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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Rob James killed it last night during his short sessions. I enjoyed him more than I did Jason. Rob's one of the most underrated, incredible fuckin djs in New York. I'm surprised he hasn't been as succesful as many other Long Island dj's. Overall, last night was one of the most magical evenings I've had all year. It felt so fuckin good to get a taste of the 1997 - 2000 CPI vibe again. I didn't think anyone was going to attend last night's party after I saw how it looked early on in the evening, but only two hours later I found myself intoxicated and, strangely enough, feeling fucking incredible. The vibe built up slowly and remained strong all night long. I didn't want last night to end at all, and I haven't felt that way in years. Last night was everything I wanted it to be. I danced until every muscle in my legs were sore. After leaving CPI, I decided to drive past Freedom just to take a look at it; doing so only made me more nostalgic. To all who were in attendance last night: you guys made the vibe incredible. Thank you for adding to a purely beautiful night. We sent CPI out with a bang. One more night remains. I will see you all there.
  2. I'm not surprised either. Like I said, Iliana, your reputation precedes you. I'm flattered, however, that you consider what I do to your words to be "devouring." But then again, you're nothing more than a light snack. Go back into hibernation. You're safer there.
  3. 4RealHouse, I'm sure you're squeezably and huggably soft - at least you seem so in the photos. How did John Holmes get those photos of you, 4real? Did you give them to him? Did you two know each other personally at one time? And why did you ask him to remove them? Also, how much do you weigh, approximately?
  4. rudeboyyouth

    3 somes

    How many women on this board have been penetrated by two men at the same time (one in the cunt and the other in the ass)?
  5. Patricia is a nice first name.
  6. Bree, if you do that Sunday night you'll not only be cold as cunt, but you'll also catch a cold.
  7. You seem to a be a little confused. I "give you a piece" of my mind not in hopes of shunning you away or even enticing you to stop posting, but rather, to kill any misconception you might have regarding what you post and why you post it. I could give a shit whether you change your life or methods of posting. You may try that "I-don't-give-a-shit, this-is-just-a- messageboard" bullshit, but your previous posts have made it more than obvious to readers of this board that you not only care about what is said to you, but you also take it to heart. You try asserting yourself, and when you aren't taken seriously (which is what usually happens), you resort to the Ilianic method of either cursing, crying, or suggesting that "this is a messageboard, and everyone is making a fuss over lil ol you." You've tried that shit in the past, but ultimately you've always resorted to shit spewing. Don't bother asserting how you could give a fuck what people on this board think - that's bullshit, and you know it. You've gone out of your way in the past to make readers of this board aware of your educational history as well as your courageous business ventures (why do that if you don't give a shit what people think of you?). Why not act the role of entrepreneur and show some integrity. Don't behave like the individual you think we've all forgotten (You know that girl who tried insulting others only to have her photo as well as location disclosed to the public like an asshole). Your reputation precedes you, Iliana. Sorry.
  8. I would like to hear Eddie Baez back at Factory, either on a Friday or Saturday evening.
  9. Try the "Circuit Party" cds. They are usually available in the dance music section of any Coconuts, Wall, FYE, or major music store. I think there are 8 Circuit party compilations available, each of which is mixed pretty well. Each compilation has a bottle of water on its cover. My friend picked up volume 8, which is mixed by Dj Escape. I've listened to it, and it's not a bad compilation at all. For a commercial compilation, it does have some pretty good songs on it. Also, each volume is a double cd compilation.
  10. Read the post a little more carefully next time, Ili. Every so often (when the topic is trivial, as I've stated) you decide to pop out of the wood work and assert yourself. Realistically speaking, that's the only time you can really assert yourself without being made fun of or dismissed. When a serious discussion (something other than this obviously trivial topic) arises, your assertions turn out to be nothing more than useless, misinformed statements that serve only to embarass you. It has little do with "content" (as you stated) and more to do with the quality of your words. In the past you've made several sad attempts to be taken seriously, and those attempts were either snickered at or dismissed alltogether in light of your stupidity. But, in true Ilianic form, you fight on, and continue to spew bullshit from your mind (bullshit that only your proctologist could possibly find the root of). Sadly enough, when all is said and done, you're still Iliana. That must really suck. Remember, typing useless shit isn't necessarily an answer; rather, it's a habit that needs to be broken if you wish to be succesful in a world that is obviously kicking you in the ass. Good luck P.S. Learn how to put on your makeup before you start spewing more shit from that trap.
