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Everything posted by housedog

  1. You can have my sapce since I WONT BE THERE. It is over by the right speaker next to the booth. If u see anyone in it, tell them it is yours and give my name, They will MOVE 4 U.
  2. I would kill the perosn who did that to my kid or a kid I know. If the guy was caught, I would be one of those people who jump over the table in court and beat this mother fucker down.
  3. Alex I might this this up also, I like what Manny does when he opens for DT, so I am sure he wont dissapoint
  4. go to not all there site wwwdot r e d p l o w dotcom same shit as NJGUIDO
  5. I agree with you u should get your $$ back, but why do they have to over crowde the place to a point where u cant move or even dance? When is the fun in that? Also if u dont think $6 is alot for water you are fuckin crazy, a beer alone at avalon is $7 I have been to places where the water was between $2 and $4 and sometimes $5, and even that is alot. Also between you and MariaJ79, tell me one place that DT spun at where they raised the prices during the night? I been going out to DT parties for 7 years and this is the first time he advertised one price and I had to pay another. I am not talking about the bouncers and staff I am talking about the greedy bastards at the door that kept letting people in. Whatever I did make the best of it and was there till 10am, I just found a spot and danced, DT was at the top of his game that night. But it doesnt make up of all the shitty things that happenned and make me say cause DT was good I am going back to Crobar, I was there for DT only.
  6. Um the crowd is terrible when you are dancing and people walk into you like you are in their way and they dont even say sorry. When that constantly happens that means it is a bad crowd.
  7. Crobar is NOT a class act. Who gives a fuck that they are giving refunds that is what they should do. They raise door prices during the night from $30 on list and $40 at the door to $40 on list and $60 at the door. They also over crowd the place to where u cant fuckin move or even try to dance. And they charge $6 for a bottle of water. Place SUCKS I will never go back there
  8. FUK THAT I am stayin away from Crobar. The place sucks, first they raise the door prices during the night. They over crowd the place until u cant move. They charge $6 for fuckin water, WATER. And then the asshole bartenders thought it would be great to throw napkins in the air every 10 minutes. The floor was shot to shit everytime, I cleaned a spot to dance here come more napkins.
  9. I got therre around 4 and got in right before the fight. Was met with a $40 cover charge on guest list. WTF then went upstairs to coat check and stampeded on. Got inside and the place was so fockin crowded tthat it was IMPOSSIBLE to move. ROsa I looked for u and tony alot but I couldnt find anyone I knew. I was there till like 10am
  10. He is at Space on Tuesday nite for Meganite with SvEN vATH, Adam Beyer and Mauro Picotto. I wish I was going to that.
  11. I am going solo also, but will first be going to Avalon. Do you want to meet up around 4 am before we go in?
  12. I saw Aly-us at Foxes in Jersey City, when Follow Me first came out. They did te video for this that night while they performed live, I NEVER got to see the video though.
  13. Hey I am going to Hoebar, but most likely after Avalon.
  14. Not the nite at The Key when her CD she was spinning got stolen? Yo is the security going to be taken everything again like they did at last party? The took my chapstick and my gum but let me in with Either way this looks alot better (to me) than Cosmic Gate (I hate trance)
  15. HEY hope to c u there. Anyone going to Liebing first?
  16. I take you are one of those people who get all happy to be at a party with celebrities?
  17. Treat the records like you all ready own them, and want nothing to happen to them. You are not serious are you?
  18. Yea right, there have been numerous festivals planned in NYC the last few years and none never happenned. Some were pood planning, some were for no promotion and some just couldnt get their act together. I hope it does happen but i doubt it will.
  19. I know what u are sayin, I was buyim drinks too last nite time I got to the diner I was BROKE.
  20. Whish I could go to this, I all ready have plans. Maybe next time.
  21. Hello and dont let these people discourage you, everyone here is a ball buster. I am from Jersey, I like the NYC board better cause the Jersey Parties are all about pretty people and I guess (ashamed) I am not pretty enough.
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