field. ------------------ It's all in the music
  6. Take Vitamins A, B-Complex, C(2000mg),E, Zinc, 2 Golden Seals, and drink 2-3 bottles of Water 2 hours before you go. Piss once or twice before, By the time you get there you'll be pissing Vitamin's and Spring Water. It worked 3 times for me. That's for Piss. Blood - Hair - Saliva, Don't know SOL. Piss is for drugs, alchol, etc. ------------------ It's all in the music
  7. Take Vitamins A, B-Complex, C(2000mg),E, Zinc, 2 Golden Seals, and drink 2-3 bottles of Water 2 hours before you go. Piss once or twice before, By the time you get there you'll be pissing Vitamin's and Spring Water. It worked 3 times for me. That's for Piss. Blood - Hair - Saliva, Don't know SOL. Piss is for drugs, alchol, etc. ------------------ It's all in the music
  8. I'm laughing my balls off!!!!!!! Nice :-) ------------------ It's all in the music
  9. WAAAASSSSSUUUPPP, No I'm in EPW. Livinston. Getting a peice of the Rock. Been hitting this board for about 2 1/2 years now. Have to work to make Art money. ------------------ It's all in the music
  10. I seen the crash and fire from Jersey. Turn on NBC - Al Roker is at the site now. ------------------ It's all in the music
  11. Jennhocat Prudential - IT Field - Can you hear the music - nnnts nnnts nnnts - ------------------ It's all in the music
  12. It's called fucking off and not getting caught. On top of having a T1 line and a new Dell OptiPlex GX110. Hey I'm even burning copies of CD's right now. :-) ------------------ It's all in the music
  13. My house is your house and your house is mine. Frankie Bones record store in Brooklyn. ------------------ It's all in the music
  14. Hey I just tried that Night Stick Trick. And the Cop just Whooped my Ass. ------------------ It's all in the music
  15. I agree with Tranza. If you insist on going ahead be careful - you can get in trouble or get someone else in trouble. Just lookin out!!! ------------------ It's all in the music
  16. I remeber getting whacked on a Saturday Night in '94 or '95 - Corbett in the main room. It was at a Strictly Rythm record release party I went to for Dave Carlucci and Junior Sanchez. I came out the Exit Door not realizing there were steps outside and Wallah I flew down the stairs face first into the hotdog cart. I'll never forget LL.
  17. Check with OuterLimits music or call them. www.outerlimitsmusic.com or Mondo Music in Rutherford NJ. Worth a try.
  18. You can see those stairs now at 480 Canal Street, The place is called Tribeca Rooftop. They installed by DOA Interriors. The glass blocks you see in the picture are available for $100.00 a peice. You can own a peice of The Palladium. E-Mail RIPDOA@AOL.com. No Lie.
  19. Pershoot - Got your address - Thanks
  20. skeemr4 - Yes that is me - Obsessions though isn't that small 800p capacity with about a 1,000 through the door, small compared to NYC. I left there in Nov after 10 years, to pursue this. If anyone is wondering who I am I'll give the names of the clubs I had a residency at: Jimmy's, Obsessions, MadHouse, Plum Crazy, but did guess spots at alot of other places. To get off that subject though - When the time comes we will talk with people we know that are promoter's and DJ's, and people that posted to this reply looking for work. Work that's gonna take alotta work. We do see alot of potential in both ways of going about this. Once again Thank you to everyone, I like to see what other people think. CC
  21. Tom/Parish, I don't know what name you go by. Thanks. I have everyone and everything saved. Been with ClubNYC for about 2 years and I back up thier work. I will advertise with ClubNYC too when the time comes. Thanks again. Chris
  22. I'll keep you in mind, I have your e-mail address. Mine is DJCHRISCAP@Yahoo.com
  23. The VIP Lounge at Exit. That little Balcony. I know someone who got action there and you know him too. I won't tell you here I'll e-mail you. There are 2 steps on doing it.
  24. Thanks man. Will post and keep in the loop.
  25. Yo Temp - Touchy subject - It's cool to see what people think. I have to say Mendez, Rydell, and the other guy's people mentioned from Jersey are real good. I'm personally friends with alot of them and give them a big pat on the back. They worked hard for it and are talented. NYC is a whole different ball league to NJ. I'm experiancing this myself - As I will be at a club this weekend in NYC doing a guest spot. I'm trying to feel it out and see if I have what it takes. On the NYC tip though - Friends of mine one night laughed at me cause I'm a big Jonathan Peter's fan. That night was the best night I ever had. Been to the Factory a 1000 times with them. They brought me to the booth to meet him, they are goods friends with him. I hung out up there for about 20 minutes and I'll never forget it. I love my fellow Jersey Peeps, but there's something about the NYC DJ's that's different. To end on a Happy note I will stand by our NJ DJ's and give them credit for pulling it off. Peace SuperMac.
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