  11. You let the neighbor borrow the ladder? lol. I will be in attendance on Saturday night, and here are some requests for Jason: 1) Let's Go All The Way - React (Johnny Vicious dub) 2) The Chocolate Track '99 - Whachamacalit 3) Lightning - Future Primitive (PLEEEEEASE play this shit) 4) Darkside - Future Primitive (NY mix, I believe) 5) The Drums - Cosmic Gate 6) The Buildup - Razor'n Guido 7) Dolphins - S.O.L.I.S. 8) Flesh is the Fever (or Fever of Force) - the Horrorist
  12. Iliana, Every so often you pop out of the wood-work to assert yourself, and strangely enough, your assertions are usually in response to something trivial (that's the only time you can really flex any form of psychological muscle). Yet, when a true discussion takes place, your response usually seems more ignorant than anything, and is usually chock full of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misstatements. Thus, whatever it is that you say seems worthless because of your inability to convey your ideas like someone who actually went to Harvard University (as you say you did). You are consistently stupid (I guess you deserve credit for at least being consistent in that right). You may dig yourself out from all of the cow shit every so often to post on this board, but don't ever believe for one second that your posts, regardless of what they state or imply, will ever redeem you from your constant and continuous fuck-ups on this board (as I've already pointed out to you in previous posts). Other than that, I hope things run well with your business ventures. How's "Escobar Realty" going? Good luck
  13. I love Culture Club. Thank God for Culture Club.
  14. Great idea to bring in Dj Rob James. Both You and Rob created some of the nastiest nights in the Hamptons, making the afterhours there something to be remembered. Freedom used to be such a sick spot, with a clique of Long Island's best dj's constantly passing through. I miss the vibe of that fuckin place. Before the afterhours at Freedom got fucked up, it was probably my favorite spot in New York. I used to travel out there all the way from Queens just to enjoy the afterhours. Anything went in that place, and there will never be another afterhours spot with that type of vibe again.
  15. CPI on Sunday. I noticed on the promo card for CPI saturday that Rob James will be one of the guest dj's. I haven't heard him spin live since Freedom afterhours. He's one of the best dj's on long island. I might have to check it out. Has anyone ever heard the track "Dolphins" by S.O.L.I.S. I think it was released under Alien, and was produced, either in whole or in part, by Rob James. I don't remember coming across it. I hope the afterhours on Sunday run late at CPI.
  16. Any reviews? How was the decor? How were the shows? How was the music most of the evening?
  17. I like to get tongue fucked in the butt. She says she likes how may ass crack is warm, hot, and tangy. I'm only kidding.
  18. If you can, take the defensive driving course before you appear in court (if you have to go to court). Taking the course usually takes up to 4 points off of your license. You can also take the course every so often. This may also make a difference in the eyes of the judge.
  19. I just got back from seeing Freddy v. Jason. I was a bit dissapointed to see that, overall, Jason seemed to take a little more of a beating than Freddy did. Jason is the stronger of the two, and should have dominated a little bit more. Jason's fear of water was a bit far fetched as well. I can't remember how many times he's risen from, killed and waited under the water in previous Friday the 13ths.
  20. As a die-hard Jason fan, I feel obligated to go check the movie out. How are Jason's killings compared to Freddy's? More gruesome / brutal? Does Jason seem like the old Jason, or is there something that seems different about him. I may go check it out this afternoon.
  21. I've never had any quibbles with what Corbo plays on Saturday nights. I frequented WH up until the summer of '99, and Corbo's mixing and track selection were always on point.
  22. Jin, I feel the same way. However, I forced myself to stick to pipes because of the unneeded cigar muck that made its way into my lungs. Although convenient and much easier to smoke, cigars are just too disgusting to bear.
  23. The removal of the vip section from in front of the dj booth sounds like an incredible idea. Thank Goodness. I hope the afterhours lasts long enough.
  24. He's not gay. He knows how to occupy his time wisely, take care of himself, find the drama of bullshit shows intriguing, and spend money, but he's not gay.
  25. .....who prefer smoking out of pipes: Do you prefer: a) metal ceramic c) glass d) wood e) other (specify) If possible, please provide a brief explanation as to why you prefer a certain type of pipe.
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